24 Feb

B.Hussein O. Announces Biden to Oversee Stimulus Implementation

Barack Obama announced yesterday that Vice-President Joe Biden will oversee his administration’s implementation of the $787 Billion Stimulus Plan recently passed by Congress and signed into law.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
LOL…..You’ve got to be kidding. Biden? Might as well be Barney Frank, Chris Dodd or Maxine Waters. This new administration is a joke. A really bad, destructive joke.
Obama just had to pick the second dumbest person in the country to oversee the stimulus implementation. God help us!
I feel so much better now….NOT. I don’t know about you, but I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Might as well laugh, nothing we can do about this.

Steve Gaston, Weapons Shopper says:

Biden…???? Oversee Stimulus Implementation…???
We’re in deep Shiite now.
Obama Happens! Please G_d, save our country.

cuchieddie says:

This is going to be a crack up so make sure you stock up on plenty of buttered popcorn. Biden in charge of something? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

TomR says:

Biden – so simple, even a caveman is brighter.

Mark says:

Peanuts, popcorn …git ur cold beaya heya.
They are actually going to put Biden in charge of something, what a relief, I thought he was Joe ‘middleclass’ Biden in charge of overseeing the Unionization of the country.
Now ole joe will oversee the creation of a behemouth Welfare state. His moma ought to be proud.

Wild Thing says:

LOL I love all your comments.