Scalia: You need 4 votes for Obama eligibility case
A lawyer lobbying the U.S. Justice Department and the U.S. Supreme Court for a review of Barack Obama’s qualifications to be president says a key conservative justice has hinted that another conservative justice has been voting against hearing the dispute.
According to Orly Taitz, a California attorney working through her Defend Our Freedoms Foundation on several cases challenging Obama, said she was presented with an opportunity to ask a question of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia yesterday.
While the requests have been heard “in conference” by the justices, no hearings have resulted on the evidence. WND previously has reported that cases brought to individual justices on an emergency basis can be discussed in such conferences, but they need the affirmative vote from four justices before a hearing on the merits can be scheduled.
The Supreme Court today is considered to have mainly a 4-4 conservative-liberal split, with one swing vote on most issues. On the conservative side generally are Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Samuel Alito, Scalia and Justice Clarence Thomas. Justice Anthony Kennedy often is the swing vote. The liberal side frequently includes Justices Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, David Souter and John Paul Stevens.
No explanations on the court’s response to the Obama citizenship issue have been offered until now.
Taitz reported she attended a reception for Scalia and stood “right by the mic, just to make sure I have an opportunity to ask a question. Only four lawyers out of about 300 in the audience got to ask their questions and I was lucky to be one of them.”
She said, “I told Scalia that I was an attorney that filed Lightfoot v. Bowen that Chief Justice Roberts distributed for conference on Jan. 23 and now I represent nine state reps and 120 military officers, many of them high ranked, and I want to know if they will hear Quo Warranto and if they would hear it on original jurisdiction, if I bring Hawaii as an additional defendant to unseal the records and ascertain Obama’s legitimacy for presidency.”
Taitz said she had some worries asking the question.
“I have to say that I prepared myself to a lot of boo-ing, knowing that Los Angeles trial lawyers and entertainment elite are Obama’s stronghold, however there was no boo-ing, no negative remarks,” she said. “I actually could see a lot of approving nods, smiles, many gasped and listened intensely. I could tell, that even Obama’s strongest supporters wanted to know the answer.
“Scalia stated that it would be heard if I can get four people to hear it. He repeated, you need four for the argument. I got a feeling that he was saying that one of these four that call themselves constitutionalists went to the other side,” Taitz said.
“He did not say that it is a political question, he did not say that it is for the legislature to decide. For example, right after me another attorney has asked him about his case of taxing some Internet commerce and right away Scalia told him that he should address it with the legislature. He did not say it to me. He did not say that Quo Warranto is antiquated or not appropriate. No, just get four,” she said.
She then bought Scalia’s book and waited in line to get it autographed.
“I gave him the books to sign and asked, ‘Tell me what to do, what can I do, those soldiers [her plaintiffs] can be court-martialed for asking a legitimate question, who is the president, is he legitimate.’ He said, ‘Bring the case, I’ll hear it, I don’t know about others.'”
Wild Thing’s comment………
I like the way this lawyer keeps at it. I sure hope this will be another step to seeing something come of this.
If Obama is legit then why was a gag order placed on his Kenyan family members and police were dispatched to their residence to enforce the order, because they were revealing the true place of Obama’s birth?
This isn’t about party lines or racism. The main concerns and priority is the preservation of our Constitution and ensuring that we do not have an imposter occupying the White House.
….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Senator Kyl thinks, that since ‘Snopes’ says, the Usurper is legitimate that that ends the question. Kyl’s a smart man he knows better than that. I am sure most of the Washington insiders know the truth and are basically afraid to let the truht out. Fear of riots ? So we are going to sacrifice our country because of a few. This makes no sense at all.
Nobody but nobody wants to touch this. Obama has sealed all of his records from Birth Certificates to his college records. Why such secrecy, what could he possibly be afraid of ?
Obama’s Lawyers are constantly threatening the these groups with severe penalties and punitive damages if they go forward with their lawsuits.
Out of a country of almost 300 million only 300 thousand want to know the truth. Thats only .1 percent of the population.
Our country is at the point of coming apart, how much longer do our ‘lawmakers’ have to wait to get a consensus that says, ‘hey we better do something before the walls fall in.’ Or the next terrorist attack which may make 9-11 look like a sunday stroll.
I think the coverup is deep and thorough. The break in to look at his passport. Remember when Rahmbo went to Africa between the election and the end of the year? No doubt with sacks of prepaid credit cards for payoffs and promises of bigger things for official sources.
As much as I’d like to see this fraud exposed and I’m thrilled that Scalia flat out says he supports it being heard, I have a feeling nothing will ever come of it.
I think his unprofessional behavior will be his downfall, the lies, the broken promises, the hypocracy. But most of all, when those peeps that voted for him don’t see stimulus checks in their mailboxes, there will be some pissed off Obots.
It’s why Pelosi said he’d have to do a lot and do it fast as soon as he was sworn in and that’s what he/she have done. He’s starting to lose favorability and support, they knew that, that’s why they rammed all that shit through without discussion or reading.
There is an old axiom:
Never ask a question unless
you are prepared for all possible answers.
I think that is why we can not get 4 to allow the question of whether BO is eligible for office.
Possible Answers:
1. He is eligible because his mother was US Citizen, therefore no matter where he was born, he is eligible.
2. He is not eligible because he was born a British subject/Kenyon citizen – from his father.
But now only the Congress can remove him.
This triggers major civil unrest.
3. He is eligible because he was born in Hawaii.
This increases the anchor baby entry by illegals.
4. Granting ‘standing’ to allow the suit to go forward, will trigger numerous future lawsuits challenging all future candidates.
And brings dozens of requests for injunctions to stop ALL actions of the Federal Government.
So, some of the at least 6 Justices don’t like the possible outcomes, and stop these suits to preserve stability and civil order.
I also fear that nothing will come of this. If Obama was a Republican the news media would be boring us to tears with unlimited coverage and investigative reporting.
I hope those that are working to get a true answer to Obama’s birth continue to pursue it. They seem passionate and they do represent a lot of other people.
The answer seems simple and does not require an unlimited amount of investigation. A simple birth certificate, a passport, a few college records. These are papers almost all legal Americans can produce within a week or less. Just the fact that Obama is fighting the release of the records is an indication of something not correct.
Do not be sure that nothing will ever come of the eligibility question.
It is true that the Governor of Hawaii is a RINO and is firmly blocking any access to the birth records. Come 2010, however she is term limited out of office.
BO’s little “no vacations for the rich” policy is hitting Hawaii hard. A little support to a real Republican for Governor might just payoff in next year’s election.
With the POR (Pelosi, Obama, Reid) axis weakened by election loses in 2010 an opening will probably let the issue get back on the front burner.
Obama’s MSM, supporters will have had another two years of bleeding red ink by 2010. The foreign Governments and foreign press support for Obama will also have narrowed to those who still think well of Jimmy Carter.
The only thing that will keep the Obama in office is “President Joe Biden.” If that phrase does not scare you then you do not know Joe.
Mark, all you said is true, it is so sad to me that more do not care, or at least the ones in power should care. deep sigh
Eden, your oso right, he is working overtime to do as much damage as he can and each day more and more are staring to cojmpalin about him. Not only people like all of us, but people that are moderates and democrats as well.
Marvin,I think that is what the bottom line is too. They are extremely concerned with civil disorder big time. Not just a few riots but every city and town and all around the world.
Tom, I agree, I am all for what this lawyer is doing, and all the other lawsuits about this. Now I just want to wait and see what happens. It has to be up to the Judges in the end and we can’t force them.
Avitar, haha yes that is a scary phrase too.