Please CLICK HERE to go to a tribute to our Flag.
A Tribute to our Flag. by Bob Thompson, Retired Military Veteran, Panama City, Florida
Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is wonderful and I like how he added music with it, Elvis is singing “America The Beautiful”.
….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Excellent! God Bless Old Glory and what she stands for.
It’s a grand ole flag indeed. Especially when you have been away from home for awhile. Oh, yeah, there are flags on the ships, and we all served but when coming home to the United States, and the first thing you see, that you can make out is land, flat land of the North Carolina coast, a little closer and it grows right out of the water. It was getting on toward evening and the Sun was in the west, then you see the Flag at Moorehead City where we would disembark, but that flag so high above the ground and the Sun was shining on that flag waving in the sea breeze, and you can smell land too, but that flag the Stars and stripes highlighted by the Sun, says, welcome home Marine. Of all the sites I remember that was the most beautiful site, the first time I saw that flag like that. And each time after that it was a treat to look forward to.
Tom and Mark, I love our Flag so much.
I really think we have the best one
in all the world.
Mark, that is so beautifull what you