The story behind the Palin e-mail hacking
Michelle Malkin …..Michelle has the full text of how they did it and about the place the person posted the emails.
Here’s the short version:
there is a site called 4chan.org. It is an image posting site based on a popular Japanese site. The site contains multiple boards, each of which is dedicated to a particular subject. The most notorious of these boards is called /b/. /b/ is the board dedicated to random images. /b/tards, as its denizens are called, are interested only in their own amusement. Their sense of humor runs the gamut from sick to cruel to merely strange. Lolcats, as made famous by http://www.icanhascheezburger.com, originated on /b/. A lot of memes start there. There is a lot of racist humor — pictures of excited and happy black people in proximity to fried chicken abound. There is a lot of pornography. Sometimes it’s child pornography, although posting that is moderator grounds for banning — no, it’s not a pedophile ring; /b/tards post it because they think doing so is funny
4chan does not log participants. Most people don’t use or have usernames, and post instead as “Anonymous.” And every so often, a number of /b/’s anonymous denizens decide to make somebody’s life hell. Sometimes it’s a random person who offends /b/’s sense of propriety. Sometimes it’s a forum dedicated to a serious topic. Sometimes it’s Scientology. And Tuesday, it was Sarah Palin. Or it would have been.
Sarah Palin’s email account was hacked by one person. Not a group. Here is what the person said that was telling how they did it:
“Earlier it was just some prank to me, I really wanted to get something incriminating which I was sure there would be, just like all of you anon out there that you think there was some missed opportunity of glory, well there WAS NOTHING, I read everything, every little blackberry confirmation… all the pictures, and there was nothing, and it finally set in, THIS internet was serious business, yes I was behind a proxy, only one, if this shit ever got to the FBI I was fucked, I panicked, i still wanted the stuff out there but I didn’t know how to rapidshit all that stuff, so I posted the pass on /b/, and then promptly deleted everything, and unplugged my internet and just sat there in a comatose state.”
Wild Thing’s comment……….
When they catch the person that did this I want that person punished. I want to see the media upset about this as if it had been done to Obama and not a Republican. The media can’t keep excusing things that are vile that are done to Sarah Palin just because it is not their candidate.
….. Thank you Brad for the link.
Apparently one of the suspects is the son of a democratic state representative from Tennessee.
If I remember correctly, the son of a Democrat was involved in flattening the tires of vans used by Republicans to bring people to the voting booths back in the 04 elections. Interesting how the children of Democrats are law breakers. Might have something to do with Inferior Breeding.
Sadly WT, yes the media can keep excusing things that are done to Sarah Palin. This election the MSM does not even care if it’s anti-conservative bias is shown front and center. The MSM atually flaunts it.
If this hacker is caught, tried and found guilty, I hope he gets years and years in prison. The website moderators and the AP need to be punished also. A few prison sentences and some outrageous fines will make some other scum think twice before doing any hacking or making public hackers’ work.
It is nice to hear that the hacker found nothing controversial or spectacular in Sarah Palin’s emails.
If Ted Kennedy can murder a Democrat girl without repercussion why not let a Democrat invade the privacy of a Republican? Seems that it took ten years to find Jim McDermott guilty of doing essentially the same thing to John Boehner in violation of his First Amendment Rights. McDermott taped a private conversation by John Boehner then leaked that tape to the media. I keep forgetting those First Amendment Rights only apply to Democrats, any one else has to sue for the privilege.
Lock that little prick up for 10 years in Buggerville, he was above the age of reason.
The person of interest in this Sarah Palin fraudulent e-mail theft-of-identity crime appears to be the college attending son of a Democratic Tennessee state senator.
State rep says son focus of Palin e-mail hacking rumors
If this college student is guilty it reminds me of the two sons of Democrat politicians (a Milwaukee U.S. Congresswoman & Mayor) who puncturing the tires of 20 Republican vans on Election Day 2004.
“Four Democratic presidential campaign workers were sentenced to jail time ranging from four months to six months Wednesday for puncturing the tires of Republican vehicles on Election Day 2004.”
“Those who pleaded no contest were Sowande A. Omokunde, the son of Democratic U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore, D-Milwaukee; Michael Pratt, the son of former acting Milwaukee Mayor Marvin Pratt;…”
Instead of criticizing the parenting skills of Sarah Palin the Democrats and their supporters including the MSM should look inward. They should demand that those Democrat elected politicians whose children pick up and practice their message of Republican hatred resign from their elected jobs and stay home and better parent their own children.
We can’t even trust obamas supporters how the hell can we trust obama. When are these morons going to wake up.
BobF, thank you so much for the information and the link.
LOL Love the inbreeding thing you said. hahahaahahahaha so funny.
Tom, yes I have never seen the media this bad this blantant about being on the left. It was bad during Bill Clinton regime but this seems even worse, much worse.
I hope so too about the hacker, I want him to pay for his crimes with years and years in prison.
Jack, grrrrrrr all of that really brings it back again, thank you Jack.
Democrats are pure evil, that is the only thing pure about them. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Les, this is soooo bad, this double standard and how they just will not let up on Palin and excuse all the things the left does. I am sooo beyond sick of it. It really has my blood feeling like it is boiling.
Mark that is a good point. His followers reflect the kind of person Obama is and what he stands for if anything. I remember when Bill Clinton was president and people were defending all his criminal “gates” he did, travel gate, FBI files, so many things. Rush said like you just did, they defended Clinton because he was like they were dishonest, criminals etc.
The site was hacked by one person? Duh. Of course it was. Does that mean only one person was behind it? Hardly. One guy is going to take the rap, though (as well he should). But this is Internet gang warfare. There’s only one triggerman, but plenty of organization behind him.