18 Sep

Fannie Mae CEO Says Obama and Dems Are the “Family” and “Conscience” of Fannie Mae

Explosive Video, Fannie Mae CEO calling Obama and the Dems the “Family” and “Conscience” of Fannie Mae
The Banking Failures are because of the Housing Crisis, which was caused by mortgage lenders handing out bad loans and the biggest offenders: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
The Democrats have been taking PAYOFFS from Fannie and Freddie to look the other way FOR DECADES!
NOW VIDEO FOUND of the CEO of Fannie Mae in 2005 explaining the “FAMILY” connection with Democrats
And specifically Barack Obama and the Congressional Black Caucus .

In 2005– Senator John McCain partnered with three other Senate Republicans to reform the government’s involvement in lending, after an attempt by the Bush administration died in Congress two years earlier. Democrats blocked the reform.
In 2005– Barack Obama and the Congressional Black Caucus met with Fannie Mae for a “family” event. In 2005 Democrats also blocked reform of Fannie Mae:
This was before Fannie Mae started filling the pockets of Barack Obama with political donations. The junior Illinois senator collected more money from Fannie Mae than any other Washington politician except Senator Dodd in the last decade. Obama was able to accomplish this feat in just 3 years.
This video shows Fannie Mae CEO talking to members of the Congressional Black Caucus:
The Democrats have been taking PAYOFFS from Fannie and Freddie and have looked the other way FOR DECADES!
They’ve blocked reform.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Blocked reform. Took their money. Where I come from that’s corruption. Thats being on the take.
McCain needs to use this in a TV Add in swing states!

TomR says:

The Congressional Black Caucus, a very racist organization, is one of the biggest collections of crooks in America. Recently Charles Rangel was outed on his tax evasions and he is Chairman of the House Taxing Committee. Rangel is one of the longest serving members of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Tincan Sailor says:

The heads of Fannie and Freddy should be removed(fired) with out any
Golden Parachute, no pension or any benefit’s what so ever. If it can be
Proved that their million dollar mansion’s were bought with crooked money Take them too!!! An with a little time in the slammer they just
Might see the error of their way’s …Plus fear has a trickle down effect!!

Odin says:

I figure that giving money to a political candiate from any government owned or regulated entity is corruption.

Les says:

Barack Obama and the Dems are lying hypocrites. John McCain and the Republicans are too feckless to take full advantage of this situation. Hopefully, Sarah Palin will land enough punches to get the Dems.

Mark says:

I heard on Rush today, Daniel Mudd, his father Roger Mudd (NBC ?) but most of all related to Dr. Samuel Mudd who treated John wilkes Boothe.
Somethings never change.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, thank you for the information. I have kind of stayed away from this topic because I am not an expert on it and don’t really understand it completely. So I didn’t want to give the wrong information. I don’t mind being wrong, but I would feel badly if I lost credibility. hahhaa

Wild Thing says:

Tincan Sailor, I think so too.

Wild Thing says:

Odin, one would think so for sure.

Wild Thing says:

Jack thank you so much for that link.
I am trying to learn what the heck this is all about. I knew right away it wasa very bad thing and corrupt but I kind of was confused. There was so much information to learn immediately. hahahhaa.

Wild Thing says:

Les, I sure hope so, if McCain is in the clear on this then I want him to really go after Obama about this.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, wow thanks for that. Interesting!
I missed part of his show today.