19 May

Bill Clinton to Be Named U.N. Haiti Envoy

Bill Clinton Voodoo doll , this is very funny! LMAO

Bill Clinton to Be Named U.N. Haiti Envoy: Officials
ABC news
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon plans to name former U.S. President Bill Clinton as his special envoy to Haiti, U.N. officials said on Monday, in a move that could attract investment in the Western Hemisphere’s poorest nation and help stabilize the country.
“The announcement is expected to come soon,” one U.N. official told Reuters on condition of anonymity. The official said a formal announcement could come as early as Tuesday.
Clinton, who has galvanized efforts to help the impoverished Caribbean nation recover from the devastating impact of four hurricanes last year, accompanied Ban on a trip to Haiti earlier this year.
Several other diplomats confirmed the appointment of the former president, who is trying to help Haiti through his Clinton Global Initiative foundation.


Wild Thing’s comment…………
An appropriate appointment for our first black President. LOL He is going to be the ambassador to the country he invaded.
Isn’t there rampant AIDS in Haiti? Slick Willie better have his interns’ health screened.
Bill Clinton is a traitor, he should be in prison for selling our nuclear secrets to the chicoms and North Koreans. It’s a shame that both he and his wife are still walking the streets .

Lynn says:

Maybe they’ll turn him into a zombie, like in the Serpent and the Rainbow! Oh wait, he already is a zombie. Too late!
He should be in prison. He perjured himself, too. Why is it that they can lie all they want, but if a conservative lies, they throw everything and the kitchen sink at them? What a stinky double standard!

Mark says:

Has Clinton accepted this post ? That is sort of a low-ball job for a former President isn’t it. Maybe they feel in Haiti he can do little damage and what damage he does won’t be reported anyway. I mean Haiti is lower than a third world country. It like being sent to the basement to clean the toilet only to find out the Tennants have been using the deep sink instead.
This might be Hillary’s way of getting even with this SOB.

Bill McNutt says:

I’m really surprised Hillary is letting him accept the appointment. Given his proclivities, he’ll probably bring home more than he left with.

TomR says:

Didn’t Bill Clinton save Haiti? He sent them a new leader and a bunch of money. So Haiti must be a wonderful and prosperous paradise now.

Jack says:

‘Papa Doc’ Clinton, Wow!! Haiti now has our first black president, nice appointment Dingle-Barry. Still thinkin’ with yer dipstick eh, laddy? Imagine the terrific pain for GHWB to lose his second son for a while. In his majesty’s service, (Dufus) Duty calls, ahem!!!
Vince Foster must be looking down and laughing at the irony of all this.
Hope ya catch some, Slick Willie 🙂 Really!!!

Imagine him sloshing through Port au Prince’s open sewers
to pick up his “reste-avec”(live-in slave)
Haiti openly practice slavery, as always, as for the “slave”,
the choice is die of hunger tomorrow
or of misery next year, the perennial fate of the slaves.
Perv Clinton probably ASKED for the assignment…

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, LOL yes he is a zombie already. good one
I am so tired of the double standard.

Wild Thing says:

Mark,great analogy!
“It like being sent to the basement to clean the toilet only to find out the Tennants have been using the deep sink instead.”
I am not sure if he accepted or not, it was
supposed to be announced today so we will

Wild Thing says:

Bill McNutt, I guess Hillary wants him
as much as possible out of her life.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, yes he can enjoy has paradise.heh heh

Wild Thing says:

Jack, LOL good one.
Yes Vince Foster would have a good
laugh at this.

Wild Thing says:

Ming_the_Merciless, yes that is possible
too, that he asked for this one.