Obama mocks McCain in Nevada stops
SF Gate
Barack Obama sharpened his attacks on John McCain and mocked the Republican’s recent calls for reform in two stops in Nevada on Wednesday after days of listening to nervous supporters fret about the Democrat’s chances of taking the White House.
In Elko, Nevada, Obama tried to anticipate his critics and called on the crowd of about 1,500 to sharpen their elbows, too.
“I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face,” he said.
“And if they tell you that, ‘Well, we’re not sure where he stands on guns.’ I want you to say, ‘He believes in the Second Amendment.’ If they tell you, ‘Well, he’s going to raise your taxes,’ you say, ‘No, he’s not, he’s going lower them.’ You are my ambassadors. You guys are the ones who can make the case.”
Wild Thing’s comment………
So…how long do any of you think it will be before Obamatons get so desparate that they begin beating up or killing Republicans and/or Independents? I think this is dangerous what Obama is telling his supporters to do. Keeping in mind the type of people that are voting for Obama they already are radical and many are from violent backgrounds.
Why did the term “Nazi youth” come so quickly to my mind? Is this what he did as a “community organizer” ?
That’s exactly what he did as a community organizer.
I can’t wait for The Fraud to be completely ousted from politics (and hopefully the country, but that’ probably a lot to ask).
We don’t want him back in Illinois, either, unless it’s in a cell at Marion Federal Pen, in general population please. He’s so purdy he’ll have lots of friends.
Obama hob nobs with the “elite” and says he is in touch with the average citizen. McCain choses an average citizen for his running mate and he is out of touch with the people. How much more average can you be than Todd Palin “the first dude”. Perhaps an attorney like Michelle Mamabama or a college professor like Biden’s wife?
Hillary has proved by her actions that the Democratic Party is a one way show. Invited to and accepting an invitation to participate in a Jewish groups protest against Iran in front of the UN, when she finds out Governor Palin is also invited says if Palin is there no way is she going. Too funny. She said she didn’t know that it was going to be a partisan political event. When it is Democrat only I guess it is not partisan but when it also involves Republicans it becomes by magic partisan.
Yes, Obama seems to have learned well from his radical associates. I guess that if Repubs and Independents don’t listen, the next step will be to torch their homes and businesses. Nothing is too extreme for a nervous Socialist.
The easiest way to eat crow is while it’s still warm.
The colder it gets, the harder it is to swaller.
…or break all the windows in town. Invade homes in the middle of the night and beat up or kill hapless republicans who dare disagree with Ho-bama.
Sounds like his mentor, Saul Alynski, it is what agitators do. Obama knows only one way to win and that is to kill off the competition, also known as clearing the field.
Every day you hear Obama presenting his crapola in a manner that’s right out of Alinski’s socialist community organizer handbook.
One of the most annoying things he does is get all Jesse Jackson on people…does that preacher talk.
Now, he lives in Chicago, he grew up in Hawaii and lived out east.
When he comes out with that Jeff Foxworthy twang it just screams PANDER!
Well stated Tincan Sailor.
Seems some community organizers had a mixup in Skokie Ill. a few years back, I’m ready Marxist bastards, bring it on!!!
Barry and the Dems are desperate. Yes, this is just the beginning of their panic reactions.
Eden, I agree I look forward to the day Obama is not in politics at all. Vote him out of every thing he is in and goodbye.
Bob, hahahaha yes isn’t that funny. Hillary wants no part of being there if Sarah will be attending. She is treating Sarah the same way that she ( Hillary) was treated by her own party. So much for not learning her lesson and learning to be a better person. OH wait that’s right this is hildabeast she cannot be a good person.
Tom,yes I would not put anything as a no he wouldn’t on a list for Obama. He is desperate to win any way he can.
“Nothing is too extreme for a nervous Socialist.”
Tincan Sailor, yes your right.
Mark, your right, he learned a lot from his heroes Saul Alynski and others.
Eden, you did a great description of how he speaks, and the various ways he uses his voice. He can’t speak without notes but he has perfected the preacher twang of Jesssse Jackson.
I can’t stand it!!!!!!!
Jack I rfemember something happening in Skokie, Ill, yesss oh gosh when was that, back in the 80’s or 90’s something like that.
Les, thanks for the graphic, that fits this post perfectly.
In 1977, the heavily Jewish population of the Chicago suburb of Skokie fought the Nazis. Most of the city’s suburbs, upon hearing the news that the Nzis were going to march in their neighborhood , opted to ignore Frank Collin and hoped he’d go away. When he distributed flyers reading “We Are Coming, almost all of the suburbanites took no notice — or, at least, levied no complaint. The only town that Collin managed to rile was the sleepy bedroom community of Skokie. When the nazi’s showed up they got their asses kicked.
Jack thank you soooo much. Yessss now I remember better, thank you!!! That was HUGE!
Holy Crap, where does a Conservative man under 50 go to get his Liberal tags? I mean the minute some douchenozzle tries to get in my face and proclaim the Obamamessiah is the chosen one… GAME ON!
I have spot on my wall for the head of the first one and a very large yard for the rest of the bodies.