Vandals Strike GOP Sarasota Headquarters
Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Published: September 17, 2008
Vandals sprayed the word “Obama” on the Republican Party of Sarasota’s office on Tamiami Trail near the intersection with Stickney Point Road on Tuesday night.
The culprits also tore up campaign signs, party Chairman Eric Robinson said.
Robinson estimated the damage at $900 and chalked up the incident to growing election fever.
“It just shows that people get very worked up about these races,” Robinson said. “Especially the presidential ones. People take it very personally.”
Robinson attributed the incident to heightened emotions surrounding the election.
Robinson contended that such incidents do not play well with voters.
The spray paint is not the worst problem the office has endured.
Copper thieves broke in three times over the summer and stole $1,500 worth of air conditioning parts.
Wild Thing’s comment………..
Besides this being horrible, it is also weird. Nicholas and I were there that same day, this last Tuesday ( Sept. 16th. ) we got a Veterans for McCain/Palin t-shirt and some stickers.
It is just so typical as can be that Obama people would do something like being vandals. Thanks Obama for the low lifes you have in your realm. They fit right in with Ayers and the rest of his tripe.
It is too bad that this kind of thing occurs. I don’t put bumper stickers on my vehicle just to prevent keying or other vandalism.
One weekend we spent 3 days installing copper bus for a new overhead crane installation. It was on an old 3 wire Delta system so needed only 3 runs of this special copper bus especially extruded so the cranes collector wheels would ride over it smoothly. Every 10 feet we had mounted stand-off insulators for each individual bus. It took 3 day to install about 550 feet(it was about 1/2 in diameter, heavy duty copper) of this stuff working 12 hour day to make sure it was done come Monday morning. You got it when we came in Monday every inch of it was gone. I don’t know how they got it all down that quick. But always had that kind of trouble in that neighborhood, or ‘Hood’.
Our boss said next time we electrify the sh*t before we leave that way we’d have some bodies laying their when we came in.
But this is typical democrat tactics of intimidation and scare the republicans. This will just intensify our resolve to kick their ass.
This sounds just like a page taken out of the Alinski book ‘ Rules for Radicals’ and that is what we are dealing with.
Tom, that is a good idea.
I have military ones on the back of mine, each branch of the service and one for POW.
We went there to get one sticker and a t-shirt. I still have not put the sticker on for the election, but Nick said after seeing this and the getin their face stuff from Obama maybe I should just put the sticker on the fridge. hahaha I think that is what I will do, and not take any chances.
I saved up a long time for my SUV and I would cry if someone did something to it.
Mark thank you so much for explaining about that. Wow!
This is really extra bad because this particular Republican campaign headquarters is in what would be called an upscale neighborhood. But the access is wide open off the main road so easy too to get out of their if caught.
Nicholas told me I can wear the t-shirt but not to put the sticker on my SUV. I agree, so our fridge is our political statement in our kitchen.
I do have stickers on my SUV but they are USMC, USNavy, US AIRFORCE, US ARMY, COAST GUARD and one for POW’s.
Those I will never ever go without no matter what.
I worked for LP&L and we used a copperclad steel for groundwire. We usually put in on a pole before installation of the pole. We would run it up about 12 feet from the base making a coil on the bottom. As or more effective than a ground rod. We had many poles on site spotted awaiting setting and the grounds were stolen. Worthless, but the thieves didn’t even have a clue.
Perhaps they should have just painted a big N in front of OBAMA making it a NOBAMA.
Ya just can’t expect much from the Dems and Libbers can you??
So, this is “Change we can believe in”?
My McCain/Palin sign is going up in my front yard and I’m going to sit on the porch with my shotgun… bring it, I’m game.
Brad, APPLAUSE… I love it. That is great!
Nick asked me tonight after dinner, did I feel badly that I was not going to put a sticker on my car and I said yes, I understood about vandals but I was disappointed. He said go ahead and put it on the car and not worry about it. So a HUGE Yippee!
I love the sticker I got there are two of them and one has the lipstick kiss on it. heh heh