Furor Over Jackie Mason Calling President Obama a ‘Schvartza’
New York, NY
Comedian Jackie Mason used what some say is a racial epithet in describing President Barack Obama during his act Thursday night, infuriating at least several people in the crowd.
During a performance at Feinstein’s at Loews Regency in NYC, Mason referred to Obama as a “schwartza” — some say it’s equivalent to the “N” word — others say it’s just part of the Yiddish culture and a literal translation of the word “Black.” We’re told one person walked out fuming, “He’s more offensive to the Jews than Madoff tonight.”
TMZ spoke with Mason by phone, and he was outraged at the criticism, saying, “I’m not going to defend myself. Chris Rock has told a lot more jokes about whites than I have against Blacks. What about the demeaning words Blacks say about Jews?”
Mason added, “If it’s a racist society, the white people are the ones being persecuted because they have to defend themselves.”
Mason called people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson “professional racists.” Mason added, “I’m an old Jew. I was raised in a Jewish family where ‘schwartza’ was used. It’s not a demeaning word and I’m not going to defend myself.”
And there was this parting shot: “I’m more talented than Oprah Winfrey and look at how much she makes. I can’t even make a living.”
Rev. Al Sharpton sent a statement saying: “At this stage in Jackie’s life and career he should get our prayers more than our responses. It is sad that maybe he forgot he used the same term against Mayor David Dinkins when he was elected the first African-American Mayor of New York City and got in trouble for it. As for him attacking me, maybe he forgot that he has had me on his TV show and has taken me to dinner and commended me for forgiving a white male who tried to kill me by stabbing me while I was leading a non-violent march. I’m sure Jackie just forgot.”
Wild Thing’s comment………
Good grief, well he didn’t call him a SOCIALIST! lMAO
This uproar about what Jackie said is stupid, THEY have a half black president they should be happy now and waiting for the “change” ( $$$$$ )
So I say God bless Jackie he did nothing wrong. He is a talented comedian and has brought laughter to the world.
I hope he doesn’t back down from the race hustling apology demanders.
I’m so tired of people who are looking to be insulted.
Jackie Mason, self-proclaimed “Ultimate Jew,” speaks out on Barack Obama’s lies.
….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Well, Schwartz, Schvartz is German for black, so I guess he is using a racial word, but not really. It’s yiddish slang. One must remember, Jackie Mason is always this way. But I’m glad he’s on our side.
There was a story of two Blacks who went to heaven and met Saint Peter at the gate.
He asks the first Black, since you made it this far you can have anything you want. He thinks for a minute and tells Saint Peter, “Well St. Peter I’ll take a million dollars” Saint Peter says, No problem go to the cashier and pick it up. The Second Black, heard that and told Saint Peter, he wanted two million. Same reply.
Then, Saul, a merchant, from New York was next in line, Saint Peter welcomes him and says he can have anything he wants, just name it. ‘Saul says, “Just 25 dollars worth of costume jewelry and tell me where the two Schwartzers went”.
Racist ? who knows it been used for years. When I was growing up my parents referred to ‘Blacks’ as Darkies.
Jackie Mason comes from an old, traditional culture where their values and beliefs haven’t changed in 6000 years. The people chastising them should walk a mile in their shoes.
If each one sweeps before his own door, the whole street is clean.
Source: (Yiddish)
I have been called Yid, Kike and Heeb in my lifetime. Sometimes it was from men I served with.
To all who are “outraged” by this, go pick up a Yiddish to English Dictionary.
What offense in calling a spade a spade? I guage my behavior on personal experiences and work hard to be civil and respectful toward nearly everyone. Fortyone years ago in a situation where there was supposed solidarity and teamwork many a fellow soldier who was merely minding their own business and out alone were jumped by blacks, beaten, robbed then left for dead. Simply for being a whitey. Having been born and raised as a non racist whose parents would beat the crap out of you for any infraction showing disrespect towards anyone my attitude changed when this was happening. Earlier I had the distinct displeasure of the Watts riots, riot control and guarding malcontents at Camp Roberts, Ca. pending their court-martial’s for participating in that riot. We as a society have bent over backwards to give them every advantage, up to and including their electing their muslim leaders, their embezzlers, their corrupt drug dependent money launderers and the entire Obamanation that can’t seem to keep their corruption under wraps. I’m supposed to be offended by Jackie Mason’s statement? No way, he’s calling it as it is, this past election was all about racism and Socialism. If the shoe fits wear it. Offended by Schwartze? Try the colloquial term because some are living up to it. Better yet, go tear up your neighborhoods, I am no longer bound by military regulations to handle you with kid gloves. Respect is reciprocal, if you want it you have to give it.
Keep on being outspoken Jackie Mason, you are a rarity in the PC climate where honest discourse is couched in fear of offending some halfwit who hasn’t lived up to the standards they demand for themselves.
Well I’m a Jew and as far as I’m concerned, O’Vomit is a half jiggaboo. Take that you scumbag!
And as Jackie Mason said, blacks (14% of population) can say anything they want and get away with it while whites have to keep their mouths shut. Fuck them!
So we have a racist president who has stated that he disavows his White heritage(except when convienent to claim it). He claims love for his Black father who abandoned him and calls his White grandmother who took responsibility for raising him a racist.
There are a lot of good Black people, but they need badly to straighten out their communities and pick more honest and less offensive leaders. They have a lot more important problems to worry about than semantics.
I witnessed some of the same things Jack did back in the 60’s and 70’s. My tolerance level was maxed out years ago.
Yes Lynn…..Schvartz in German means black and NEGRO in Spanish means BLACK!!!!
Jackie’s problem was he didn’t hyphenate the word!!!! Schvartz-American or American-Schvartz!!!!
I agree…..call a Spade a frigging Shovel!!!!
Jack is so right…..we have bent over backwards for them and what has it gotten us??? Not a flippin thing except more disrespect. Is it any wonder that some of them are still treated the way they are? The more you givce them, the more they want!!! Screw em all!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi cuchieddie he is a mulatto and his two kids are Zambos. I can give you the link for definitions if you want? WTH I’ll just post here for everyone.
Bob A.
Lynn, thank you, I am glad he is no our side too.
Mark, LOL that is a great story, heh heh God bless Saul the merchant. haha Love it!!!
I really like this…..
“If each one sweeps before his own door, the whole street is clean.”
Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET, that is so wrong to be called those things that you were called.
There is a huge difference in what Mason said and what you were called.
Jack, thank you for sharing that about what happened at Camp Roberts.
cuchieddie-25th ID Vet, for all the names that we have to hear in music, rap etc. and on TV and so many places, they that complain about Jackie Mason have no right to complain.
Tom, exactly and a big ditto to all you said.
John, I agree so much.