Change Ohio and various patriot groups confront the Ohio State House to save the Constitution
On Wednesday December 10th, the Ohio House Judiciary Committee were confronted by members from Campaign for Liberty, Ohio Freedom Alliance, We Are Change Ohio, John Birch Society, Institute for Principled Policy, Constitution Party of Ohio, and the Libertarian Party of Ohio whom testified against HJR, an Ohio call for an Article V Constitutional Convention.
This is one of only two legal methods for amending the Supreme Law of the Land. This nation is only a few states away from having application of the requisite 34 states needed to convene a Constitutional Convention.
It is worth noting that many states which have called for a Constitutional Convention in the past have since withdrawn their requests (Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, New Hampshire, and others) after realizing the danger of such an event.
The list of reasons why this is a terrible idea is very long but boils down to We the People don’t want a Constitution-Amending free-for-all, nor do we want to risk losing our Constitution altogether. Many states have called for a Con-Con but have since realized the risk of doing so and have rescinded their calls. Ohio Patriots are trying to tell the Ohio legislature to LEARN FROM HISTORY and don’t repeat their mistakes. If a Constitution Convention is called, our Constitution and Bill of Rights would be up for grabs and open to any and all changes.
The committee had some questions and a couple repeatedly voiced concerns, enough so that I definitely think we have a good shot at getting this defeated. The House committee’s next move will likely be a vote to send the resolution to the full House.
Speak out AGAINST this resolution! NO TO HJR 8 and SJR 9!
There are a total of 7 videos on this from their meeting.
Wild Thing’s comment……….
I found this video while I was looking for something else. Thank goodness people spoke up in Ohio and any of the other States that have caused them to change their minds on this about the Constitution Convention.
Once there is a Concon, we the people will have no say in what the politicians decide. In order to get pet projects and ideas into the Constitution they will agree to each other’s proposals. They will add amendment after amendment and probably at the same time strip the Bill of Rights of it’s freedoms.
I would especially fear having a Concon with the present group of liberal democrats in charge. They would give themselves Constitutional powers that would literally make America a third world socialist state overnight.
Funny, the only place I have seen a potential Constitutional convention mentioned is on consevative blogs. The MSM is keeping mum on this.
It is only a short matter of time before Barack Obama and his Kool-Aid drinkers get the necessary states to be able to call a Con-Con and destroy the very Constitutional fabric that made this country great.
Tom, thank you, I was looking for it too and only found it like you said on conservative blogs. I even taped the other news channels so I could fast forward through them and see if they mentioned it, there was nothing.
Les,yes and it makes me so sick. It breaks my heart.
I sure am grateful for the people in those States that so far have been fighting it off as best they can.