A carnival float depicting a flying U.S. President Obama with Europe being dragged along is seen during the traditional carnival parade in Duesseldorf, Germany, on Monday, Feb. 23, 2009. Rose-Monday-Parades in the carnival strongholds of Duesseldorf, Mainz and Cologne are watched by hundreds of thousands of revelers and mark the highlights of Germany’s carnival season.
(AP Photo/Frank Augstein)

This from the same parade that gave birth to this classic float years ago when Bill Clinton was President.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL What the heck is the woman holding onto in that one float, his stimulus package????
Can you imagine if this went on in our country, let’s say we did Putin as a KGB, or some kind of float like these of N. Korea’s leader? We as a country would be called hate mongers or something.
They should have done Obama as a thief in the one float with the money. And a Chicago THUG for one of them.
Who says the krauts don’t have a sense of humor. Looks like ‘bla kobama’ is taking down Liberty, which would be closer to the truth.
LMAO, thanks Chrissie. Since it’s in vogue, when is Germany going to get their black president?
That first float really sums up Obama’s followers, especially the MSM as they have their heads up his butt.
Mark, it sure does, your right that’s is what he is doing to our country too.
Jack, I agree, they better get with it. haha
BobF., Hahahha yes it does.
Oh, to have a giant dart gun…
This WAS Frau Vader’s hometown at one time. Now you know why she gave up her citizenship and became an AMERICAN in May, 1998! Bye bye Europeon Union / Eurabian Union. Mom and Dad left Dusseldorf for the mountains and now you know why.
Many of the older krauts feel the same way about their socialistic young ones…
I’d like to see a float of him blowing you-know-what out of his you-no-where.
PS: Frau Vader said to carefully look at each float – they’re expensive – and that the Krauts are making fun of Slick Willie being as perv and Obamessiah saving the heavens and the earth, and the USS Titanic / US Titanic going down despite all the money. Frau’s and frauleins celebrate FASCHING and have a day / night to be devilish and basically…. get their ways with men and their husbands? Look out Nick! They celebrate Ash Wednesday too….