White House drops plan to bill disabled veterans for care
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The Disabled American Veterans today commended the Obama administration for backing down from a controversial proposal that would force private insurance companies to pay for the treatment of military veterans who suffered service-related disabilities and injuries.
The proposal that had been considered as part of the president’s budget would require private insurance companies to reimburse the Department of Veterans Affairs in such cases. But the idea was unanimously opposed by the DAV and other leaders of the veterans community who were invited to the White House Monday to discuss the plan directly with President Obama. Veterans were again united in opposing the plan in a follow-up meeting with White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel Wednesday.
The decision to drop the idea was announced by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi at a meeting with veterans groups after the meeting with Emanuel.
“The president was very open and candid when he met with veterans groups earlier this week, and we are pleased that he has heard our concerns and taken them to heart,” said Washington Headquarters Executive Director David W. Gorman. “Our message to the president was simple and direct: that our government must not abandon its moral responsibility to the men and women who have sacrificed so much for our freedoms.”
“Now that this ill-advised proposal is off the table, the DAV looks forward to working with the administration and Congress on crafting a good budget that will include sufficient appropriated dollars to cover veterans’ health care needs,” Gorman said. “We also urge the president to fulfill his pledge to include advance appropriations for veterans health care in his budget submission.”
A top priority for the DAV and other groups is passage of the recently introduced Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act. The measure would authorize Congress to approve VA medical care appropriations one year in advance of the start of each fiscal year. The legislation also would add needed transparency to the process by having the Government Accountability Office review and report on the VA budget request.
“This budget reform legislation would ensure sufficient, timely and predictable funding for veterans’ health care. It has the added benefit of making government more efficient, transparent and accountable. These are three key elements that President Obama, Congress and veterans all agree are needed in these challenging times. And if enacted in conjunction with the fiscal year 2010 budget, advance appropriations for 2011 would not add one dime to the 2010 deficit,” Gorman said.
The 1.2 million-member Disabled American Veterans, a non-profit organization founded in 1920 and chartered by the U.S. Congress in 1932, represents this nation’s disabled veterans. It is dedicated to a single purpose: building better lives for our nation’s disabled veterans and their families. For more information, visit the organization’s Web site, Disabled American Veterans
You have GOT to see this:
The Hill
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was the first to announce Wednesday afternoon that the president won’t pursue such a proposal.
She told veterans that Obama decided to scrap the proposal “Based on the respect that President Obama has for our nation’s veterans and the principled concerns expressed by veterans’ leaders.”
For the second time in a week, representatives from prominent veterans organizations went to the White House on Wednesday to meet with the White House chief of staff to discuss VA budget issues.
Jim King, the national executive director for American Veterans (AMVETS), said that the meeting with Rahm Emanuel lasted all of 15 minutes and that the health insurance issue was the only topic discussed. The representatives of the 11 veterans organizations told Emanuel they were not willing to back down, and the chief of staff told them that he thought the issue was “off the table,” but that he needed to talk to Obama.
Gutting the proposal is the “right move to make, because it could have caused too many hardships for veterans,” King said.
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said in a statement on Wednesday that the president wants to continue a “constructive partnership” with veterans and military organizations and “is grateful” to those organizations who have worked “in good faith” with him on the budget proposal.
On Monday the organizations’ representatives met with the president, but that meeting led to public outcry over what some veterans perceived as a move by the president to still consider the proposal despite opposition.
Veterans groups were enraged over the proposal, charging that it would discourage employers from hiring disabled veterans by raising the premiums insurance companies would charge. They also argue that the plan could jeopardize health insurance for entire families.
Veterans groups also argued that the VA is abdicating its responsibility to veterans.
“We are pleased that [the president] has heard our concerns and taken them to heart,” said Disabled American Veterans (DAV) executive director David Gorman. “Now that this ill-advised proposal is off the table, the DAV looks forward to working with the administration and Congress on crafting a good budget that will include sufficient appropriated dollars to cover veterans’ healthcare needs.”
Obama may not be off the hook with veterans yet. Another possible battle is brewing over the issue of advance appropriations for veterans’ medical care. Veterans see the Obama administration backtracking on an Obama campaign promise to fund medical care a year in advance, rather than just on an annual basis.
Wild Thing’s comment………..
This was too easy. There has to be something else going on. They will sneak this into some other legislation, or take some other devious action to get what they want pushed through. Damn Obama for even suggesting it! I still think we should keep an eye on this. Obama is notorious for slipping legislation in under the cover of darkness. Obama and his minions in Washington are like a Magician and his assistants. “Watch this hand while I do what I don’t want to see with the other”
Are Secret Service men considered part of the Armed Forces? Maybe they would think twice about taking a bullet if this passed.
I know they have to phrase the press releases that way but it sure sounds like the victim thanking the robber for not pistol whipping them. I suspect there is a draft version of that release that isn’t so complimentary.
It was a message. And an unmistakable, unsubtle one, at that. The message was…”this is what it ‘could’ be like if you don’t play nice with us”.
Obama never gives up on an idea….people who have dealt with him know this. He is sneaky and immoral and deceitful. He has no moral code. None!
We must NEVER forget what these slimey, unappreciative, traitorous bastards were ready to do to those who have fought, bled, and suffered for our nation, our liberty, and way of life…we must NEVER forget!
I will Never forget that Obama tried this and was serious about it…I will never forget how he feels about the troops and the nation.
I will Never forget how he has shown his contempt for our Veterans and our troops.
I will never forget that these despicable creatures tried to do this. The fact that the idea was able to get this far is reprehensible.
I will Never forget.
“Let it be known that he who wears the military order of the purple heart has given of his blood in the defense of his homeland and shall forever be revered by his countrymen.” —George Washington
Obama is notorious for slipping legislation in under the cover of darkness.
Yes the transparent administration of B. Hussein means that he hopes you only see through a piece of “glass” and then see what is on the other side. You never see the glass itself. Inside that glass is deceit and you see the pie in the sky on the other side.
His administration is something that must be hammered upon. The MSM won’t report on it.
Bob A.
I agree….this is not a dead issue for “O”. He is one of the sneakiest slimes I have ever seen. Now is not the time to let our guard down!!!!
And Pelosi…..Holy Crap….what is with this bitch?!?!?! “Based on the respect that President Obama has for our nation’s veterans and the principled concerns expressed by veterans’ leaders.” “O” doesn’t have any respect at all for our military men and women!!!! And neither does she!!!!! They disrespect our military every chance they get!! Watch out…..there is more to this than meets the eye!!! Where there is smoke, there is fire!!!
This shows us that public outcry can help to change bad political decisions. Obviously Obama misread the tea leaves and did not realize the veterans had so much support.
Like everyone else I wonder what he will try next and how sneaky it will be. Promises from him are words, just words.
This and the fired ammo cases were “head fakes” by the Single Naught. He got the Vets to say “we look forward to working with the President.” You just know he’s going to work with them, don’t you? Both of these issues will come back just as bad or worse. As the Brits say “It’s early days, yet.”
Why is the DAV kissing Zero’s ass. They fought the good fight, but now commending 0 bama for dropping a stupid idea is like saying there is a compromise in this somewhere. There is no compromise in this. Seems to me everybody’s afraid of this communist.
This never should have been brought up in the first place. This is a diversion for something greater. I’d look for some other freedom restricting law that is the truth behind this whole scam.
The only thing transparent in this organization is our view through Obama’s teleprompter.
You can make book the issue isn’t over, as you all have stated it will be back in another form or slipped into some omnibus bill. As for deference from the DAV, it doesn’t make any sense as they are not on the government purse strings.
As with all things Communist, what’s a life here or there in the big scheme of things?
Let’s see if I got this right!!!
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told veterans that Obama decided to scrap the proposal “Based on the respect that President Obama has for our nation’s veterans and the principled concerns expressed by veterans’ leaders.”
If Obama HAD and RESPECT for Veterans or the Military he would not have proposed this in the first place.
Obama is a slick operator, just look at all the crap that he is trying to get all his flunkies to push through and passed before the people in this Country wake up and see what is actually happening. By that time it will be too late and we will be screwed. This thing on Veterans Insurance will be back, but disguised as something different.
It won’t be much longer and the people of America will be in the streets. O’Vomit should revisit the photo of Il Duce hanging from a lamp post in 1945. heh heh!
There are so many changes taking place under obama and it won’t be long before us old retired military types will be out totally with nothing. Several doctory I use to go see for various things now do not accept Tricare Prime. I asked why, and was told that their contracts were not renewed by the government. Humm. Won’t be long before we loose our military retirement checks. This would not surprise me.
Bob A., that is a good analogy with the glass.
John, Yess and a big grrrr, Pelosi is off the charts. Oh I do pray every day in the next election we can me in the majority and get her out of the leadership.
Tom, I agree, Veterans really need to know from this how millions support them. I went to around 11 forums and posted about it and everyone was calling the White House and emailing.
Horace, yes, I sure wish they would not have said that about Obama.They were furious and then to just go ok now all is well…it is not well. Obama is only pausing on this, I really believe that.
Mark, AMEN, I was and am thrilled with the announcement but at the same time I do not trust it nor Obama. The DAV was upset, big time upset and now to be back to kissing up to Obama I am disappointed so much in that.
Obama is a snake.
Jack, good one.
“The only thing transparent in this organization is our view through Obama’s teleprompter.”
John 5 (VN69/70), you are absolutely rigiht!!!!
“This thing on Veterans Insurance will be back, but disguised as something differen.”
cuchieddie (VN66/68), every few days we hear about another group or another person ticked off at Obama. I am soooo glad peoople are speaking out, they better or else! Because every day he does one more thing to destroy our country. I never knew it could happen so fast like this.
Old Soldier, oh noooo I hope he does not mess with that too. I had not even thought about that. I would bet he would,his hate for our military and Veterans is even worse then Bill and Hillary Clinton had when he was President.
“Won’t be long before we loose our military retirement checks. This would not surprise me.”
Hey Team Theodore, Frau Vader and I are state workers and our glorious socialist governor just informed his 52,000 blue state workers “Be lucky you have a job” and that Caesar is cutting our pay 8% across the board, 2% increases in our health plans and no more holiday pay (12 this calendar year)…He has ordered all state cars to be impounded – except for State Police!
This blue state socialist is right out of Karl Marx but litle does this bastard realize that Karl Marx lost at one time and “WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER NOR GIVE UP THE SHIP!”
If this can happen in our socialist state…
Darth, oh my gosh, that is horrible. Your right about it being right out of Karl Marx.