Nurse suspended for offering to pray
A Christian nurse in Britain may soon be fired for offering to pray for her patients’ recovery.
Caroline Petrie has been suspended and faces disciplinary action because her employer claims she failed to show a “personal and professional commitment to equality and diversity” when she suggested the prayer, the London Telegraph reported.
Petrie, 45, a wife and mother of two, is a community nurse who works for North Somerset Primary Care Trust. As part of her job, she visits patients who are sick and elderly.
Petrie said she never forced her Christian beliefs on any of her patients but simply asked if an elderly woman would appreciate the blessing.
“I simply couldn’t believe that I have been suspended over this,” she told the Telegraph. “I knew I hadn’t done anything wrong. All I am trying to do is help my patients, many of whom want me to pray for them.”
Petrie visited the elderly woman, a resident in Winscombe, North Somerset, in December.
“It was around lunchtime and I had spent about 20 to 25 minutes with her,” the nurse said. “I had applied dressings to her legs and shortly before I left I said to her: ‘Would you like me to pray for you?'”
The patient said, “No, thank you.”
Shortly afterward, Petrie’s employer contacted her and asked her why she had offered the prayer. The patient, a woman in her late 70s, had complained to the trust.
Another nurse approached Petrie the following day and told her the woman had been surprised by the offer. Petrie apologized and asked if she had offended the patient.
The nurse replied, “No, no. She was just a bit taken back. You must be aware of your professional code of conduct. I would be careful.”
But that wasn’t the end of it. Petrie returned home to find a message on her answering machine. She was suspended without pay on Dec. 17 and forced to attend a disciplinary meeting. Petrie expects to be notified of her employer’s decision this week.
The nurse told the Telegraph that she has been a Christian since she was only 10 – following her mother’s tragic death from breast cancer.
“My faith is very important to me,” she said.
Wild Thing’s comment……….
Nurses are awesome, I actually prefer to see a nurse more then a ( internist) doctor. That is probably why the doctor I go to is a DO PA and not an internist. They are less likely to prescribe medication and are concerned more with total health and preventive care. Nurses have a better bedside manner, treat patients more like human beings so for me I will always have a very high regard for them.
This nurse in the article from what I can tell did nothing wrong. The nurse asked permission, she asked would the woman like to be prayed for a simple and harmless question. And for the patient to answer no and that was the end of it, then this woman ( the patient) in my opinion is probably some stupid liberal trying to make something out of this that did not exist.
With the Muslims taking over the UK, and that this nurse was polite about her question, it is silly and stupid for anyone to get upset about what happened.
Even if as the article said the nurse is a Christian if the patient was Jewish that would still not have been out of line as far as I can tell. They both have the same God and I have said I would pray for a Jewish person many times and not once were they offended. Just a simple thanks I appreciate it. So that can’t be it either.
I would stamp this patients chart with big letters across it…… LIBERAL AND TROUBLE MAKER.
….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
The once ‘Great’ Britain in the new Eurabian Union? – James Bond is Dead 2009?
— Allah Save The Queen?
Britain has become so socialized and PC, that it has become a dangerous place to live. Britons never know when a minor action may actually be an illegal act and get them in trouble. Socialism is government running amok and interferring ia all asects of private life.
Politically correctness and defensive medicine cost us $billions yet do nothing to remove the incompetents. Best doctor I’ve ever seen was a former male nurse, he saved my wife’s life and spared her a lot of pain, he is a first class surgeon. Thanks WT, I feel the same way although I do have a good doctor now.
Karl Marx said, Religion is the opiate of the masses. When that is taken away, their only salvation is government.
Religion and prayer are a very personal matter. A sincere offer to say a prayer was met with a “No, thank you”. That should have been the end of it.
Forcing the nurse to attend a disciplinary meeting and suspending her for this offer is an over reaction of stupidity and insensitivity. The nurse should pray for those who did this to her. They need all of the prayer that they can get.
Darth,good one.
Tom, it sure is and it is so scary how fast it takes over.
“Socialism is government running amok and interferring ia all asects of private life.”
Jack, oh good I am so glad you have a good doctor now. I wish there were more really good internists, because they really are needed.
Mark, thanks for the Karl Marx quote.
Les, I agree the no thank you should have been the end. Too bad the woman saw it a different way.
If I was the nurse I would never ask again, I would just to it without the person knowing, Just add the patient to a prayer list.