18 Feb

Pastor Manning: ” The 787 Billion Dollar Voodoo Bill”

787 Billion Dollar Voodoo Bill
James David Manning speaks about how soothsaying and voodoo working affects our government

Wild Thing’s comment…….
I have posted other videos by Pastor Manning and they all have been good. He does not mess around. Too bad Obama is not listening.

…..Thank you BobF, for sending this to me.
1973 – 1999

Mark says:

President Usurper is an elitist, he knows everything already. Why should he listen. In 6 months when the bottom fallls out of the stock market, he will still try to blame Bush. The Deficrats take no responsibility for anything. But we should look at their good intentions. Trouble is good intentions don’t pay the bills.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, so true about good intentions.