12 Mar

Obama Faction Moves to Make Medical Workers “Slaves in Conscience”

Obama Faction Moves to Make Medical Workers “Slaves in Conscience”
Loyal to Liberty
Starting today, and for the next thirty days, the Department of Health and Human Services will be “accepting comments from the public on a proposal by the Obama administration to completely rescind federal regulations placed into effect by former President Bush that protect the right to conscience for healthcare workers….The regulation mandated federally funded health institutions to certify their compliance with existing federal laws that uphold the rights of doctors and nurses to refuse a medical service on religious or moral grounds.”
.”(Obama Publishes Proposal to Rescind ‘Conscience’ Rule) With this and several other decisions (repeal of the so-called Mexico City Policy; an executive order allowing Federal funds to be used to support research involving the destruction of the embryonic form of human life; the nomination of a rabid pro-abortion extremist as Secretary of HHS) Obama implicates the whole people of the United States in his own pitiless promotion of abortion at any cost. The only thing so far lacking is an effort to repeal or supercede the law that prevents implementation in Federal Hospitals of his depraved support for infanticide in cases where a baby is born alive in consequence of a failed abortion. Catholics and other professing Christians should take note. Except they repent of it, those who voted for Barrack Obama surely face grim judgment from the Supreme judge of the World for their enlistment in the electoral army of this paragon of evil. But even before such judgment in the next life, in this life we will all have to suffer the grim consequences of his abandonment of respect for the unalienable rights to life and liberty.
The reaction to Obama’s policies has rightly focused on the relentless implementation of his morbidly pro-abortion views. Though morally repugnant, his consistent support for these views throughout his relatively brief political career prevents sincere surprise from anyone even superficially acquainted with it (unless they are Republicans who expected Obama to imitate the deceitful practices of all too many Republican politicos who are pro-life on the stump and AWOL in the clinches.) Given the hoopla surrounding the false claim that his election represents a breakthrough for black Americans, however, what should be profoundly shocking is his willingness to be the focus and tool of an historic effort to reintroduce the worst aspects of human slavery into the United States, this time extended beyond an oppressed portion of the population to encompass people regardless of race or pigmentation.
~ snipet ~
Slavery to my mind has never meant only the spectacle of bodies bent to hard labor in the fields, for free men and women also must toil. That is the lot of all humanity. Rather it means the searing contemplation of souls tortured by burning anger and indignation against injustice, which they are helpless to act upon; of consciences racked by the defiling knowledge of their complicity with the very evil that abuses them, and shamed by the fear that deters them from rejecting it, until in all too many ways the habit of submission finally stupefies and deadens the pangs.
This is the essence of that slavery, which the Obama faction now means to impose upon all our health care workers. Because some people wish to do and benefit from evil, others must become its tools and instruments, against their will.
At the very least the people who embrace this foul cult of human child sacrifice should have to do the dirty work themselves. But when has evil been content to wallow in its own excrement? The very pride that impels it to defy the boundaries of decent conscience rouses its resentment against those who, by standing apart from its rituals announce their condemnation of its crimes. As it was with slavery, so it is now. Evil does not accept a house divided, but will “press forward” until “It will become all one thing, or all the other.”
What the Obama faction proposes to do now, without warrant in law, implements what by law it wishes, but does not yet have the legislative strength to do: secure passage of the deceitfully misnamed Freedom of Choice Act. Because both the proposed regulatory action and the FOCA deal mainly with abortion, people mistakenly think that what is at stake is just the controversy over abortion.
Today they move to make all health care workers slaves in conscience to the state. Soon and very soon, this shall be the fate of us all. Our soldiers and police are being trained and will be required to move against the right to keep and bear arms, born of our unalienable right to preserve and defend the innocent lives of others. Our pastors, rabbis and other religious leaders will be required to surrender the right to live according to their beliefs whenever their free exercise of religion runs counter to the demands of “gay pride”, the selfish-esteem of homosexuals; or the anti-religious bigotry of atheists who cannot bear to hear the prayers of others. Parents will be required, without exception to surrender their children for indoctrination by the state. Scientists and technical people will be required to lend their knowledge and expertise to refine and operate the instruments of surveillance that utterly destroy all privacy, and the instruments of mollification (chemical and otherwise) that utterly subvert the will. And so on.
With every extension of state control will come a new sacrifice of conscience, of decency and goodwill. And like my enslaved ancestors, many of us will raise up anguished prayers to almighty God, to deliver us from our humiliating servitude to evil, until perhaps the strength of faith gives out and we are tempted into cynicism and despair. Was it for this so many fought and died?
Was it for this, they were planted as seeds of freedom? So that we could harvest the gut wrenching bile of moral subjection, and face the galling prospect that our children or our children’s children will not remember enough of freedom to be dissatisfied? Too bad we have so little patience for the best flowers of our thought and language or it might occur to us, at least in spirit and will, to “take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing, end them.”
But we seem now to lack more than words. We lack spirit, and will and courage. Else in the next thirty days not just pro-lifers, but everyone who cares a whit for conscience and true liberty would direct a tidal wave of comments toward the bureaucrats at HHS, defending the health care workers’ rights of conscience in the hope that we will thus safeguard our own.

Wild Thing’s comment………..
B.Hussein Obama gets more and more destructive to our country each day that goes by. I feel sorry for the wonderful R.N.’s that have to be put under this kind of dictator and his demands and the doctors that are good ones that really want to help people and not be killing babies.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67

Mark says:

The Progressive liberal mindset that everybody should have Health Care, paid for by the government. That any procedure should be available, especially if it is controversal. Abortion, Euthanasia, Destruction of defective embryo’s or whatever screwball idea they decide is acceptable.
The Conscience part of this ‘gave’ Doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses, and any related Health care professional the right to choose to perform a controversial procedure that goes against the oath the took to ‘Do no harm’, or their conscience.
This would force the Medical profession to perform procedures per Federal guidelins, and if they refuse would result in their termination, regardless of their personal preference.
This not going to simplify the Health Care system this will confound it and drive from the system extraordinary people who do their work everyday with a high degree of success.
The left is big on saying, ‘you can not dictate morality’, well you can’t dictate depravity either. The skilled, Brain surgeons, Heart surgeons, and on and on in that field of Medicine will start to leave for another profession, they will follow their ‘Conscience’ not some backward Bureaucratic guideline.
The director of the Hospital my wife works for was chosen to be part of this bureaucratic National Health Care debacle, He turned it down. Citing among other reasons, ‘He couldn’t afford the pay cut’. This of course was tongue in cheek for the press. But he cited other reasons that he could not abide with their guidelines, chief among these was Conscience.
This is what we get when the electorate is bought and paid for by one party and the people can NOT think for themselves. Abortion is just the beginning of a system that will be out to SAVE money at the patients expense.

PeteSuj says:

Once again the party who constantly spout the mantra of ” Give us freedom of Choice” wants to take away the choice of anyone who opposes their murderous agenda. It has become a situation of…if you side with God, you oppose the State. That is not the American way. The constitution prohibits the Federal Gov. from establishing a state religion, but the Federal Gov continues to creep and force its way into an ever increasing portion of our culture, driving God out in the name of Separation of Church and State. This is a filthy game. The Fed says, “if you want money from us, you must remove all mention of God and abandon Godly morality. We will then provide you with the new morality according to our desires.” Many institutions have become dependant on Fed money for survival and cannot give up the income from Medicare, Medicaid, etc… they are forced to accept the dirty deal. The larger our government grows…the harder it is to hold onto our freedom.

Eden says:

That drawing makes me want to cry because I’ve read Jill Stanek’s comments and testimony about the botched late term abortion survivors that Obama thought it was above his paygrade to protect.
In the city where we get medical care, the hospital, labs, clinics, doctors offices and specialty care offices are all linked together by computer already. It’s a fantastic system they’ve had in place for four or five years now. They have terminals in all the exam rooms at my main doctor’s office, so we can flick through my records if we have questions or want to discuss something on the fly.
I can’t wait to see what a mess they make of consolidating medical records nationally. While a good idea, I don’t like the government doing it…best left to the health care systems.

TomR says:

I am the son of a physician. He was one of the old time GPs. He made house calls into the 60’s and made emergency room calls at night. Thirty years ago my father said this was coming. He expected socialized medicine in less than 50 years from then. It may come a little earlier.
My father said that increasing government interference would ruin the American medical system and drive good potential physicians into other fields.
I have had a major disability for almost 40 years. I have seen the encroaching bureaucracy causing private physicians to lessen their time with patients and complicate the delivery of proper treatment.
Lawyers and politicians(is there a difference?)are going to kill the quality of medical care Americans are used to.

BobF says:

Obama claims to be a Christian who’s read the bible. Maybe he should pay attention to this verse in his zeal to kill unborn children.
Hebrews 10:31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, thanks for sharing all of that and about the hospital where your wife works. That man to say that is great, I bet he caught them off guard with his reply.

Wild Thing says:

PeteSuj, I wish more people could see that. Your so right, the party of wanting everyone to have a freedom of choice is not that at all. It is their way or else.

Wild Thing says:

Eden, I felt the same way about the drawing. Her story broke my heart.
I agree too leave all of this information side of this up to the health care systems. The government would use the information for a lot of other purposes we for sure would not like.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, thank you so much for sharing about your Father. He sure was right and could see way ahead how bad this would be. They should be telling the stories of the disabled and how they would know how treatment and time spent with a patient has declined, first hand knowledge like you have is so valuable. And if they did this there would be no way they could pull off what they want to do.

Wild Thing says:

BobF., thank you for the Bible verse, very appropriate.