A lot is happening today. It is Labor Day, the Republican Convention begins today and Gustav is coming to our shores.
Thank God for this wonderful country we live in, and for our troops and Veterans that have made it possible for all of us.
Prayers for those in Gustav’s path and keep them safe and their homes safe too for their return when the storm is over.
And prayers for Sarah Palin and John McCain and their families and keep them safe.
Have a great day everyone, we have a chance to win this election and the dark side, the enemy within can’t stand the happiness of the conservatives and the cheers from the growing crowds that have been happening since last Friday with the announcement of Palin for VP.
— Chrissie
A photo of Sarah Palin and her daughter Piper for you to see. It looks like her daughter is giving her bunny ears….see the two blue fingers behind Sarah’s head. hahaha so cute!

Thank You Chrissie. May you and Team Theodore also have an enjoyable Labor Day.
Yes, we Conservatives have a wonderful lady from Alaska to raise our spirits and our hopes.
And a happy Labor day to you and yours, too.
Isn’t it a great thing that we, as conservatives, decided that the people involved with Gustav mean more to us than some old party?
Tom, thank you, I love too that her State is Alaska. Bigger then life like I have always felt about Texas.
Lynn, thank you.
Laura Bush and Cindy McCain just spoke for just a few minutes it was all about the storm.