25 May

Susan Boyle Makes it To Semi-Finals and Now On To Finals

Susan Boyle sang in Britains got Talent semi-finals yesterday.
Her first appearance on the show broke the internet record for most views in one week. This dear lady has grabbed the hearts of millions around the world. She deserves all good things to come her way.
After she sung what you see on this video from the semi-finals , Susan Boyle makes the FINALS, meaning she will sing again in the contest’s final next Saturday.


Wild Thing’s comment………
God bless her and I hope she wins. It feels good to cheer on someone so well deserving. It also feels good
to have such a happy story to share with all of you.

Lynn says:

I hope so too. For all the so called Ugly ducklings out here who don’t have bodies like Madonna or Christina Aguilera or Angelina Jolie. It’s time that people realized-it’s not what you look like, but if you have the talent, you’re going to go places unbelievable.
I’d rather be friends with Susan. She seems so sweet.

James M says:

Lynn is so right Chrissie….She is truly blessed.

Mark says:

Susan Boyle is a definite talent.

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, I agree so much, they had to
apologize to her because that is just
what they did the first time. They took
one look and snickered.

Wild Thing says:

James M., she she really is.

Wild Thing says:

Mark,yes she is a powerful singer.