White House aide Louis Caldera loses job over Manhattan flyover fiasco involving Air Force One
NY Daily News
The White House aide who okayed the $328,835 Air Force One photo-op flight around the Statue of Liberty last week was sacked Friday.
President Obama accepted the resignation of Louis Caldera, director of his military office, after an internal probe found Caldera disregarded recommendations the public be notified about the trip.
Initially, plans called for warning New Yorkers in advance a military aircraft would be in the air. Instead, the military office decided to react to media inquiries, not to make a prior announcement, according to the review by Jim Messina, White House deputy chief of staff.
“The FAA warned the military office that the media needed to be advised of the flight,” said an administration source. “There were red flags.”
Caldera’s office insisted the flyover was a “classified” mission.
The review also discovered concerns about the plan in e-mails that Caldera said he did not open for days because he was taking pain medication for severe back spasms.
The low-flying aircraft scared some people on the ground and in buildings, fearing another 9/11 attack. An F-16 fighter jet, which took the photo, trailed Air Force One in the skies above New York and New Jersey, adding to the drama.
A prominent Republican official who specializes in damage control said: “This is a message from [chief of staff] Rahm Emanuel that you won’t be fired for a mistake or a policy disagreement – but you will be fired for embarrassing the President. That’s a good, strong message that needed to be sent.”
Federal officials notified Mayor Bloomberg’s office and NYPD officials in advance, but Bloomberg was not informed, infuriating the mayor.
“We deeply regret the anxiety and alarm that resulted from this mission,” Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said in a letter to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Oh, okay. He resigns and that makes it all better…sure. Nice Timing: Friday, end of the week, when news viewing is at its lowest. I wonder if any of the Sunday shows will touch upon this….doubt it. The White HOuse released this bit of news and also his trip to speak to his fellow Muslims in Cairo, both stories, late on a Friday.
Nope not good enough, Hussein made the decision and gave the order. Caldera is his fall guy. IMO Last fall I saw a special on TV all about Air Force One. It was really interesting, it was a tour of the plane, most of it and the pilot gave the tour and answered questions. That plane does not leave the cement unless the President knows about it as well as his SS. The SS and the President still has to approve any of Air Force One or Air Force Two’s flights.
Obama’s fall guy. No way do I believe this guy is responsible for the ‘trip over NY’; just, merely, taking orders. And Obama says he didn’t know. Like his bow wasn’t a bow, and his counterfeit BC is real, etc. Louis went to West Point while Hussein Obama rolled around the streets of chicago ‘thug style’.
Yep. This was Obama’s fall guy for sure. I wonder if Obamanation and Rahm “Imhotep” sat in the Oval office and giggled about it like two 3rd grade boys on the playground. They have no clue how much this scared and hurt people’s feelings. Maybe they should be charged with a hate crime, huh?
I wonder how much it cost to paint the “look alike”. I wonder who was on board. I wonder if some of the big campaign $$ supporters were on board. If so, I have my suspicions as to who was on board for the “free” ride. My biggest question is WHY do I have to wonder when this administration has promised to be so “transparent”?
The Bush bashers are already saying, “No one would have been fired”. Well, DUH, there was no fly over during the Bush administration as someone claimed in my reading this morning.
I’d like to see ALL photos released–especially the photos of the passengers boarding–close-ups.
You’re absolutely right in that it will take someone with a lot more power than an aid to get that aircraft airborne. You can bet that when that aircraft taxied on the tarmac, the pilots believed the President authorized that flight.
Louis Caldera joins a very crowded area under Obama’s bus. Actually, all of us Americans have been thrown under that bus. It is just that some day trippers haven’t figured that out yet.
A convenient scapegoat. Pretending not to know about a stunt of this magnitude is unbecoming of the Bedouin TOTUS who almost surely had to authorize or ordered it. Since when is the truth relevant with Democrats? Everything they do is a lie. Clintons??? Pelosi???
Here’s that responsibility issue again. The fall guy is some poor schlep, who was following orders, and probably obama’s. When they realized that is scared the hell out of NYC…There was a sigh…Oooo Shit. Quick find me someone to blame.
Of course being a good Chicago soldier he falls on berry’s sword. How convenient.
Lynn, LOL yess let’s charge them with a
hate crime.
I hope the New Yorkers remember what they
did and hold them to it the next time they
vote. Bush would never have done such a thing.
idgy, Obama saying transparent was all
part of his lies.
That would be great, yes I wonder who
got to go on the tax payers ride.
BobF., thank you, I bet the pilots got
upset about doing this flight.
Tom, Hahahahha yes it is really getting
crowded under Obama’s bus.
Jack, I agree, I really and truly believe
a democrat is unable to tell the truth.
Mark, bet that is just how it happened.
I would love for Obama ot have a future
gaffe about how he is in charge and the
only one that can give the ok for AF One
flights. heh heh