There are more than 10,000 mothers in the U.S. military who are celebrating this day in Iraq.
On this special day Mothers Day, all the best to those who have served, who are serving as I write this, and who are preparing to serve in the U.S. military. A special prayer of thanks for all the mothers who are not with their families this Mother’s Day because they are serving and protecting in the military.
And to all of you that are mothers and are not in the military Happy Mothers Day to you too.
From everyone here at Theodore’s World
~ Wild Thing


Tech. Sgt. Tracey McArdle of Edinboro embraced her son, Tyler, 7, minutes before being deployed

U.S. Army National Guard Capt. Monica McGrath, 29, a communications specialist at Camp Speicher, a U.S. base near Tikrit, 80 miles north of Baghdad


To all the mommies who serve, have served, and are mommies of those serving, you have my respect. My sister TJ is one tough cookie. She has a Navy Seabee, An Army mechanic, an Army truck driver and one headed to the Naval Academy. She has a will of iron steel and the gentleness of a new born lamb. These mommies are heroes too. They wait for word that their spouses and children are safe and well cared for and start to bite fingernails when a few days go by without word. God Bless the military mommies!!!!!!!!
To all Blue Star Moms, Happy Mother’s Day!!!!!!
At my house she has been a Navy Wife and an Army Mom. The oldest son is a SSGT in the Army Reserve.
Happy Mothers day to all the Mothers who have served and are serving. To all the Mothers who waited for their sons and daughters to come home and some didn’t. To those Gold Star Moms a very special “Happy Mothers Day”. Other than that there is nothing that can be said to soothe the pain of losing your son or daughter in the service of their country but that they will always stand watch over You.
God bless Mothers everywhere.
Happy Mother’s Day to all. Especially to mothers who are serving and to the mothers of those who are serving.
I echo Mark’s fine words to the Gold Star Mothers and to the mothers who are widows.
Happy Mother’s Day everyone. Mark, it couldn’t be expressed any better, thank you.
Let’s not forget those wonderful nurses who tirelessly work to bring our men and women home at the expense of their own families.
Happy Mother’s Day to all that are away from their children supporting our cause in a strange land. Hope for you all to reunite with your loved ones soon.
Lynn, God bless your sister and protect
those of her and your loved ones.
Mark, that was so perfect, thank you.
Mark, that was perfect! As a mom that has two sons in the Marine Corp, one who is currently in Iraq, it is difficult to have them call briefly, at any time, but especially on Mother’s Day! so for the moms that are serving our country my thoughts and prayers go out to you! To be so far away and know that your little ones, or not so little ones, are thinking of you, but not with you, is not easy!
I had this defense mechanism that I developed in Viet Nam. I was a loner so I had to figure out what to do to not get excited when my helicopter was under fire. I started imagining one of those window shades that you could pull the string and it would roll up real fast. I’d imagine pulling down the curtain and just cut off everything but the business at hand and all was fine..
I kind of cringed and let Mother’s Day pass. Ten years ago this June, my dad, in a bipolar rage, beat my Mother to death.
When I got the phone call, I immediately saw in my mind’s eye that my hand was pulling down the old curtain… thing was, my arm was wearing a dirty, skinny old green flight suit sleeve, complete with the velcro strap. From that point, I just went home, washed some clothes, packed a suit and headed for Utopia, Tx. where my folks lived. Never shed a tear to this day.
The crappy stuff “Down South” as an 18 year-old prepared me for the worst at a later age.
Talk about wonderful Mothers… Granny had six children when my Granddad was shot to death. She had to trade her milc cow and Granddad’s saddle for money to take his body back to Arizona for burial. There’s pictures on my blog about him and why he wanted to be buried in Az. Granny had 9 kids including twin boys, twin girls and twin boy & girl and outlived one of them.
Lots of violence on one side, I like to think my Mother gave me the peaceful countenance from her side of the family. She helped found and build her community’s little Catholic Church and she ended up being the first funeral service there.
My mother was caring for her mother-in-law, a wonderful old Granny to me. Last year my daughter in Calif. named her baby for them both “Katharine Frances.” They would have both been thrilled. K-Fran is a living tribute to my Mother and Granny.
I sure do miss them now. I find myself almost reaching for the phone to tell one of them something or ask for advice. It’s hardest when you realize you are the last… the olderst.
Billy Ray, you are a good man and I think
you said it best, you have the peaceful
countenance from your Mothers side of the
family. I am so glad we got to meet at
this little blog of mine. Thank you for
being here Billy Ray.
Thank YOU for this blog.
Hopefully the bad stuff makes us stronger.
I know there were good folks like you back here in the 60s. That’s what it’s all about!