Obama’s CRIB ( formerly known as our White House – Wild Thing)
Thursday, February 19th, 2009 at 6:55 pm
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to take a coordinated and comprehensive approach to developing and implementing an effective strategy concerning urban America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Policy. About 80 percent of Americans live in urban areas, and the economic health and social vitality of our urban communities are critically important to the prosperity and quality of life for Americans. Vibrant cities spawn innovation, economic growth, and cultural enrichment through the businesses, universities, and civic, cultural, religious, and nonprofit institutions they attract. Forward-looking policies that encourage wise investment and development in our urban areas will create employment and housing opportunities and make our country more competitive, prosperous, and strong. In the past, insufficient attention has been paid to the problems faced by urban areas and to coordinating the many Federal programs that affect our cities. A more comprehensive approach is needed, both to develop an effective strategy for urban America and to coordinate the actions of the many executive departments and agencies whose actions impact urban life.
Sec. 2. Establishment. There is established within the Executive Office of the President the White House Office of Urban Affairs (the “Office”).
Sec. 3. Functions. The principal functions of the Office are, to the extent permitted by law:
(a) to provide leadership for and coordinate the development of the policy agenda for urban America across executive departments and agencies;
(b) to coordinate all aspects of urban policy;
(c) to work with executive departments and agencies to ensure that appropriate consideration is given by such departments and agencies to the potential impact of their actions on urban areas;
(d) to work with executive departments and agencies, including the Office of Management and Budget, to ensure that Federal Government dollars targeted to urban areas are effectively spent on the highest-impact programs; and
(e) to engage in outreach and work closely with State and local officials, with nonprofit organizations, and with the private sector, both in seeking input regarding the development of a comprehensive urban policy and in ensuring that the implementation of Federal programs advances the objectives of that policy.
Sec. 4. Coordination. In performing its functions, the Office shall work closely with all relevant executive departments and agencies, and offices and councils within the Executive Office of the President, including but not limited to:
(a) the Department of the Treasury;
(b) the Department of Justice;
(c) the Department of Commerce;
(d) the Department of Labor;
(e) the Department of Health and Human Services;
(f) the Department of Housing and Urban Development;
(g) the Department of Transportation;
(h) the Department of Energy;
(i) the Department of Education; and
(j) the Environmental Protection Agency.
Sec. 5. Administration. (a) The Office may work with established or ad hoc committees, task forces, and interagency groups.
(b) The Office shall have a staff headed by the Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Urban Affairs (Director). The Director shall report jointly to the Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Liaison and to the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy. The Office shall have such staff and other assistance as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this order.
(c) All executive departments and agencies shall cooperate with the Office and provide such information, support, and assistance to the Office as the Director may request, to the extent permitted by law.
Sec. 6. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) authority granted by law to a department, agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii) functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
Wild Thing’s comment……….
ACORN taking up permanent residence with the Chicago thug in Chief.
“By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, “
1 Have you ever read the Constitution?
2 What “authority”, grants you the power to do this?
3 Cities are for states to deal with. The only “federal city” is DC, and as we’ve seen the Feds have done a bang-up job on that place.
What the heck does the White House have to say about urban affairs anyway? Has the Constitutional Law Professor forgotten about these little enclaves we call States and that irritating thing known To OBAMA anyway known as the 10th Amendment?
It’s blatantly obvious that he is still a scum bag community organizer and that’s all he and his wife have ever cared about.
So states can’t govern themselves anymore? I thought he was like Lincoln–didn’t that little blip in history called the Civil War give states the right to govern themselves? Another right flying right out the window! This damn bailout money for the states is a bribe, so he can tell them, “Hey, I gave you all this money, now you have to do as I say.” I wish our state had NOT taken that money. It’s blood money. You may think I’m nuts and crazy, but he likes intrusion into people’s personal lives, so I don’t want his damn bloody money.
Wowza!!!! The BIGGEST Community Activism Organization in the World!! Right here!! Well, he can keep his little comm acts out of my life and home and car and yard.
We have a lot of work to do here in VA – what with our governor now head of the DNC and Mark Warner and Jim Webb (both D’s) as our senators. They say this state is turning blue. Hmmmph…We’ll see how long that lasts. Massah Lee is still the one here – maybe not in Arlington, but there’s a lot more to VA than the border to DC.
This amounts to taking legitimate power away from elected officials and giving it to the ‘hood’ under the auspices of the Federal Government.
What will this accomplish ? The leaders of the community, the business leaders, and businesses will start to move out of the city. Their will be a lack of talent and leadership, in all fields and the slum conditions caused by generations of welfare will continue at a more rapid pace until the the whole of the city is one big slum.
The people ugbama wants to help haven’t worked in 6 or 7 generations and a new title isn’t going to change that. This will be the end of the big city and turn it into a huge ghetto. When the money runs out then there will be chaos.
Executive Office of the Pres. the White House Offi…
Bookmarked your post over at Blog Bookmarker.com!
Bear Cubs… Frau Vader and I are hanging on up here in the bastian of blue state socialism, and can retire from state jobs in less than four years. We can retire early now and head south to the Palmetto State but will receive less $ retirement wise. Each day here is sickening from the socialistic BRO BHO stench… Our FAITH IN GOD gets us through. Militias are forming in rural areas and now I understand why! Your posts are a Godsend and THANK-YOU all so much!
Lynn, actually the Civil War was about states rights to govern themselves without Federal interference. Lincoln was not an advocate of states rights and sent Federal troops into Southern States to squelch states rights. That’s why we now have Posse Comitatus to prevent Federal intervention unless the state governors ask for help. It’s one of the reasons Federal Troops didn’t descend upon New Orleans immediately after Katrina as they had to wait for the request from the Governor of Louisiana. In a way he’s like Lincon in that he wants to take authority away from the individual states.
Obama is rapidly exerting Federal authority over individual states and the people.
His Brownshirts!!!
States rights taken away by the Federal government. Individual freedoms usurped by the Federal government. That is what these Executive Orders of Obama are about. He wants the Federal government to control absolutely all of American daily life. Of course, he will be in charge.
Most of these actions of Obama also involve the redistribution of wealth. Buy stock in companies that manufacture chrome wheel rims and baggy pants. If there is still a stock market much longer.
This is bigger than me. I don’t want his handouts, just to be left alone to live my life. We` have Senator Scumer and Gillibeast who has now turned on upstate and represents NYC and environs. NY should be split into two states, New York State and New York City State. Perhaps they could call it the state of Long Island.
Lynn, I agree, I am so angry at our rino Gov. Crist for wanting the money. I wrote to him and called and he is not only for it he is excited about it. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Yankeemom, ((applause))) love the empowerment of what you said. I agree so much. We have a rino Gov. Crist here and our State went blue this last election even though the city I am in was just slighting red and voted against Obama. I was shocked it was so close, it has always been republican big time.
Mark, well said, you nailed it…. “This amounts to taking legitimate power away from elected officials and giving it to the ‘hood’ under the auspices of the Federal Government.”…..thatis just what he wants.
And yes what are their plans when all this money runs out. There is going to be even more spending coming up but this can’t keep up like this. It is totally insane.
Darth, you and Frau Vader hang in there. We are all in this together. I have been glad of one thing this last week. Tons of people finally woke up to see what Obama has in mind and they are angry. Like the man in the stock exchange he helped a lot too. That kind of thing will be happening more and more I truly think so. And when it does I pray it has an impact on our republican politicans, not the rinos they are a lost cause, but the others that have not spoken up.
BobF, he sure is ….“Obama is rapidly exerting Federal authority over individual states and the people.” …….and sometimes in the morning I think ok what horrible thing has he planned for today.
Jack, yes and a nice family portrait at that. grrrr
Tom, LOL I shouldn’t laugh because I am so ticked but this really has me laughing… and you are right!!!!!!
“chrome wheel rims and baggy pants”
BobA.,I feel like that too, I just want to mind my own business, live my life, not hurt anyone and have very tiny government.