Republican Defectors Facing Backlash For Stimulus Support
By: Tim Collie
Three liberal Republican senators — Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine, and Pennsylvania’s Sen. Arlen Specter — who pledged their support this weekend to President Barack Obama’s massive stimulus bill — are drawing the wrath of many conservatives.
As news filtered through the media that a “deal” had been cut with the defecting GOP Senators — giving Democrats the 60 plus votes they need to overcome a Republican filibuster — Republican officials and pundits expressed outrage.
The bolting Senators cited that soaring unemployment numbers, the country’s worsening recession and the fact they cut some $100 billion off of the Senate Democrats proposed plan — as key factors for their decision to betray the GOP Senate caucus to joing with the Democrats.
Though weekends are noted for slow news cycles, Collins, Snowe and Specter are already finding they are under hostile fire, lambasted on conservative Web sites throughout the weekend and the subjects of angry calls by many of their constituents, according to reports.
“Arlen Specter is DONE,” wrote a blogger ….. “He won his last primary by less than 1 percent against a real conservative of Pat Toomey. And only because the President Bush came to PA and campaigned for him. He is DONE.”
Specter is up for relection in 2010. Washington Republican strategists tell Newsmax this weekend that Specter’s defection has sealed the deal: he will face a primary for the GOP nomination.
“We don’t care if we lose the Pennsylvania Senate seat to the Democrats,” one Washington strategist told Newsmax. “Better to remove Fifth columnists from the party.”
The sentiment was echoed in chat rooms and blogs across the web.
“They are frauds. RINOS (Republicans in Name Only),’’ wrote a blogger named Croupier101 on the Fox News blog site
On TV news shows Sunday, their Republican colleagues distanced themselves from the defecting troika — arguing that the small GOP support for the plan did not suggest Congressional Democrats or the White House sought a bipartisan stimulus.
This agreement is not bipartisan,” Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”
“I’ve been in bipartisan agreements, many. This is three Republican senators. Every Republican congressman voted against it in the House, plus Democrats. And all but three Republicans stayed together on this. That’s not bipartisanship. That’s just picking off a couple of senators,” McCain said.
Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, who as head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said the trio’s support must have been disappointing to Obama, who has staked much on his ostensible ability to transcend the partisan divide.
“Having three Republicans, potentially, support it in the Senate out of 535 members of Congress is hardly a bipartisan effort. I think it’s a disappointment — surely must be for President Obama,” Cornyn told “FOX News Sunday.” He added he fully expects the bill to pass “with almost exclusively Democratic support.”
The three were the target of a furious national campaign by liberal groups, who besieged their offices with phone calls and emails urging them to support the stimulus plan. Without Democrats controlling a supermajority of 60 votes in the Senate, the trio’s support was essential in advancing the contentious plan to a final vote next week.
Their help more than likely will result in pushing the stimulus over the finish line.
The critics contend the stimulus is nothing more than a laundy list of political payback to groups that supported the Democrats in the last election.
Wiild Thing’s comment…………
Specter has always been a snake! All three of these people should be kicked out of the Republican party!!!!
What is at stake is vastly more important than just the debt. The stolen money will be used to secure political control of the United States into the future. How many elections can $827,000,000,000 – plus PLUS billion buy? How many more government employed or funded parasites will it fund?
OK everyone and anyone that is interested. Please click below and find in the list your Senator, send that person a note telling them to please do not vote for this. And how you feel about it.
Senators of the 111th Congress
While watching in horror, the largest spending bill in history being forced upon a populace by a small band of theives in Washington, not representing their constituents views, and rewarding various groups for their loyalty during elections, it is obvious to all but the most blind that we cannot borrow our way out of debt.
The bill is a spending bill spending with absolutely no mention of spending cuts for the government except to cut our military budget by 10% at a time when we are fighting a war on 2 fronts! and America’s finest in harms way.
As Senator Corker put it, the biggest generational theft bill of all time. Think about that, generational theft. Oh my gosh! Our Founding fathers have said many things about passing debt on to future generations, about entitlement spending, taxing the people, and big government. These people in our government should read or re-read Jefferson, Davey Crockett, Franklin, Washington and the Federalist papers, the Declaration of Independence, and , the Constitution of the United States. What is happening now is exactly what they warmed about.
….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
RINO Specter sold the ‘Super Bullett Theory’ to the JFK Assassination Warren Commission in 1964… The bullett that was FOUND in pristine condition on the Parkland Hospital gurney!
Blue States of Socialism are ALL represented by RINOS – period! Wished Dick Cheney was able to do some big game / name HUNTING!
This just blows my mind!!!! I can not believe that we have people like these 3 in politics that are so damn eager to flush this great country down the toilet!!! I will be keeping an eye on who is running for re-election in 2010 and doing everything I can to make sure that idiots like these do not get elected or re-elected!!!
I have sent messages to all 3 of them telling them exactly how I feel as well as both Senators from Indiana.
It is time people to clean Congress – both Senate and House – in 2010. We all have to get out and do all that we can to ensure that we eliminate crap like we have now that claim to be representing us!!!!
George W. Bush is the reason Specter is in the Senate. Bush went to Pennsylvania and campaigned for Specter against a real Conservative, Pat Toomey. Specter won his primary by less than 1% of the vote. Thank you George W.
Why do liberals like this even run as Republicans? Obviously Maine is a state of very liberal people.
Yes, Bush campaigned for Specter when everyone knew that Specter was a screaming liberal. Another one of those many question marks wondering why Bush did some of the things he did.
Right on BobF, Toomey had a huge grassroots support and Spectre had Bush backing, so with arm twisting and money from RNC Spectre got re-elected.
The three ought to just join the democrats and be done with it, for all the good they do as Republicans they just as well join their friends at the DNC. At least that way they’d be partly honest.
Thank the NRCC and the RNC for this, they had the Clinton years and both Bush era’s to clean up their own but they tried to out Democrat the Democrats in spending and Socialist projects. Snowe and Collins are there because the union leaders of the GOP wanted them there just like Jorge wanted the Sphincter as head of the Judiciary committee. Judges are more important political issues than any president, they are the keepers of the Constitution, The Sphincter jeopardizes all of that for the supreme court.
Unfortunately, former PA Republican senator Rick Santorum (a conservative at that) endorsed Specter back in the primary vs. Pat Toomey as well, because he was thinking party unity was important.
I can only hope Rick is kicking himself for that, as the RINOs sure didn’t come out to help him, and he narrowly lost.
I am not an absolutist on every issue. For example, here in California, pro-life Republicans never get anywhere, so many of us here have learned to let the abortion issue go, and just focus on illegal aliens and taxes and other such issues.
However, I think the Republican Party has to have certain votes and issues that are sine qua non–if the RINOs cave in, write them off. And the Porkulus Monster was definitely one of them.
I can only hope that Pat Toomey can come roaring back one day…then again, six years of Arlen Specter is a long time…
Arlen Specter is very ill so lets hope he dies soon and is replaced with a real Republican. As for the other 2 twits, they’ve always been RINO’s so maybe the best thing we can do is send them e-mails to let them know of our displeasure. ASSHOLES!
WT said it best.
RINOs like Collins, Snow, and Specter deserve to be shunned.
I too wish for Senator Pat Tooney. How much money did you give his campaign? I only gave $100 in 2004. I still get fund raising leters from Rick Santorum because of the hundred dollars I gave him in his last election.
You did know that, like David Duke, Arlen Spector used to be a Democrat? Back when he was selling theories to the Warren Commission to head off the Cubian hit team theory that was all Democrat. He has been so wrong so often perhaps he was wrong then.
Hey Darth, did Specter say the super bullet looked like this?:
Oswald >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JFK >>>>> Gov. C >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Parkland Hospital Gurney X ?
“Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness.” Geroge Washington
Spector was once a Democrat?? No wonder his first act after re-election was to stab GWB and the conservatives in the back.
“I would rather be beaten and be a man than to be elected and be a little puppy dog. I have always supported measures and principles and not men. I have acted fearless[ly] and independent and I never will regret my course. I would rather be politically buried than to be hypocritically immortalized.” Davy Crockett
Just in case your blood pressure was approaching normal, apparently The Lightbringer has signed a couple more Executive orders.
SondraK has done the legwork on this one:
It seems that your tax money is going to be used to import Palestinian refugees… you know, the ones the rest of the Arab world won’t take.
And Neal Boortz had a little something to say about the other; seems that contrary to GWB, all these projects which take Federal funds (and don’t they all?) will be required to use union labor:
I’ve emailed all three; doubt it will do any good. I’m looking for a political party that represents my values. Any suggestions?
These three just blew it for us! I can’t believe they’d jump ship on us, but it’s now time for them to walk the plank. Obviously they really don’t care what happens to all of us “ordinary folks” out here who struggle just to get by and how much worse it’s going to get. This is just full of fatty pork I can’t believe it. They obviously didn’t read it thoroughly enough, now did they? Shame on them!
JohnE – “You can all go to hell, I’m going to Texas” Davy Crockett after he lost his congressional seat.
I hold no bad feelings against these three because the revolted from the Republicans, I don’t like them because they are really Pelosi-Reid-Obama A%$holes.They are betraying this country.
Bob A.
This little quote to JohnE PFC U.S. Army
From Queen Boudica almost 1950 years ago. No verification that she actually said it. There is little on this.
Boudica, Queen of the Iceni, circa 60 AD
“I am descended from mighty men! But now I am not fighting for my kingdom and my wealth. I am fighting as an ordinary person for my lost freedom, my bruised body and my outraged daughters… Consider how many of you are fighting — and why. Then you will win this battle, or perish. That is what I, a woman, plan to do! — Let the men live in slavery if they will.”
I agree with you John.
Bob A.
The MAINE University Black Bears should be renamed BOO BOOS and Herr Specter is Marxist all the way: “If they look like a Marxist… And talk like a Marxist… and walk like a Marxist …. They all are Marxists!
Darth, me too, I would love for Cheney to take them hunting.
John, same here, I know they are rino’s but there aught to be a time when even a lowlife rino can see things clearly and love our country more then themselves. I know now that is not reality.
BobF., yes I wish he had not done that. There were things he did that really upset me ( Bush).
Tom, the only reason I can think of is they are really democrats and have joined are party even years ago to destroy it. It has to be something like that because most of the time like Specter has been much more of a dem then a rep.
Mark, I agree, I wish they would get the heck out of the rep. party. I am so sick of rino’s.
Jack, DITTO that.
I swear I am so angry I can hardly type sometimes.
Nick Byram, I understand completely. There is no way we can fight it all. They outnumber us for one thing, they have the media to push their agenda plus the courts as well.
Like having to chose which fight to fight kind of thing.
cuchieddie, yes I forgot,maybe he could do us a favor and die before he votes. haha
Les, thank you and thank you too for the other images too. haha
Avitar, thanks for the information. I was guessing he had been a dem and was not sure.
drstrangeloveb52isok, LOL
Hahahhaa He would be no loss to humanity if he keeled over or ….
JohnE PFC U.S. Army, I agree completely.
Good ole Davy Crockett!
Rick thanks, I saw it at another blog I go to. But I do apprpepciate you sharing about it in case I had not seen it. Thank you so much.
But yes my blood pressure went way up on that one. One person at the other blog did say that they were not bringing them here but we would take care of the jerks over there. I was like well ok, but it is still horrible.Maybe the idf can kill them all and then we won’t have to take care of the Palestinian’s. heh heh
Duane, I sure know how you feel. I have no idea if there is a party out there for those of us that think and feel and believe like we do. Duane that is pretty scary to say that, waaaaaa.
Lynn, I would love to see them ” walk the plank”.