
CIA Station Chief in Algeria Accused of Rapes
ABC news
The CIA’s station chief at its sensitive post in Algeria is under investigation by the U.S. Justice Department for allegedly raping at least two Muslim women who claim he laced their drinks with a knock-out drug, U.S. law enforcement sources tell ABC News.
The suspect in the case is identified as Andrew Warren in an affidavit for a search warrant filed in federal court in Washington, D.C. by an investigator for the State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service.
Officials say the 41-year old Warren, a convert to Islam, was ordered home by the U.S. Ambassador, David Pearce, in October after the women came forward with their rape allegations in September.
According to the affidavit, the two women “reported the allegations in this affidavit independently of each other.”
The affidavit says the first victim says she was raped by Warren in Sept. 2007 after being invited to a party at Warren’s residence by U.S. embassy employees.
She told a State Department investigator that after Warren prepared a mixed drink of cola and whiskey, she felt a “violent onset of nausea” and Warren said she should spend the night at his home.
The alleged victim said she remembers being in Warren’s bed and asking him to stop, but that “Warren made a statement to the effect of ‘nobody stays in my expensive sheets with clothes on.'”
She told investigators “as she slipped in and out of consciousness she had conscious images of Warren penetrating her vagina repeatedly with his penis.”
The second victim told investigators she sent Warren a text message accusing him of abusing her and he replied, “I am sorry,” the affidavit says.
According to the affidavit, when Warren was interviewed by Diplomatic Security investigators, he claimed he had “engaged in consensual sexual intercourse” and admitted there were photographs of the two women on his personal laptop. He would not consent to a search or seizure of the computer, leading investigators to seek the warrant.
According to the affidavit, a search of Warren’s residence in Algiers turned up Valium and Xanax and a handbook on the investigation of sexual assaults.
The affidavit says toxicologists at the FBI laboratory say Xanax and Valium are among the drugs “commonly used to facilitate sexual assault.”
“Drugs commonly referred to as date rape drugs are difficult to detect because the body rapidly metabolizes them,” said former FBI agent Brad Garrett, an ABC News consultant. “Many times women are not aware they were even assaulted until the next day,” he said.
The CIA refused to acknowledge the investigation or provide the name of the Algiers station chief, but the CIA Director of Public Affairs, Mark Mansfield, said, “I can assure you that the Agency would take seriously, and follow up on, any allegations of impropriety.”
State Departmentt Acting Spokesman Robert Wood issued a statement saying, “The U.S. takes very seriously any accusations of misconduct involving any U.S. personnel abroad. The individual is question has returned to Washington and the U.S. Government is looking into the matter.”
U.S. officials were bracing for public reaction in the Muslim world, following the report of the allegation.
“It has the potential to be quite explosive if it’s not handled well by the United States government,” said Isobel Coleman, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations who specializes in women’s issues in the Middle East.
“This isn’t the type of thing that’s going to be easily pushed under the carpet,” she said.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
It says this man is a convert to Islam. OK so how is Obama going to handle this situation. Go on another Arab TV interview? Is it true or not is also something to consider. The one thing we know is this man converted to Islam and those accusing him are also Muslims so the whole thing has people involved that are told it is ok to lie. Remember all those Muslim women that CAIR sent out in our country to complain about how they were treated and all they saidi were lies.
If it is true then it needs to be delt with quickly and try to stop any horrible reactions the Muslim world would have. If it is a lie then I have no idea how to convince the Muslim world it is untrue. Darn it is hard when dealing in any way with Muslims!!!!!
Guilty or not, remember that bus, the one where under the right Reverand Wright and Granny Dunham dissappeared, it rolled on, there are no traces of their bodies on the tires. Not that I have any sympathy for Andrew Warren if guilty as charged he just happens to be working now for the man who disrespects everything American, including his own agencies. Warren’s conversion to muhammedanism is unlikely to save him from Obama. He needs to seek sanctuary in the British Embassy. Next!!!
Muslims drinking whiskey?? Warren admitting to having sex with these women? This is more than a smoking gun. It is an islamic Peyton Place or Peyton Mosque. Oh, the complications of muslimhood. Let the fun begin!
Ooooo it might put the ‘good feelings’ of the Usurper in Jeopardy. Awww welcome to the real world barry. Besides, since he, the CIA station chief, is a moslem convert, and they are moslemettes don’t they need 6 eye witnesses to testafy that they were raped ?
Secondly, is it any surprise Charlie Gibson is trashing the USA again. Taking the side of the moslemettes, afterall, it is still hearsay, and no indictments have been handed down yet.
But they are so shocked that anyone would do this on obamas watch…Seiko anyone ?
Jack, yes…..NEXT is right!!
Tom, hahhaa love how you put that.
“It is an islamic Peyton Place or Peyton Mosque”
Mark, thanks I didn’t know that about the 6 witnesses. Very intereting.
I am so sick of Charlie Gibson and others trashing our country.