13,000 plus welcome McCain-Palin
John McCain and Sarah Palin brought their campaign back to Minnesota Friday, appearing before thousands of roaring supporters in a cavernous hangar at the Anoka County-Blaine Airport.
At the same hour, Barack Obama’s backers were at Peavy Plaza in downtown Minneapolis .
The lipstick motif Palin has injected into the campaign — “Read my Lipstick” read placards at each rally.
“Our opponent points the finger of blame, but has he ever lifted a finger to help?” Palin asked.
“NO!” the crowd responded.
When she talked about the need to diversify the nation’s energy supply, Palin was greeted by the “Drill, Baby, Drill” chant that had rocked the Republican convention.
Palin condemned Iran’s attempt to develop nuclear weapons. “Iran should not be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons — period!” she said.
The crowd is yelling “NObama, NObama, NObama!!!
They played Dolly Parton’s “Straight Talk.”
There was someone in the crowd with a poster of the Statue of Liberty wearing bright red lipstick.
The McCain campaign estimated the crowd at 13,000, citing the Transportation Security Administration. And not all of them fit in the hangar.
Road to Victory tour hits Blaine, MN
Gov. Sarah Palin ….. Part 1
Gov. Sarah Palin ….. Part 2
Sen. John McCain Part 1
Sen. John McCain Part 2
Report from a friend that was there:
“We left for the rally at about 8:30 this morning, as most of us had kids we had to get off to school, but didn’t actually get into the hangar until after 10:00. We managed to get out of the looooong line of cars that were trying to get in the lot by the hangar, and found a smaller lot about a mile away. We hoofed it.
There were about 7 protesters standing by the entrance to the airfield, but they were just standing there with their signs. They were Minnesota-nice moonbats, I guess. LOL. One of the signs was “The Disasta from Alaska”, and I just laughed out loud when I read it.
We had to go through the metal detectors, and they confiscated all the cans of soda and the apples my friend had in a small cooler. They let her keep the granola bars, crackers, and water that she had. Thank goodness! Periodically, people were asked to drink out of their water bottles. We didn’t have to do that.
After we kind of “nestled in” to our spot, people were handing out large hand-painted signs, “Hockey Moms for McCain/Palin” (or just Palin), and “Palin Power”. We had the latter. They also handed out the campaign printed, “Country First” signs. I proceeded to put lipstick marks on all of ours—gave it that personal touch so-to-speak.;^)
I looked around and noticed quite a few younger people, which was so nice to see. There were groups with the same tee shirts. One group had red shirts with “Obamunisms” on them.
There were pro-life signs and shirts. One sign that I particularly liked said, “I already have a Savior, I am looking for a president!” There were lots of special needs signs and shirts as well. The rally started right around 11:00 with Mary Pawlenty (the Governor’s wife) introducing the color guard. The pledge was recited, the star spangles banner was sung, the prayer invoked (which was NO wimpy prayer–thank you, Pastor Steve!) and the rally kicked off! Some of the speakers were Congressman John Klein, Senator Norm Coleman, a dem woman (local rep, I think) for McCain (thinking PUMA here), Ron Sherrer (sp?), who is a local television personality , and Michelle Bachmann who mostly introduced Governor Palin, stressing her support for drilling in ANWR! (I think this is perfect cover for McCain to “change his mind, after seeing it for himself”) When Governor Sarah Palin and Sentor John McCain were introduced, the crowd erupted. There was so much energy in that place, it was palpable.
Her speech was great, and with just a few of the lines repeated from the convention, she actually had a lot of new material–she talked about how three years ago, John McCain stood in the well in the Senate and warned about the Fannie/Freddie impending disaster, but the Dems fought him.
The crowd absolutely loved her. But they clearly loved McCain as well. When he was introduced the crowd went wild. He talked about his warnings of the financial situation, Biden’s “taxes are patriotic” bonehead comment, and spent time talking about his promise to the troops. He asked for those that served our country to raise their hands, and for the rest of us to give them a large round of “sustained” applause. We complied. There were a LOT of raised hands in that building. It was very humbling.
I really couldn’t see, but it didn’t matter. I really feel that I was witnessing history being made. We all felt that way. There was just so much energy and excitement. It makes me feel hopeful for this blue state.
Just this, McCain and Palin made me come away with the same feeling… they are real, genuine people. He looks you straight in the eyes when he speaks to you and shakes you hand. One of my friends a Vet was able to get near the front and shake hands with both of them. He said McCain has a good handshake and not a let me do this and move on to the next person kind. He thanked my friend for his service and Palin did too. “
Regarding Obama:
Sadly, the Obama thugs are forcing states to register voters (college kids) who may also be voting in their home states. Areas of Ohio will give out ballots without any ID!
There is just too much voter fraud going on already & it’s nothing like we’ve seen before, there is a Strong-Arm bunch behind BO and they are doing their job well!
Those crowds are getting bigger and bigger for us! So good to see that. It truly is “country first.” We care.
And it’s illegal to register voters without some form of ID. Since my daughter doesn’t have a driver’s license yet, she had to show her student ID and her birth certificate, but she registered republican!
Check this out it really makes Charlie Gibson
look like a fool…
WT, I think some of America is waking up. Palin is the glue binding the Republican Party at this time of need, it’s not McCain. We are banking on her honesty and conservatism to make the necessary changes in a corrupt and self serving Congress, asshats like Conyers, Pelosi and Reid have exposed themselves for what they really are, partisan hacks without a shred of public responsibility. They demonstrated that when they thumbed their noses at the constituency and took off for a recess during the energy crunch, now it has been almost 23 months of do nothing by the 110th Congress. BDS sure has a grip on them.
To day is good, the wife comes back from California. I found this a little bit ago
check it out it’s even better than the first!!
The large crowds are great but will they be enough to get out huge numbers of registered voters and be able to register new voters while they can to counteract this Democrat Voter Deluge described below?
Can GOP overcome Democrat Voter Deluge?
Hopefully, Sarah Palin can pull this off.
Hopefully, they get control the the voter fraud in these areas. But 2006 was the year Ohio lost its republican Govenor and got strickland a another corrupt politico from the darkness of the left.
We surely can thank John McCain for picking Sarah Palin otherwise she would still be in Alaska. As Rush calls him John McBrilliant. It was a great move.
And as the author of the statement above noted, I think Sarah Palin will talk McCain into ANWR drilling. But first things first we got to get our guys elected.
Lynn, that is great about your daughter.
I am not sure what campus the dems were doing what I mentioned at but they sure will try anything to get votes even illegal votes.
Tincan Sailor thanks for the link for that.
Jack your right, and I heard now the Congress wants or is taking another vacation or something.
Tincan Sailor, that is great I am glad she will be back home. Hope she had a safe trip. Thanks for the link.
Les yes they will, dem propaganda is all that is when you read negative things about turnout voters on the right. We on our side vote the left forget to, are too drunk too etc. Especially this election I bet a lot of these idiots that never voted before will only register and then forget to vote. I pray that is what happens.
Mark, Big smile……”As Rush calls him John McBrilliant. It was a great move.”….I agree!!