O’Reilly Blasts Barney Frank On Fannie Mae Mess!!
Wild Thing’s comment………
I am no fan of O’Reilly, but every so often he does something that I can laugh at. He is furious, I think he must have lost some money in the stock market, just going by some of the things he has hinted at.
Nick and I saw this when it happened and we were laughing at how Barney was trying to say how innocent he is. Frank is soooo pathetic.
If O’Reilly wants to get really serious about this, he’ll be calling for investigations and charges against Frank and his cohorts. Barney Frank knew what was happening years ago and did nothing. He deserves prison.
I laughed so at the sputtering and indignation from Frank.
I just wish O’Reilly had had a prosecutor on to take Frank to task, point by point. All that patting themselves on the back is just too much!
I love a good bitch slap fest especially when it’s too guys going at it! WEEEEEE!!!!!!
Barney can’t even talk correctly! He sounds like Elmer Fudd on ‘ludes, if you get my drift!
Frank is a big fat coward.
There needs to be more than O’Reilly taking on the Frank’s, Dodd’s and their ilk publicly. Fox so far has been the only entity to challenge them openly, the rest give them the Larry King treatment. I did enjoy Frank sputtering like he was choking on the big one.
How about this conflict of interest by Barney Frank.
I don’t expect any repercussions, all of congress is guilty, either directly for engaging in the activities or indirectly for ignoring them.
Legalizing price fixing eh, Barney?
I have forgotten how orielly ‘dissed’ the Swift-boat Veterans for Truth and defended Hanoi John Kerry and wouldn’t even question Kerrys role in the VVAW.
Sorry, I have little respect of Bill O’reilly. I am surprised Frank stood their and let O’reilly get away with it.
Republicans and conservatives, in particular, can’t let up on the failures and complicity of Democrats in our nation’s problems regardless of the outcome of the elections in November. We are at war to save the country and people like Barney Frank, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Charlie Rangel, Joe Biden and the rest of the blame everything on Bush, Cheney, Republicans, and Rush Limbaugh crowd are the enemy no less than Osama bin Laden himself.
There must be no let up after election day on identifying and exposing these rat bastards for who they are and what they have done. We need a surge on Congress and also the White House should that Marxist, hyphenated American, and affirmative-action candidate become President. Washington, DC should bleed Democratic scandal every day until all of these anti-American and, yes, some times traitors are held accountable for their actions.
For eight years, Democrats have claimed bipartisanship but, in fact, consistently screwed the President and Republicans in Congress.
Now it is time to return the favor.
BobF, your right, we will see how much O’Reilly does with this in the coming months.
Yankeemom, that would have been a great idea.
Lynn, Hahahahaha me too, I wonder what the heck is wrong with Frank anyway. I think he has always had this speech thing. I would not want to stand too close to him for many reasons but what you mentioned is one of them. hahahahhaaa
Jack, I think you right. No one is going to be punished and especially those guilty in Congress like Bareny Frank. grrrrrrrrrrrrr
Thank you for that link and information.
Mark, Yes I will never forget that and never forgive O’Reilly for what he did. O’Reilly is part of the enemy within.
Les thank you for the links and information. They just started discussing the Bailout on Fox news right now as I am writing this. Like a documentary type of report.