Placing banners on motorway bridges in a Germany-wide campaign
On 16 December 2008, we continue our campaign that started with former actions such as veiling of female statues and sculptures with a head scarf and burka. This time we place banners of up to 8 x 1,3 meters on bridges near the following cities Heidelberg, Konstanz, Eckernförde, Osnabrück, Bremen, Krefeld, Berlin and Munich.
With this action in combination with the hompepage launched today, we aim to point out the fact that a creeping Islamisation takes place within the European societies.
This causes concern due to the fact that even in a society that is as free as Great Britain, the Islamic law, Sharia, is recognized at several civil courts. For many Muslims, the Islamic law is superior to the national constitutions and laws of the respective European state for the reason that this religious law is based on Allah´s words.
The effects of a distinct prevalence of the politically oriented Islam on Europe, are sketched on our homepage www.unterm-schleier.com including profound background information, Quranic sources, history, and general knowlegde concerning the political Islam. With this hompepage, we provide sources of information for multipliers, both journalists or regional politicians and the broad public. In addition to the categories of information, there is Advice, a practical part, and the documentation of the former and current activities that advertise our hompage or invite the general public to get involved.
We want to set records straight in the public debates. There is misinformation supported by statements such as „Islam is peaceful“, in the discussions regarding „Gender equality in Islam“, or in a premature decision on what is „Islam and Islamism“. Islam includes political and social-ideological components. Therefore, it is not only a religion. Eventually, the Quran is to be taken literally and is immutable. The normative aspect shines a different light on the Quaric Sura when they refer to war against infidels, to physical punishments such as chopping off hands, or to the roles of women and men in Islam.
In the public debates, it shall be questioned to a greater extend if it is possible to align Islam with the European constitutions, whether Muslims and citizens of liberal societies speak about the same topic when they talk about peace, for example, or whether gender equality in Islam means the same as in Europe.
We are an international group of young people, partly with immigrantion background, who love democracy, cultural diversity and freedom that we want to enjoy. Grown up in a society based on tolerance and compassion, we admit to European values and would like to advocate for those. Our liberal achievements shall not be taken for granted as in history many people fought for those European values repeatedly.
These are the values that are close to our heart:
• Freedom of the individual and self-determination
• Freedom of religion, of thought and of expression
• Human and personal rights
• Dignity of every individual
• The constitutional state and the democracy
• Respect for private property
• Equal rights for women
• Tolerance
• Sustainability
• The idea to support the underpriviledged
• The separation of state and religious instutitions as well as the principle that religion is a private matter.
Within this, we think that our European societies are based on the views of Humanism, Rationalism and the Enlightment as well as on Christian-Jewish values and is established on Roman law and on democratic principles.
Like extreme right- and left-winged political attitudes, the polical Islamic ideology endangers those European achievements.
Our activities are not aimed against anything. Rather they shall be seen as a campaign promoting European values, democracy and liberal thinking. We would like to initiate public debates about Islam in Europe within the frame of the European values.
“Islam – or Freedom?“
” Freedom – or Islam?“
Wild Thing’s comment……..
High five to the Germans doing this, they understand what is going on. Not all of them but enough to be doing something like this is a good thing.
The only problem has been and will continue to be the surrender monkies that are in charge and will continue to surrender their nation to Islam.
Here, here!!! A high-five from me also!
Too bad the bloody Brits are to stuffy to react, the French to inbred with them and the Netherlands has afforded them a princely haven that our elites want to emulate. Invest in precious metal, lead, copper clad and lots of it.
Their policy sure is sensible. Glad they realize the creeping crud that is islamism in Europe. I got a kick out of the statement that they consider Great Britain to be a very free society, I guess in comparison to Germany.
They are fighting two enemies of freedom, islamism and socialism. Good luck to the freedom movements in Europe.
Too bad those banners would be considered hate crimes in this country and banned from public display. All the ‘freedom’ that we have is mass chanting of Heil Obama! and It’s All Bush’s Fault!
Hail yes Les, it all Bush’s fault everything else is. He just bailed out the Automakers to the tune of 17 Bil.
And get this the Unions are demanding an $850 Billion stimulus package.
Hell at this rate the muzzies can just move in and take over.
I agree with Jack, full metal jackets and lots of them.
Miss Chris, I was so surprised to see anyone do this, we are so PC here in America that there would be no way anyone could get away with this kind of thing. I wish them the best and I pray we never have to decide between Islam and Freedom here.
Jack, yes the Brits really have a huge problem and their man Brown can’t see it, he keeps kissing up to the Muslims.
Tom, yes haha that was funny about Great Britain, I think it is exactly what you said. They are doing a comparison.
Les, our freedom of speech has come to have a lot of rules to it like never before. PC rules. grrrrr
Mark, sheesh ho my gosh……..
“And get this the Unions are demanding an $850 Billion stimulus package”
Please all in Washington stop the insanity.
My wife is from Dusseldorf WEST Germany. Her niece was almost knifed by an islamo turk punk not too long ago. – VALKYRIE 2008