While Barack Obama tries to call John McCain a “liar” for saying Obama will raise taxes on a wide swath of Americans, Joe Biden tells America that paying higher taxes is … patriotic? The Democratic VP told Good Morning America today that “it’s time to be patriotic” and start allowing Uncle Sam to take even more of your paycheck:
BUT look at this…… he not only said it in his interview he said it when speaking at one of his rallies. And the idiot people applauded. Soooooo I was sort of kind of thinking here…….how about alll those morons that just LOVE taxes, why don’t they pay all of ours. Just a suggestion.
The word Patriotism just does NOT belong in the vocabulary of a liberal, no way. And I resent it when they use the word. But to Joe Biden he things paying taxes is all it takes to be patriotic and respecting our American Flag is NOT!
SCREW YOU Joe Biden!

….Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion – 1st Aviation Brigade – Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam
He sure is free with my money – and patriotism.
Funny, but I thought patriotism was off the discussion table. Slaps my forehead…Oh, that’s right! Just for the Right. Silly me…
This from someone who on average gave a little more than $300/yr in charitable donations?
Seems those who think they know better than you on how to spend your money, sure hold on to theirs.
What an a$$…
Typical dummys–take your money for the “public” good and spend it on crap we can’t afford. Now, if it were going to a really good cause (like the GI bill or the space program, that would be different. I don’t mind helping to send military kids to college or working on heading to Mars and beyond). But it will be more of the “let’s keep those stupid Americans on the public dole, so we can keep tabs on them and tell them what to do.” Obamanation even said he wants more public housing. That’s the slums! Both of them are about as dumb as a bag of hammers without the hammers!
Joe Biden: Paying Higher Taxes Is Patriotic
Bookmarked your post over at Blog Bookmarker.com!
Class envy, soak the rich. The idiots applaud not knowing that the Dems want to soak everyone that earns an income, unless they are politicians like Charles Rangel.
Patriotic?? This from a guy who dodged the draft during Vietnam.
I am glad Obama picked Biden as his running mate. Biden brings nothing of positive value to the campaign. Biden is a loser.
And I’m sure that Joe Biden will also tell us that it is patriotic to vote for Barack Obama – an African-American. Wrong on taxes! Wrong on Obama!
Well the obama dingbats claim -only- the Rich will have their taxes increased. Ok… with what obama wants to pay for how long before the Rich are not the rich. They put too much of a burden on the Rich and away go the jobs, along with any possibility of prosperity. The smart rich will shelter their money, they are not fools, or leave the country along with their money. The ‘little people’ who have jobs left will see their share of the Tax burden increase in order to pay for more and more of obama’s boondoggle pie in the sky communist ideas.
At the rate Bush is paying off these bad debts of defaulting companies the democrats won’t have anything left for the Federal Government to co-opt. It will be already done by Bush.
Newt got it right when he called Biden a Socialist and he was probably being nice, should have called him a Communist, which is what he is.
Yankeemom, LOL good one!!! Love how you put that.
Lynn, exactly and for Biden to even use that word in relation to being patriotic shows how little he knows it and respects it.
Tom, good point……”from a guy who dodged the draft during Vietnam”….he sure did. He has a lot of nerve to think he can use that word.
Les, yessss wrong on both counts.
Mark, good for Newt, I am glad he said that, he is right and yes communist would have been even more accurate.