NBC jokes: Todd Palin has sex with daughters
‘Saturday Night Live’ skit suggests Sarah’s husband guilty of incest
A week after a high-profile send-up of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on “Saturday Night Live,” the NBC comedy show returned to making fun of the Alaskan governor in a skit where New York Times reporters sought to probe the possibility Palin’s husband, Todd, was having sex with the couple’s own daughters.
“What about the husband?” asked a Times reporter during a mock assignment meeting for the paper. “You know he’s doing those daughters. I mean, come on. It’s Alaska.”
The assignment editor for the Times, portrayed by actor James Franco, responded: “He very well could be. Admittedly, there is no evidence of that, but on the other hand, there is no convincing evidence to the contrary. And these are just some of the lingering questions about Governor Palin.”
The skit featured a photo of one reporter and an on-screen message that stated, “In 2009 [reporter] Howland Gwathmey Moss, V was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his Times series on unproven, yet un-disproven incest in the Palin family. Sadly, he was to die 3 months later, run over by a snow machine, driven by a polar bear.”
The final shot showed an image of a New York Times page, with headlines that included:
“While No Direct Evidence of Incest in Palin Family Emerges, Counter Evidence Remains Agonizingly Elusive” and “In a Small Alaska Town, Doubts Still Linger.”
The sketch seemed to be designed to mock how out of touch journalists from the Big Apple are when it comes to their knowledge of Alaska, with left-leaning, Manhattan-dwelling reporters mistaking a snowmobile for a “baptizing machine,” a crucifix and a NordicTrack exerciser in photographs held up for them.
Some viewers expressed outrage.
“It is time the Palin family brought out the big guns. They need to sue General Electric, NBC, ‘Saturday Night Live,'” said Al Barrs of Bascom, Fla. “This is clearly criminal and defamation of character of an entire family and state. All the above needs to be taken to their knees big time once and for all.”
“What if somebody did one with this kind of humor on Obama and his daughters?” asked Jim Cash of Chattanooga, Tenn. “What an uproar there would be. This line of humor is tasteless and moronic and about as low as they could go. There simply must be an uproar over this. We cannot let this just pass.”
But others, such as Ana Jimenez, believe the episode was all in good fun, since the program is a comedy show.
“Anyone that watched Saturday’s show and believed the skit in which it was suggested that there was incest in the Palin household needs to have [his] head examined,” said Jimenez. “The purpose of the joke (tacky and crude as it was, I did not care for it at all by the way) was to show how out of touch journalists are – not an attack on the Palin household. Sheesh, get a grip!”
NBC’s website for “Saturday Night Live” normally contains video clips of the show’s comedy routines, but, interestingly, the clip of the incest sketch was never posted online.
Wild Thing’s comment……………..
I could care less if they were attempting in their skit to strike out at the MSM for their reporting. And USING Palin to do so. What they did was wrong!
SNL got their idea from KOS,DU, and various newspapers. And it is NOT funny! They could have done the same thing and just said Palin was a space alien or somerthing. They did not have to cross the line, that was uncallled for.
The skit can be described as employing satire as a COVER and a VEHICLE for getting a sick political message out to the public.
A carefully-drawn, vivid picture of incest within the Palin family was deftly designed to be IMBEDDED in the minds of the lumpen masses. It was carefully drawn.
Indeed, the “satire” of these types of skits are and will be laughed at uproariously and winked at because “I got it, the rest of the thin-skinned, easily offended dummies in this country don’t get it at all. The sick portrayal is really not aimed at the Palin family, it’s aimed at the liberal media”……..(sure it is).
What’s next, skits about sex with animals, cannabalism, gang rapes, the sex slave trade……each, of course, woven into a “satirical” skit about the Palin’s?
Well, why not??? This incest one was such a hoot, why not a ditto next week??? We’ll ostensibly aim it at the Washington Compost and Air America this time.
Whether the amoral Al Franken wrote this skit or not is irrelevant. SNL writers are undoubtedly all of the same stripe…..or they wouldn’t be working there, or anywhere in their field. We have to realize that these leftist comedy writers are propagandists of the very same ilk as the serious Goebbel’s types except they employ comedy as their vehicle for evil.
Between now and election, SNL’s cleverly-disguised attacks will continue and intensify while the masses will yuk it up thinking they’re being entertained, not brainwashed into voting for “change”.
They could have used the jet sale, or the bridge as the subject. They were having “fun” by saying a really nasty thing about someone they don’t like. Incest is not a fit subject for humor, whatever the purported purpose, any more than rape would be. They were being vicious.
Thanks Mark for the article about this.
The Palins are a functional family. There is a Mother and a Father. They both work and is a typical American family. The chances of this happening to this family are very small. They know this but it helps create doubt in undecided voters. And doubt is what they are after.
On the other hand if they really want to look at a dysfunctional family, suppose we look at the community organizers family and their roots. His real father took off to play around with other women, left his child to be raised by his Grandmother, which is now quite typical in Black families. He was shipped like baggage to all parts of the world for education and upbringing. There was no stable home environment, no father figure and after a few years no Maternal Mother figure. So if anyone of the candidates is dysfunction it is Barack Obama.
How do we know Ho-bama doesn’t beat his wife and sleep with his young daughters. Afterall he said he wouldn’t ‘burden’ his daughters with a baby. Is this why he supports infanticide, so his daughter impregnated by Barack Obama can have the evidence destroyed.
…Also does Barack Obama still beat his wife ? and molest all of his children. If this is the route they want to go then lets bring it on.
The case for spousal abuse and incest in a family where one of the parents comes from a dysfunctional family is much greater than one that is not dysfunctional.
SNL is the most vile of the left and a relative of the KOS inspired hatred, hatred like a disease just spreads and infects everyone it touches and most despicable. But we can go just as low. And we have more of a case to make than they do.
This is how the left views small town USA, not just the Palins, it’s a universal disdain of those outside the big city. Small town USA is independent of the Socialist norms of the large city, made up of mostly rural populations surrounding their small towns. Any insults hurled at Sarah and her family are also aimed at the rest of us by their insinuations. It’s that Saul Alinsky in your face assault that the Communist scum of the earth have all adopted. Hugo Chavez, Al Franken, Bill Maher, Joy Berhar, SNL, they are all the same in their smear tactics and their assault on the family structure and personal independence, passed off as humor??? I have yet to hear Obama condemn these slanders toward Palin or chastise the media for their front page reviews of this trash, he knows all too well his personal vulnerability is at stake.
I quit watching SNL many years ago, after Eddie Murphy left. Actually, it became way too leftist for me after John Belushi was gone. I thought even back then the skits became way too silly as they focused on delivering a liberal message.
Taken out of context, this SNL sick skit was bad enough. Put in context with other SNL skits including current input from Al Franken, left wing “humor” from the likes of Sandra Bernhard, malicious hacking including Sarah Palin”s email by the Obamacrat son of a Tenn. Democrat state senator, the joint Obama supporting left wing and MSM vicious assault on Sarah Palin and her family, and the snide attitude and comments against anything Republican from the Hollywood elite and non-elite we see only the tip of the left-wing Socialist Obama supporting hate monger iceberg gaining control of the country.
Do like we do and boycott NBC, MSNBC and CNBC, along with all GE products! Turn off the NBC Sunday night football pre-game show and turn on ESPN instead. NBC = Nutcase Bigtime Channel!
I had a hard time connecting today. First we hace the head of the DNC in SC saying her only major accomplishment was not having an abortion, now we have this so called “comedy skit” on incest. It’s disgusting. Don’t underestimate the Democratic Party, liberals and the left. When you think they have hit the bottom of the barrel and can sink no lower in their words and deeds, they do.
What’s next, skits about sex with animals, cannabalism, gang rapes, the sex slave trade……each, of course, woven into a “satirical” skit about the Palin’s?
Wouldn’t that have morew relevance in the “dark continent” perhaps someone from Kenya or Kenyan descent? Just a question.
Just an added question, why are Mamabam and the two little porch monkey’s off limits when the Palin’s are disparaged on a daily basis?
Mark, thanks, yes I think these people and anyone doing this kind of thing had better be very careful. Like you said there is such an abundance of information out there about Obama’s family not so family that we are loaded with ammo on him.
Jack, yes that’s true they are representative of all of us that agree and appreciate the Palins.
Tom, yes it has always been liberal but it has gotten even more so over the years. I liked it a thousand years ago when they had that cute kitty driving the car and some of the conehead skits and Belushi stuff was sometimes ok too. That was such a long time ago.
Les, yes they just keep hitting new lows. I just pray for Palin’s family and McCain’s too.
Darth, I would guess that SNL will get some emails.
Bob, I don’t know but I think this kind of direct personal attacks needs to stop now if not sooner. There are children involved and this is just very wrong.