1988 Road to the White House with Sen. Biden
In this 1988 Road to the White House, Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) about his plans to run for president and outlined his political agenda. He was also asked about his academic record.
The reporter asks Biden what Law school did you attend and where did you finish in your class?
Biden gets ticked off by the question and…………………..
LMAO I love old movies, and as I watched this video of Joe Biden it reminded me of a very old movie I have always liked. ” The Man Who Came To Dinner” and Jimmy Durante sings a song , ‘Have you ever had the feeling that you wanted to stay….’ ….that sounds just like Biden with his
I bring these two videos up because of what Joe Biden said at a rally in Flat Rock, Michigan on Monday.
(September 15, 2008):
Joe Biden declares Obama too smart for some voters:
“The Republican party and some of the blogs and others on the far right, are trying very hard to paint a picture of this man, they’re trying the best as they can to mischaracterize who he is and what he stands for.
“All this stuff about how different Barack Obama is, they’re not just used to somebody really smart. They’re just not used to somebody who’s really well educated. They just don’t know quite how to handle it. Cause if he’s as smart as Barack is he must not be from my neighborhood.”
LOL If the ‘One’ is so smart, then he wouldn’t mind releasing his college transcripts.
A few of Barack’s Bloopers:
Obama thinks he visited 57 States.
Obama saw dead people in his audience on Memorial Day.
He can’t pronounce the state “Massatusitts”.
Obama claims he did not know the true nature of ‘Reverend’ Wright, Tony Rezko, William Ayers and ‘Father’ Pflager, yet “knows” that Sarah Palin lacks experience.
Obama thinks his granny is a ‘typical white person’.
Obama and his advocating a Breathalyzer for asthmatic children
Obama’s idea of a good vice presidential candidate is…Joe Biden.
No Biden, you slug, we fear Obama because he is a Marxist, racist, Communist. The man hasn’t a brain, he is a drone.
Cause if he’s as smart as Barack is he must not be from my neighborhood.”
Rush’s site has become like a buffet of gaffes.
Here’s one of my favorite Obama gaffes (notice his 25 cent words and way too many of them–then his train of thought lost it’s caboose):
Mark Mooney, ABC reports, quotes Obama as having said on Good Morning America today, “If we’re going to ask questions about, you know, who has been promulgating negative ads that are completely unrelated to the issues at hand, I think I win that contest pretty handily.”
Obama is smart enough to read off of a teleprompter instead of speaking the truth and Biden is so smart he says Hillary is more qualified than himself.
We have two major party’s running. On side D we have two lawyers. On side R we have someone with actual military experience and someone that has actual real life as well as executive experience.
Side D’s we have one spouse that is a lawyer and the other a college professor. On side R we have a spouse with business experience and the other a union member, commercial fisherman and sportsman, yes someone from real life.
Jimmy Carter was supposed to be Mensa material and we know how badly those four years as President went.
Measurably high IQ does not guarantee commom sense and it certainly does not guarantee integrity. It takes brains to go through law school.However, for some reason lawyers that go into politics seem to be some of the most dishonest, vain and self serving people in our society. They also tend to be the most liberal and least realistic. Biden and Obama have all the bad traits of lawyers.
Biden grew hard since 1988. Amazing how he’s been trying to get into the White House for the past 20 years.
More words of wisdom from one of the smartest people in the country (just ask him).
Biden: Elect Obama because he’s black
‘That will be a transformative event in American politics and internationally’
And, from another “smart” Democrat who was on the short VP nominee list.
Sebelius: Say, did you know Republicans are racists? Update: AP or Miami Herald tries cleaning up Sebelius’ comments
There is only one “party” that is using race in these elections and it is NOT the Republicans.
As Les pointed out “There is only one “party” that is using race in these elections and it is NOT the Republicans. ”
There are many politician with questionable credentials, some famous ones were both of the JFK’s, one slept aboard the PT109 another exposed the American ‘Ghengis Khan” and went to Hanoi to aid them in their time of need, of course there was LBJ and his WWII Silver Star, this one is famous for commuting to DC from Delaware.
Not a draft dodger he “avoided” military service. From 1963 -1968, Biden received five student draft deferments, he was preoccupied with his marriage and law school, (weren’t some others of us preoccupied with living?) by all accounts he was a poor student. (WIKI): He graduated with a double major in history and political science in 1965, ranked 506th of 688 in his class. He went on to receive his J.D. from Syracuse University College of Law in 1968, where by his own description he again underperformed and ranked 76th of 85 students.
Eden, LOL good one!! Thanks you Eden, so much!
I love politics and this election has been a wild ride especially with all these gaffes.
Bob, great comparisons! Thank you Bob.
Tom, YIKES I didn’t know that and yessss I sure do agree with all you said about this.
“Jimmy Carter was supposed to be Mensa material and we know how badly those four years as President went”
BobF, yes I had completely forgotten about 1998. I think he is not listening to his karma machine hahaha saying no way Joe.
Les, thank you for those, and tyour right, I could care less about the race card, it is offensive how they are using it like a threat.
Jack good one, “weren’t some others of us preoccupied with living” Yewsssss what about all of you that put your life on the line for our country.
Helloooo Biden…..Helloooo Bill Clinton.
Who talks about how “different” Obama is? He looks and sounds like the same old sleazy machine politician to me.
Those are pretty thick on the ground in my neighborhood.