One of the many highlights:
“But when the cloud of rhetoric has passed, when the roar of the crowd fades away, when the stadium lights go out, and those Styrofoam Greek columns are hauled back to some studio lot…when that happens, what exactly is our opponent’s plan? What does he actually seek to accomplish, after he’s done turning back the waters and healing the planet? The answer, the answer is to make government bigger, and take more of your money, and give you more orders from Washington, and to reduce the strength of America in a dangerous world.”
On her experience as a public servant:
“I had the privilege of living most of my life in a small town. I was just your average hockey mom, and signed up for the PTA because I wanted to make my kids’ public education better. When I ran for city council, I didn’t need focus groups and voter profiles because I knew those voters, and knew their families, too. Before I became governor of the great state of Alaska, I was mayor of my hometown. And since our opponents in this presidential election seem to look down on that experience, let me explain to them what the job involves. I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a ‘community organizer,’ except that you have actual responsibilities.”
On why she is going to Washington, D.C.:
“I’m not a member of the permanent political establishment. And I’ve learned quickly, these past few days, that if you’re not a member in good standing of the Washington elite, then some in the media consider a candidate unqualified for that reason alone. But here’s a little news flash for all those reporters and commentators: I’m not going to Washington to seek their good opinion – I’m going to Washington to serve the people of this country.”
On energy policies that the McCain-Palin administration will implement:
“Our opponents say, again and again, that drilling will not solve all of America’s energy problems – as if we all didn’t know that already. But the fact that drilling won’t solve every problem is no excuse to do nothing at all. Starting in January, in a McCain-Palin administration, we’re going to lay more pipelines…build more nuclear plants…create jobs with clean coal…and move forward on solar, wind, geothermal, and other alternative sources. We need American energy resources, brought to you by American ingenuity, and produced by American workers.”
On John McCain:
“Here’s how I look at the choice Americans face in this election. In politics, there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers. And then there are those, like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change.”
Piper, she is so adorable and loaded with personality.

Wild Thing’s comment………
Sarah is a seriously silky smooth stiletto assasin. Obama is bleeding and he doesn’t even know it yet. Warm. Charming. Composed. Witty. Bright. Personable. Real. All of those things, while at the same time landing body blows all over BHO. With a smile on her face she took Obama/Biden to the woodshed again, and again, and again.
Fred Thompson the night before was awesome, and then the others tlast night, Mitt Romney did a great job too and even Huckabee a none favorite of mine had a few swipes at Obama.
I haven’t seen anything like this since Reagan.
God once again has smiled down on America and blessed us with Sarah Palin. God is showing us He does does not want a Marxist elected either.
McCain is like a stealthy ninja, he has struck the Obama campaign a deadly blow with his choice of Sarah. The fawning Obama worshiping media looks completely flummoxed and frustrated that she brushed aside their character assassination attempts, and preceded to drop atomic elbows off the top rope on Obama during her speech.
Howard Wolfson commenting on Fox afterwards looked stunned, he had nothing but praise. He said she stuck a knife in Obama and twisted it with a smile on her face. The only thing he could say was he didn’t agree with her policies but that she was going to be real trouble for the dems.
Krauthammer said she didn’t just throw red meat out, she slaughtered a small cow at the podium.
Mort Kondracke: “brilliant”
Bill Kristol: “terrific”
Fred Barnes: “Look out Joe Biden!”
Chris Wallace: “A star was born tonight”
Laura Ingrham said on Fox that she thought it was one the best political speeches she has ever heard.
Obama has just been out phenomed. If she debates half this well, Biden is toast. Wolfson also noted Biden had better bring his A game or he’s lunch.
This was an historic night. I am mega excited about McCain/Palin and can’t wait to see them win the election!!
Maverick/Barracuda 08
Chrissie you have really done a great job for us in introducing Sarah Palin, especially the great pictures of her and her family. Frankly, this old Republican who stood in the snow for many elections handing out paper and who had about given up on politics has come back to life with John McCain’s brilliant move. If an American woman heard her talk about her latest child last night and make the promise to mother’s of challenged children and doesn’t vote for her I hope she doesn’t tell me.
She’s an American treasure and so are you, Chrissie.
Of all the potential VP candidates she was the one I was hopeing McCain would pick, but never really believing he would. The buzz was Romney, Pawlenty or even Lieberman. To me this was a dull, run of the mill, garden variety, all too typical Republican ticket.
She, I thought, would energize the campaign, put some life into the GOP, where since Reagan it had been on life support. McCain not only energized the campaign he has put it on steroids.
There are not enough adjectives to describe her performance last night. This is the dems worst nightmare and energized Republican base, this will attract a lot of disaffected dems and the PUMAs also.
If Sarah Palin is Gods gift to America then Obama-Biden is proof positive God has a sense of humor too.
Knife fight in phone booth. She cut the left wide,deep and frequently where it counted.
I watched on C-Span so I could judge by myself with no commentary. I am so elated that I cannot adequately describe my joy and thoughts. This speech is the best I have heard since Ronald Reagan.
Sarah Palin leaves not doubt where she stands on issues. No waivering or smoke screen. She is solidly Conservative, solidly pro America. No ifs, ands or “UHs” about her.
She is willing to fight. Her verbal cuts at Obama and the Democrats were classic. Obama’s nightmare will be the Vice Presidential debates. She will outclass Biden by miles.
Since McCain picked Sarah Palin, I am energized and optimistic. She brings popular common sense and rationality to the political scene now. America has the opportunity and a chance again.
Republican Party Theme Song for Sarah
What an awesome lady Sarah is!!!! I have not been a strong McCain supporter since he entered the race but this is one time he has made a brilliant decision…….choosing Palin for his VP!!!!!!!!! The ticket would even be better if it were flip-flopped and she was running for President!!!!!!!!!
I would love to see her debate Obama himself instead of Biden. Obama is scared to debate McCain…..just think what it would be like if he had to debate her!!!!!!!!!!! Call in the paramedics…..he will need a blood transfusion when she gets done with him!!!!!!!!!! A true “pit bull with lipstick”!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO
I loved her slam of Michele Obama when she commented about always being proud of America!!!
News flash for Obama and the rest of the Liberal Dems……….If you aren’t ready to run with the Big Dogs, stay on the porch!!!!! And trust me, none of them are even close to being in the same league as Sarah Palin!!!!!!! What a true breath of fresh air she is!!!!!!!!!
What a breath of FRESH AIR in this unbelieveable stale political environment
She laid bare the phonyness of the dems. Greek columns and the do-it-yourself Presidential seal.
If you liked what you saw of Sarah Palin last night then you will be blown away by this story.
BREAKING: Sarah Palin “Winged” Her Speech Because of “Broken” Teleprompter
Barack Hussein Obama is a political coward (for obvious reasons) for avoiding non-teleprompter town hall meetings with John McCain. Well, if he is afraid of John McCain then he will crap in his pants if he ever gets caught having to discuss the issues “mono a mono” with Sarah Palin. The lady is a champ. The Messiah is a chump.
Vilmar posted this. A big sister making sure her baby brother is looking good.
Well done Chrissie. I got home in time to catch her speech. The porkers in both parties have had notice served. I was away from the news most of the past week, hell they don’t even speak English over there.
I look back at previous Alaska politicians, Walter Hickel, he owns most of the business district of Anchorage in his holding companies, Ted Stevens, his dealings are legendary in the pork barrel department, he has hotels and motels around the state, his ties to VECO allowed him to buy and relocate former a former pump station’s living quarters for tourism lodging all on the QT. Former Anchorage mayor George Sullivan builds a sewer lagoon and Goose nesting island at the time Anchorage is growing from 40K plus to 175K plus population when the sewer system needed upgrading, beautifying his adjacent properties at taxpayer expense. Property taxes and personal property taxes went ballistic under Sullivan.
Tony Knowles, Anchorage mayor and Governor, his idea of revitalizing a dying downtown was to build a major preforming arts center for the 2-3 month tourist season, ironic that his own delicatessen was on the same street. All the above had personal profits in mind when they were doing their earmarks for Alaska and their cities, not Sarah.
Sarah has been accused of taking earmarks while Wasilla’s mayor, she was using the very system to make that tiny city viable that her predecessors put in place, it’s like all allocated funds, use them or lose them. She is a reformer and I’d still be living in Alaska if her kind were in power back when I left. She accomplished something for that state and the nation that the left fought for 30 years, the gas pipeline, jobs and a furure. We have a winner, Ronnie Reagan would be proud of her.
From the party of Trent Lott to the party of Sarah Palin. Who would have believed it? I’m grateful to be here to see it.
Horace, your are so kind thank you.
I am so glad you are here Horace and yes we and America have a chance now. We can never give up and we all have each other and that is important too.
Also I agree with what you said with this too…..
“If an American woman heard her talk about her latest child last night and make the promise to mother’s of challenged children and doesn’t vote for her I hope she doesn’t tell me.”
Mark, your were so right about Sarah. That gut feeling you had about her was absolutely right.
LOL yes that was great what she said answering Michelle Obama. heh heh just so perfect.
GM Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET(1973-1993), yes she did. hahaha love how put it.
Cheryl, good to see you.
Me too Cheryl, she truly did a beautiful thing last night.
Tom, I know just how you feel, I love how you put it too. To feel energized like this is so wonderful and I want to appreciate it and not take it for granted as well.
BobF, thanks for the song.
John, hahahahahahha good one.
LOVE it!
“I would love to see her debate Obama himself instead of Biden. Obama is scared to debate McCain…..just think what it would be like if he had to debate her!!!!!!!!!!! Call in the paramedics…..he will need a blood transfusion when she gets done with him!!!!!!!!!! A true “pit bull with lipstick”
RAC…..that says exactly what it has been up to now. Thanks.
“What a breath of FRESH AIR in this unbelieveable stale political environment”
Jim, hahaha yes that was soooo great what she said about the “Greek columns”, she didn’t leave anything out.
Les, thanks for the link.
When I did this post I did something first out of curosity, I pulled up the transcript and listened to her speech at the same time. Reading along as she spoke. It was fantasitc, because what she did was she followed the script almost 100 percent. BUT she added in the jabs that we love so much. Not all but a lot of the shots at the left were not in the written speech. heh heh
BobF, thank you. Piper is so precious. I saw her doing that during the speech by Sarah.
Thank you for the video. I am so glad Vilmar posted it.
Jack, welcome home. Thank you for the information that is interesting.
And I agree I think Ronnie Reagan would be proud of her too.
Rhod, wow your right, and what a long and winding road that is too……”Trent Lott to the party of Sarah Palin”. Thanks Rhod.
Thank you Chrissie, it’s good to be home.