Rumsfeld Greeted by Screams of ‘War Criminal’ at White House Correspondents’ Dinner
Wild Thing’s comments………..
To bad it isn’t’ ok to shoot the Code Pinko’s on sight.
Code Pinko’s Medea Benjamin and Desiree.
The tall dark haired one, Desiree, is the same one who confronted Condi Rice at a subcommittee hearing …with bloodied hands.
So why aren’t they calling for Obama’s impeachment. He failed to live up to his campaign promise to the lefties to immediately pull troops out of Iraq. He has escalated our use of rockets into Pakistan, and he’s increasing the number of personnel nn Afghan. Clearly, a war criminal to the Code Pinko’s!
What a bunch of commie losers.
Now that’s real torture. The CIA should tape them and play it over and over again when they want info from a terrorist.
That’s not free-speech (peaceable assembly and all that) – it’s harassment. And a reporter’s wet dream.
Civility has followed common sense down the road, luggage in hand.
I agree, that goes beyond free speech and it is harassment..these people should be arrested for creating a public nuisance and being on private property…where was the security??
What a contrast. Two Code Pink whackos make more disruption than a thousand Tea Party participants.
Are these Code Pinkers all lesbians? I can’t visalize any man maying one of these screechers.
Are these Code Pinko’s on Napolatano’s Terrorists list ?
See Also: His Precious, Bush’s Own Anti-Torture Memo To Be Released, “An Arrest Warrant for George W. Please!”, The absolutism of Cheney, Rumsfeld’s Lair, Rumsfeld Greeted by Screams from Code Pinko’s, Code Pink Circus Freaks Lau…
Pure leftist harassment. Ultra protected, spoiled non-contributing whiners all of them!!! None of those bitches spent a second cradling a wounded American, nary a band-aid, they spent all their waking moments attacking their protectors and aiding our enemies, I’ll bite my tongue once more rather than lower myself to their level.
“Nearly all of us cried in Nam. None of us whined. Men and women cry. Puppies and spoiled brats whine. ” – Captain William Van Zanten, 2nd Bn 4th Marines “The Magnificent Bastards”