Tiger Woods’ Speech at the Barack Obama ‘We Are One’ Event
Tiger Woods received an invitation to speak at Obama’s inauguration. His inviters were stunned when he did not deliver the message they expected. You will see why the media swept it under the rug with no further ado.
Below is the text of his speech, entitled: “You’ll Never Walk Alone,”
“I grew up in a military family — and my role models in life were my Mom and Dad, Lt. Colonel Earl Woods.
My dad was a Special Forces operator and many nights friends would visit our home. They represented every branch of service, and every rank. In my Dad, and in those guests, I saw first hand the dedication and commitment of those who serve. They come from every walk of life. From every part of our country. Time and again, across generations, they have defended our safety in the dark of night and far from home.
Each day — and particularly on this historic day — we honor the men and women in uniform who serve our country and protect our freedom. They travel to the dangerous corners of the world, and we must remember that for every person who is in uniform, there are families who wait for them to come home safely.
I am honored that the military is such an important part, not just of my personal life, but of my professional life as well. The golf tournament we do each year here in Washington is a testament to those unsung heroes. I am the son of a man who dedicated his life to his country, family and the military, and I am a better person for it.
In the summer of 1864, Abraham Lincoln, the man whose memorial we stand, spoke to the 164th Ohio Regiment and said: “I am greatly obliged to you, and to all who have come forward at the call of their country.”
Just as they have stood tall for our country — we must always stand by and support the men and women in uniform and their families.
Thank you, and it is now my pleasure to introduce the U.S. Naval Glee Club.”
Tiger Woods’ two-minute tribute to the military at the Inaugural Celebration in Washington, D.C. was an honor to hear. You know he was greatly pressured to be there. Liberals have been mad at him for a decade for not joining their ranks. You know he didn’t want to be there. So instead of paying homage to Obama, he paid tribute to our soldiers.
Not one time did he mention Obama, the inauguration or the new administration.
He knew beforehand that his stated love for America, and his appreciation for our military men & women would anger them further.
But Tiger is his own man; his father taught him to be his own man. He is undaunting in his praise for America.
Wild Thing’s comment………
I have no idea what Tiger’s politics may or may not be. I would assume he was an Obama supporter. I love that in his speech he did not mention Obama at all. That had to be intentional. I have always respect Tiger for never getting on the Angry Black racialist bandwagon. I like how he refused to become the great Obama’s praise singer and used his time to speak up for our men in uniform.
I just wonder if McCain’s stupid team even asked Tiger to speak during their campaign, if they reached out to him at all, or were too busy letting the media go after Palin was more important to them.
…..Thank you BobF, for sending this to me.
1973 – 1999
Tiger Woods acted the dignified gentleman that has made him so popular. He stands in contrast to so much of the garbage we hear from celebrities. I appreciate his salute to our troops.
Well there was a ‘joke’ that came out after the immaculation, that said, 1 million people watch Obama and only 14 missed work.
Tiger woods must’ve thought he was somewhere else for he gave credit to our Military and his father who was also Military…Good for Him.
Tom, yes he could have takekn a different
route and turned a lot of people off. He
may have voted for Obama I am not sure
but he sure didn’t swoon over him.
I love when people have a chance to
speak publically and they use it to thank
our military and our Veterans.
Mark, LOL I love that joke it is funny
but it also makes a very important point
at the same time.