07 Mar

Two RINO Senator’s Kyl and Martinez, Have No Clue About Constitution

Republican Senator says Snopes settled ‘eligibility’
Arizona’s Kyl cites website that assumes Hawaiian birth
Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., has referred constituents raising concerns over President Obama’s eligibility to occupy the Oval Office to an online “fact” organization that relies for its answer partly on information from the Obama campaign.
The response from Kyl to an Arizona constituent was revealed just one day after a Florida WND reader alerted WND to the fact Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Fla., had told him that Obama’s eligibility was affirmed by voters who supported him in the Democratic primary and general elections in 2008.
The response from Kyl to a voter who asked about Obama’s ability to meet the constitutional requirements for president said:
Thank you for your recent e-mail. Senator Obama meets the constitutional requirements for presidential office. Rumors pertaining to his citizenship status have been circulating on the Internet, and this information has been debunked by Snopes.com, which investigates the truth behind Internet rumors.
The Snopes explanation to which Kyl directed constituents refers back to another website, FactCheck, which in turn cites as documentation of Obama’s Hawaiian birth a “Certification of Live Birth” that the Obama campaign posted online during 2008.

Senator: Eligibility is up to the voters
Republican Martinez implies constitutional requirement for presidency can be bypassed
A U.S. senator has suggested that voters have made Barack Obama eligible to occupy the Oval Office, whether or not he meets the constitutional mandate of being a “natural born” citizen.
The comments from Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Fla., came in an e-mail sent to a constituent shortly after the election, which just now was forwarded to WND.
The constituent had asked about Martinez’s perspective on the issue on which WND and others have reported: claims made by dozens of lawsuits around the country that Obama might not meet the constitutional qualification for various reasons.

“Presidential candidates are vetted by voters at least twice – first in the primary elections and again in the general election. President-Elect Obama won the Democratic Party’s nomination after one of the most fiercely contested presidential primaries in American history,” Martinez responded.


Wild Thing’s comment………
Thiose not caring about our Constitution sure come up with some odd excuses.
Senators use Snopes to settle constitutional questions now? Good Lord!!! As the ObamaNation we now settle Constitutional issues using snopes.
I wonder if Snopes could fix the economy too. I might send them an email. Can’t hurt to ask. LOL
I have used snopes it is a liberal run site, but sometimes it is very accurate so that is the good part.
LOL ….The bad part is that Snopes held out hope until LONG after the Clintons left the White House that Hillary didn’t LIE when she said she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary. Things like that so what they say about the Birth Certificate I would not take too seriously.
Regarding the other one, Mel Martinez he is here in Florida and he is a total rino. He is totally into Obama and his Healthcare agenda and many other things Obama does. He ONLY voted NO on the stimulus bill because I am sure the conservative Republicans worked very hard to convince the rinos’ like Martinez they had better be a united group or else! But ole Mel is no conservative, he has rino blood in his veins.
Strange irony in the letters from Kyl and Martinez….hahahaha sorry this is just too weird.
Almost every birth certificate lawsuit has been dismissed for the same reason:
According to the judges, only Congress can decide if Obama is eligible.
According to the judges, individuals and organizations lack “standing” to sue.
Yet, Senator Martinez states that voters have “validated” Obama’s eligibility, not Congress.
Senator Kyl states that questions about Obama’s eligibility are just right wing “Internet rumors,” yet, Kyl admits he made his Congressional decision based only on information from one left wing website.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67

Bob A says:

These two, and particularly Martinez should be summarily thrown out of the Republican Party.
“A U.S. senator has suggested that voters have made Barack Obama eligible to occupy the Oval Office, whether or not he meets the constitutional mandate of being a “natural born” citizen.”
WTF is this about, the constitution no longer means anything??
Bob A.

Lynn says:

I’ll bet my daughters know more about the Constitution than these two! My hubby and I decided long ago to teach them what the schools won’t or refuse to. The Declaration, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights are the body of our lives and they are not to be tampered with. Our forefathers prayed to God for guidance in writing them for generations they would never see but through the stars of the night sky. They were concerned for America’s welfare and her future and to just “vote” them away is irresponsible and much more than a horrendous thing to do. If they take one away, they can take them all. I agree with Jefferson–a government big enough to give you everything can also take it all away.

yankeemom says:

This doesn’t surprise me at all. For the Past several decades, the members of Congress have proven time and time again with the overreaching of their legislation that they don’t know (or don’t give a damn) what’s in the Constitution. We are now being hit with a ruling class. So many of our “representatives” have held their seats for so long, they believe they were ordained, not elected.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Driving to work this morning I smelled a skunk.
It stunk. The nasty odor could be smelled for over a mile. I did not need to SEE where the skunk WAS!

TomR says:

Two of many RINOs in the Republican Party. The Republican voters in their states have to get rid of them. No one else can.
I bet that with the solid hold on the government by the liberal Democrats, these two RINOs become even more lefty to get along.

Jack says:

Snopes, as unbiased as FactCheck. One, a liberal mom and pop team, the other Ayres and Obama’s Annenberg.
There is only one way to clean up the GOP, start over with Conservatives in a new party out side the realm of RINO’s. Gingrich running in 2012? How the hell did we get here? With his ‘contract with America’ queens. I don’t see any cream rising from that vat of blue john milk out there.

Mark says:

We haven’t heard from Senator Shelby who let the cat out of the bag about obama’s eligibilty, he must’ve gotten his wrist slapped.
Martinez and Kyl two of the biggest AH’s in the Senate. One says its up to the people ? Then why did the Senate verify McCain ?
Now Snopes is responsible for vetting candidates and as far as Kyl is concerned thats good enough for him , what a putz,.
I have believed all along all these morons (Senate and the House) know obama is NOT a legitimate Natural born citizen.
Of course all the people bringing this up are Right-Wing Zealots. Kyl and his Hispanic pals, Martinez, Graham et al, are part of the problem we have as conservatives. These three almost single handedly and of course McCain, got the Amnesty bill passed.
We don’t have any representation in DC. Special interest and Big spenders, who have no problem spending someone elses money as long as they are exempt for their stupid laws the rest of us have to follow.

Wild Thing says:

Bob A., yes they should be.
Martinez sent out an email awhile back that this would be his last year. I was thrilled and I sent him an email telling him he could leave NOW and it would be better for our country. I told him how awful he was and a phony.

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, I bet that too!!!
“I’ll bet my daughters know more about the Constitution than these two!”
I wish more parents would do like you do Lynn.

Wild Thing says:

Yankeemom, well said, you hit the nail on the head about “they believe they were ordained, not elected.”

Wild Thing says:

Darth, good point!!!

Wild Thing says:

Tom, I think your right. They will find comfort in being with more that are like them and conservatives are too far from what these rino’s want or believe in.

Wild Thing says:

Jack, I wonder if that is what will have to happen. It really seems like the only way.

Wild Thing says:

Mark,I had forgotten about Shelby. Thanks Mark for reminding me. Yes I wonder if he is ok, they must have really done a number on him.