Trader Buzz on the Government’s Plan
The trading floor buzz on whether the government’s plan to save the economy will actually help the markets, with Jason Roney, Sharmac Capital; Wilbur Ross Jr., WL Ross & Co. and CNBC’s Rick Santelli
In case the other lilnk does not work……. you can also CLICK HERE.
VIDEO: ‘The government is promoting bad behavior… do we really want to subsidize the losers’ mortgages… This is America! How many of you people want to pay for your neighbor’s mortgage? President Obama are you listening? How about we all stop paying our mortgage! It’s a moral hazard’… SEE VIDEO
Awesome video. Rick Santelli has for months been forcefully advocating for allowing the market to correct its own excesses.
This morning on Rush Limbaugh show:It was his opening story today.
Rush: “This is talking truth to immorality. … This is the pulse of revolution.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Liberty rings the bell again!!!
Capitalists understand the issues completely.
Viva la Revolution!!!!!
Rick Santelli echos Paul Revere. The silent majority is getting fed up with Obama and the Dem socialists.
Obama is incompetent, a demagogue, an ideologue, a Marxist…whatever description you want to give, Americans are rejecting it because it is anti-American values for the past 250+ years. He makes the classic mistake of changing too much too fast, and most people don’t want that kind of change anyway. We fought for Independence against these very policies. The French Revolution was started over behavior like this from the aristocracy. At some point, the people revolt.
This issue is easy for Americans to understand (like the House Banking scandal, for example): Responsible people DO NOT want to pay for the irresponsible.
I just checked and it looks like they have changed the video at the link. DANG! What the heck do we live in China with controlled media or what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Check it too and see if it works for you. I will try to see if I can find it at YouTube. This is horrible if they took the video away and switched it.
This one still works……
CNBC slipped and allowed this kind of truth past their thought-crime detectors. NBC in all its variations, and especially the revolting wet tinglers at MSNBC (Matthews, Olbermann) has built a media Potemkin Village to cover for their guy Obama.
Isn’t NBC a GE toilet? With Imelt now advising Obama on economic matters, the web of corruption gets stickier all the time.
This is the beginning. This is what it will take to get our country back. To stand up to Obama and not take it anymore… What that guy is saying is the truth, Ogbama is rewarding deadbeats for not paying their mortgage under the pretext of being fair. The government has pushed this on us and now it is time to tell the government to shove their welfare mortgages up their ass. The kicker though is he trying to blame the lenders, crooked contracts, buried charges. No the problem is these deadbeats either can’t read or are too lazy, to read the fine print in the friggin contract.
So now we are to feel sorry for these deadbeats who can’t or don’t want to pay, or (got more mortgage than they could afford), their mortgage. I say to friggin bad, you signed, Jack, now YOU live with it. I am sick and tired of bailing these lazy bastards out, everytime some Liberal panyt-waist feels guilty that the government isn’t doing enough. The government is doing too much its costing us plenty and our kids and grandkids are going to pay for Barry’s pangs of conscious.
If NBC is facing rebellion in the ranks then the end of the political machine that FDR built could be very close! The MSM can only hold for so long. NBC and Obama’s thought police will grind on for now but their strength fades every year.
The media stooges will go directly on the federal payroll at some point. The regulations that direct advertising revenues into the stooges’ pockets are loosing effectiveness. Look for that, when bailouts of MSM start happening the end is near. Either the Republic will fall to liberal dictatorship or the liberals will fail. I do not know how long it will take to rebuild the country’s institutions but we have good people to do it.
Newt engineered a full rebellion in 1994 but was brought down from behind by the RINO shills for the Great Society Empire. This time RINOs will need to be a high priority as well as the Secretaries of State Offices. You cannot continue to have elections if the election watcher is stuffing the ballot box. No ACORNS!
Long Live Liberty! Long Live America! The only cowards in this Country are the leftist bastards who have to use government to eliminate opposition and regulate the public and disarm the military, then when the sh!t hits the fan they call on us Liberty Loving American Citizens to Defend America At All Costs and the race baiters who need a 150 year dead issue to advance their CCCPause.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” Thomas Jefferson
“It’s not tyranny we desire; it’s a just, limited, federal government” Alexander Hamilton
The Santelli rant made my day. The fact that the guys on the floor were cheering him on made it even better. During the Great Depression FDR badgered Wall Street until investment froze. We can’t let that happen again.
Lets hope that in 6 months O’Vomit will be seeking asylum in Kenya. heh heh!
Rhod, giggle..yes they slilpped up. I think they were taken off guard and then so far have left it. I hope they don’t get rid of it from online.
Mark, ((applause)) well said.
Avitar, yes there are good people out there and some even now are speaking up. We need to thank them and let them know we are behind them too, even if it is small or large anything they do to fight back needs to be recognized and thanked. It will make them even stronger.
JohnE PFC U.S. Army, DITTO my friend!!!!!
cuchieddie, Ohhhhhhh I would love that.