Press Conference.
I know what it feels like to have our home surrounded with fomaes 100 plus feet high, choppers overhead and having to leave our home with only our animlas and a few items. It is like being in hell on earth.
Special prayers for all our friends in California that are a part of Theodore’s World. Fires are located in several areas in the State. And prayers for the firefighters they are heroes.
To all those in SCal, especially those either in the path of these fires or with family & friends in harm’s way, may God Bless you, Protect you & Comfort you!
Sylmar, Granada Hills, Porter Ranch, San Fernando Valley, Yorba Linda and Anaheim hills , Corona, and other areas.
The wind is 70 miles an hour at times.
The Santa Ana winds these past few days made it extremely dry hazardous conditions. The fire is creating tornado like conditions.
125 strike teams are there.
6 fixed wings
6 heavy helicopters
6 medium helicopters
According to Ken Vecchiarelli the Director Yorba Linda Water District, the Hidden Hills area of Yorba Linda has lost its water. The water pump station burned and is no longer functional. Trying to bring a replacement pump up from Laguna Hills canyon. Absolutely unbelievable and uncontrollable.
I hope these fires are controlled and the winds subside before much more damage is done. Yes, prayers for our fellow Americans in Southern California.
I hope they get some rain and get these fires stopped, it was bad in ’65, so bad that we in BCT were pulled and set out to fight the fires in the surrounding areas, not that is was unwelcome duty, it beat full packs and a forced march in that wonderful California beach sand. I was at Irvine for a few weeks in ’85 doing a project at Tustin, it was a shock to see how much the area had grown from the time I’d been there earlier. People who haven’t seen a brush fire up close can’t appreciate how fierce and fast they move, the population growth alone has strapped all their water resources to the point they don’t have the water to fight fires with. It’s more than people and property, it’s also livestock, pets and wildlife that get harmed.
My cousin (mom’s sister’s oldest), Kristie lives in Sylmar with her husband. They are set designers with the studios. I hope they are okay. I haven’t heard a word yet.
Tom, Amen.
Jack your right…..”It’s more than people and property, it’s also livestock, pets and wildlife that get harmed.”.
The ones I was in when we lived in Malibu it was all of that too, so many horses being taken to a safe place even when the neighbor was not home. People helped each other.