Representative Michele Bachmann, has 23 Foster Children. She was one of the speakers.
Missouri delegate puts her hand over her heart on day two of the Republican National Convention (RNC) at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul, Minnesota
They played this music too with photos of our troops. I LOVE “Thunder” it is so perfect for showing our military. The audience LOVED it and every time it came to the part it says THUNDER, the audience would yell it out. OH yesssssssssss !
Boehner has a wonderful speaking vocie.
They had several prayers and even Bible verses were mentioned,. WOW What a difference in the two conventions. It is like one , the Democrats was held in Hell and this one, ours is held in our fantastic America.
After watching the Democrat convention last week, it felt like I was coming home to be able to see the Republican Convention last night ( Tuesday). Like a breath of fresh air.
Not living in la la land yes there were a couple of things I would have changed or left out like the Raza guy that is McCain’s friend had to speak. AUGH.
BUT all in all it was a wonderful , feel good evening with a lot of people that truly show they love America and our troops and our Veterans. The audience was packed with Veterans. Once during the night they were told would everyone that has served our country in the military please stand. YEOW! I loved that part, it had to be 75 to 80 percent of the audience.
Jon Voight was in the audience and Gary Sinese narrated the video of Medal of Honor winner NAVY MA2 MICHAEL A. MONSOOR . Video showing the SEAL’s put their tridents on the coffin. Wow! Also showing President Bush crying .

Sister of Michael Monsoor sitting with Cindy McCain. As the crowd was giving them a standing ovation you could just sense that the sister was saying to herself, “I’m gonna be strong, I’m not going to cry”.
Then they had the Congressional Medal of Honor recipients stand that were in the audience and more applause. Whew lots of kleenex needed by me.
Thank you God for making America the greatest country in the world
I flipped channels after the speeches last night, and as bad as I knew it would be, I was shocked.
Keep in mind this is just a flick the channel on moment:
Anderson Cooper and Co. talking about her not being vetted.
Larry King–does he even know where he is?
The worst–and this was gag-worthy. Panel of Chris Matthews, Pat Buchanan (who hollowed out his brain?) and that mouthy Rachel broad, with Olberman as sort of an MC. They were practically frothing at the mouth suggesting she was not vetted until last Wednesday. Are you kidding me? Last statement Matthews made was that she was a last minute pick.
What? Like Biden you mean?
I hope these lies backfire big time. It absolutely makes me want to puke.
I am sorry that I missed it. I will try to watch tonight. Palin has been a badly shot in the arm for me and maybe watching the convention will also help.
It is not difficult to imagine the crap that Eden saw. The liberal media is losing their tiny minds over the Palin choice. They probably also realize the Biden choice was a poor one for Obama. Lots of Depends being worn in the newsrooms.
I have two related observations that I think has the Obama campaign in total panic. One, the MSM’s National Enquirer gossip coverage of Sarah Palin and her family has actually refocused the campaign on the actual experience and competency comparisons between her and the junior senator from Illinois. Barack Obama doesn’t come out looking good.
Two, the totally biased coverage of the candidates by the US MSM exposes themselves to global scrutiny of all the questions and investigative reporting that they haven’t asked, done, or have covered up regarding Barack Obama. He will now have to spend valuable time and resources these last days of the campaign defending his character, associations, and abysmal lack of achievements.
Rush Limbaugh respectfully (to Sarah Palin) said today that Barack Obama isn’t half the man that Sarah Palin is.
McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin clinched my vote. It is disgusting that there is an issue over her daughter being pregnant. What family has not had some family member that has neither gotten pregnant like this or gotten someone pregnant. Also (as a male) why is it that the girl always gets the blame?
Further as a working woman with a family, why is that an issue? Obama has never been asked that question and he and Mamabama both work with 2 children? She is a reformer and known as fire and ice, and as was brought out fire and nice.
She was the right choice. I first heard about her from Chrissies post about her deciding to go ahead with the birth of a Down Syndrome child. As the father of a Down Syndrome son, it can be a blessing, not a handicap. Further the fact that he will have older syblings is a positive. My daughter is almost 11 years older than my son and it was a positive. He never saw her grow past his abilities and she took him to her friends as a toddler. The only thing she got a little mad about was that her boyfriends always paid more attention to him than to her. He is now 32 and she works in a field with these type of people.
I watched it on Fox thought the coverage was pretty good.
But Its amazing we have learned more about Sarah Palin in 5 days than we learned about Hussein Obama in 2 years. Could there be a double standard…Nawwwwwwwww…Not in the American media. What a joke the left wing meedia is anyway.
Is it just me or is Biden a lush???He looks like
he wants Teddys slot!!
Eden, me too I agree with everything you said. It is time for this madness to stop.
Tom they really have lost their minds. I realize it shows how desperate they are for Obama to win, but all of this stuff is crossing the line and is so wrong.
Les, LOL Rush Limbaugh and your other statement is true too. They are so obsessed with hate they are forgetting that what they are doing is just making Obama look even worse by comparison.
Bob, great comment and I am so proud of you Bob and your dear family.
Mark. Hahahahahhaa Good one!!!!
“But Its amazing we have learned more about Sarah Palin in 5 days than we learned about Hussein Obama in 2 years. Could there be a double standard…Nawwwwwwwww…Not in the American media.”
Tincan Sailor, I had to look again at what I posted to see why the heck Biden would be in my post. LOL
I didn’t realize you were commenting on another post I made a few days ago.
Yes Biden does seem to look like a lush.