Gibbons criticizes Obama over denied meeting request
Las Vegas Sun
Gov. Jim Gibbons said today that President Obama has denied his request to meet with him in Las Vegas later this month.
The governor had sent the president a letter last month saying he wanted to discuss the economic difficulties facing the state’s tourism industry.
Gibbons said today that he was notified Obama won’t meet with him while the president is in Las Vegas on May 26 for a fundraiser for Sen. Harry Reid.
“I am disappointed at the hypocrisy shown by this administration,” Gibbons said in a prepared statement. “President Obama is coming to Las Vegas later this month for a political fundraiser, but he will not help the struggling families in Las Vegas and Nevada who are out of work because of his reckless comments.”
Gibbons is referring to comments Obama made earlier this year regarding business trips to Las Vegas by companies receiving federal bailout money.
“This is politics, pure and simple, President Obama stood for change, but all he has done is brought negative economic change to Nevada,” Gibbons said.

Obama plans massive Vegas fund raiser for Reid
LA Times
Obama plans Las Vegas getaway to help Harry Reid get big money
Harry Reid’s no slouch in the fundraising department, with $3.3 million already on hand for next year’s reelection campaign, which has thus far drawn lots of press too. And no viable opponent from the state’s battered Republican Party. Still, in politics these days you can never have too much money, as someone showed last fall by raising $750 million, which is even more than those outrageous AIG bonuses.
Though the Democratic Senate majority leader’s May 26 fundraiser at the Colosseum at Caesars Palace will feature Strip headliner Midler and songstress Crow, the biggest draw will be the commander in chief himself.
All in the name of Money.
Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman is still huffing and puffing over an offhand remark in which Obama appeared to link Sin City to corporate excess.
Well, now that they have finished the $357,012 taxpayer-funded photo op over the Statue of Liberty, Air Force One is coming to the capital of neon with the somewhat-less-new president, who’ll become the fundraiser in chief at least for a night.
Goodman recently said that, during Obama’s trip, he’s hoping “somebody places me close to him so I can get him to do the right thing and tell people that he recognizes Las Vegas as a great spot for serious meetings.”
And what better way for a new Democratic administration to symbolize cutting out excess in a time of hardship for millions of Americans than to hold a mega-fundraiser in Las Vegas, that urban personification of understatement, for a guy with millions in hand already and no one to spend it against?
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Part of Democrat Mayor Goodman’s letter to Obama back in February:
“Las Vegas hosts 22,000 meetings and six million business travelers annually for an economic impact of $8.5 billion.
“The assumption that all meetings, event and incentive travel are wasteful is wrong. Now more than ever, we need businesses to ravel and hold meetings and events. As we move forward, I would caution all federally elected officials to use temperance in their comments. Failure to deed the principles will damage an entire industry, and select cities, causing people to lose their jobs and homes,” wrote Goodman.
Yep that is what Obama has caused, unemployment went up, homes put up for sale, and bankruptcies.
Obama is UN-American and hasn’t a clue how the economy works, but he sure as heck knows how to destroy our economy, discourage travel to resorts for business meetings which has always been a huge plus for the economy in Vegas, Atlantic City and other places.
Now he snubs the Gov. of Nevada!
I like the girlie picture. Guess which one is the “real” woman.
That’s because the governor is a Republican. Maybe the people of Nevada will pull their collective heads out of their butts and vote Reid out of office.
I am glad to see Gov. Gibbons call Obama out on the snub. Maybe Gibbons could run against Reid.
Bipartisanship!!! Bravo Gov. Gibbons.
From what I hear, Gibbons is an asshole even if he has an (R) after his name. If he had any balls, he’d refuse AF One permission to land @ McCarran or the local AF Base.
QUOTE: “Now he snubs the Gov. of Nevada!”
No, Obama has now not only snubbed the entire state of Nevada, he has also truly disrespected all the residents of Nevada, especially the residents of Las Vegas.
Here in Las Vegas, we have nearly the highest foreclosure rate in the Nation.
We have nearly the highest unemployment rate in the Nation (at least in the top 5 if I remember correctly).
We have an extremely high homeless rate now (but we always had some high homeless levels) however, there are talking of turning a deserted building/lot into a homeless camp area to get them off sleeping and camping on the sidewalks near the Salvation Army. The street there is lined every night with tents, nearly two blocks on both sides.
We have costs of living that are near NYC levels although we have no state taxes, so that should give you an idea of the price of goods.
There have been recent reports of a sharp increase in bankruptcies lately.
The stock values of the casnios is nearly nill.
You can not go out anywhere without being panhandled in a parking lot (grocery stores, retail outlets, etc) without being panhandled at least once if not twice. This is now a new part of daily life here. Many streetcorners and stoplights now have people standing doing permanent panhandling (which is legal in Clark county. As long as they are not in the street when the light turns green, they are allowed to walk in traffic while the light is red).
There is an epidemic of animals being left behind by people when they move. Not long ago on an area on the West side of town where there was a new developement, construction stopped and most if not nearly all the houses were foreclosed on. Residents left their cats behind. Nearby in an empty field, the cats begain to live. Animal control went in and captured the animals, which some reports state numbered near 200. All were put to sleep.
Many medical clinics have also started to close, leaving residents with few options, if any, for affordable health care.
And our wonderful electric company, NV Energy who has had a rate increase 3 times a year for the past three years, has petitioned the PUCO for an 17% rate increase for residential beginning in September 2009. NV Energy has also asked for a 33% increase for the water turbines at the water plants, so it will only be a matter of time before the water rates also increase.
Thanks Obama for the change……………….to poverty.
SSgt Steve, Former Nevada Resident, haha that was funny.
I am a former Nevada resident too.
BobF., I too hope they realize it is the dem Harry
Reid and their Obama that have done all
of this. Yes Obama is not going to meet with
the Gov. because he is a Rep. that is the
kind of low life Obama is. He is beyond
Tom, I agree, I am glad the Gov. pointed
out what Obama is like.
Jack, I agree, we need to be glad he
spoke up. Too many Republicans stay
silent about Obama.
cuchieddie (DHS suspected terrorist)),
you are right, Gibbons is an asshole.
I do have to give him credit for being
ticked at Obama for what he has done
though. Gibbons has done a lot of bad
things. But Obama needs to understand
he is President of all of America not
his hand picked kiss up to him jerks.
Obama would have met with Crist here
in Florida or Arnie in Calif. because
they kiss Obama’s butt. augh
I can’t stand our Gov. Crist.
Steele, I will have to read your
comment to my husband. This is horrible
and thank you so much for telling us how
bad it is there.
We moved to Vegas in 1997 and left 2003.
We lived in an area called Summerlin.
It was wonderful except I could not
handle the heat.
That is absolutley horrible what has
happened and I blame Obama and the idiots
that voted for the POS. There was enough
information for people to know what he
would be like.
I blame Obama and all the people that
voted for him.
Thank you so much for the information
and I hope somehow it survives.
It is such a great place to visit and
has wonderful hard working people