William Ayers in t-shirt saying Cuba
Obama’s role in the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC)
Extra Sources:
The Annenberg Challenge
Clarice Feldman lays out the reasons why the William Ayers/Annenberg Challenge story will seriously damage the candidacy of The One. A sample:
“…the story was that Ayers was an old professor in Mr. Obama’s neighborhood who just happened to host a fundraiser for him in 1995 which launched his political career.
Some mush was thrown in along the way about having served with him on a charity board, but Obama did not correctly describe the charity or the dates or the extent of their association on it.
The truth is that the two men worked closely together for years, beginning several months before that 1995 fundraiser. The fund Obama chaired and which was supposed to improve public education in Chicago never met its stated purpose of improving public school pupils’ performance and, in fact, probably hindered it, despite having blown through $110 million in the process. And as chairman of this group Obama funneled this money to politically useful types including Fidelistas and Maoists who like Ayers (now vice-president elect of the American Education Research Association) are working to make our public schools indoctrination centers for the left .
Once the public learns more of the CAC, will the voters decide that the manner in which Obama exercised his sole opportunity at executive authority was so good that he deserves the keys to the Oval Office? ”
And this……….
Chicago Annenberg Challenge Shutdown?
A cover-up in the making?
By Stanley Kurtz
Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn were terrorists for the notorious Weather Underground. Ayers and Dohrn remain unrepentant for their terrorist past. Ayers was pictured in a 2001 article for Chicago magazine, stomping on an American flag, and told the New York Times just before 9/11 that the notion of the United States as a just and fair and decent place “makes me want to puke.”
Although Obama actually launched his political career at an event at Ayers’s and Dohrn’s home, Obama has dismissed Ayers as just “a guy who lives in my neighborhood,” and “not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis.”
…We already know a good deal about Obama’s service at the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. That information paints a disturbing picture, and one sharply at odds with Obama’s claim that Bill Ayers was just “a guy who lives in my neighborhood.”

photo of Mike Klonsky
And last but most assuredly not the least is this. The owner of the link to the blog is a Democrat but even so he wants the truth exposed about Obama. ………..
Global Labor and Politics
from one of his posts dated June of this year
…..it must be pointed out that a notorious ally of Bill Ayers for many years, Mike Klonsky, is an open member of the Obama campaign. Klonsky runs a blog on the official Obama website here where he claims to be a “professor of education” (the website of the Small Schools Workshop that he directs says only that he teaches some graduate courses, though it appears he was a visiting professor for one year at Nova Southeastern University in Florida in 2006-07) and says he blogs for Obama on “education politics and teaching for social justice.”
Who is Mike Klonsky? Well, on one level, he might just appear to be a protege of Bill Ayers in the education world. He received, as I detail below, a $175,000 grant from the Ayers/Obama-led Annenberg Challenge to run the Small Schools Workshop that he and Ayers started in Chicago to push their school reform agenda.
But that is only half the story. Klonsky was one of the most destructive hardline maoists in the SDS in the late 60’s who emerged from SDS to form a pro-Chinese sect called the October League that later became the Beijing-recognized Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist). As chairman of the party, Klonsky travelled to Beijing itself in 1977 and, literally, toasted the Chinese stalinist leadership who, in turn, “hailed the formation of the CP(ML) as ‘reflecting the aspirations of the proletariat and working people,’ effectively recognizing the group as the all-but-official US Maoist party.” (Elbaum, Revolution in the Air, 228).
I know of no indications that Klonsky has ever expressed any regrets about that activity. Perhaps like his SDS comrade, Ayers, he, too, thinks he did not do enough back then. In my view they did more than enough.
An excellent profile of that maoist milieu is available in a book called Revolution in the Air by Max Elbaum, a first hand participant whose sympathy for the maoism of the period does not get in the way of an excellent account of these idiot savants of the left.
How is it possible that someone of Klonsky’s ilk would now be playing a visible role in the Obama campaign itself on such an important issue as education policy – apparently with free reign to push his authoritarian “social justice” agenda?
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Can you imagine if this extensive information was presented by the media, I mean all they have to do is give these facts which are the truth. Put it out there and let people decide if they want to vote for a man like Obama or not. But instead the media has taken the road of propaganda and information control. The media by giving a lack of information is attempting to brain wash the public with non or little information about their candidate B. Hussein Obama.
We keep hearing over and over again by Wolf Blitzer ( CNN) and others how people are still saying they don’t know enough about Obama. I am so sick of this, but then I see how all of us …..we seek out information, we go online and do research about all the candidates. The people saying there is not enough information about Obama as an excuse to why they have not decided are lazy and just want to be told whom to vote for. And they will get what they deserve that’s for sure.
But Wolf finishes his stupidity with ……” Perhaps after the Democrat Convention the voters will know Obama better.”…… LMAO Oh sure, a controlled convention of hand picked speakers giving speeches kissing up to The One will give you all kinds of NEW information…… NOT!
Theodore’s World: Connection of Obama, William Aye…
Bookmarked your post over at Blog Bookmarker.com!
OBAMA has his free media pass- for some unknown – ungodly reason– I have never seen such a dumb job by the media for any campaign in my life as this one!! It is because the moron is black– they are afraid they will lose their big pay checks- so they continue to kiss Obamas’ ass over and over — giving him pass after pass–on everything he has ever done- been aligned with – or stands for!! The media has truly let down the American Public in 2008!!!!
It is no secret the media is one-sided. The question I have is why. It seems that if the socialists take over power in America then they would establish and enforce limits on the freedom of the press.
I also thought the press loved to pursue sensational stories. Obama’s ties to radicals is pretty sensational and not a well kept secret. Seems the press could have full time work and lots of headline news just following those leads and reporting the findings.
Tom makes an excellant point, the Press’s freedom would be seriously curtailed if allowed at all. Best would be a state run newspaper, all thess geniuses would be un-employed and privately whinning about their loss of freedom and probably blaming Bush. They still wouldn’t get it.
Unfortunately, the public has been brought up and programmed to not care about things like this when it comes to Democrats and liberals. Similarly, the majority of the MSM/DBM are party partisans first and news people second. They are also not very bright in figuring out the press is the first to go in a socialist country.
Voters may need another four more disasterous Jimmy Carter-like years in the form of Barack Hussein Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid before waking up and smelling the socialist roses. Hopefully, there will still be a country to save.
Cheryl, DITTO all of that. Yes the media is married to Obama now , that’s what it feels like. How stupid for the media to sell it’s soul to the devil for propaganda and a person against this great country when it will bite them back later.
Tom,what you said is exactly what would happen if the left gets more of a stronghold and yes with the help of the media being stupid. Your soooo right.
” if the socialists take over power in America then they would establish and enforce limits on the freedom of the press.”
Mark, yes very true, it would be State owned and run press, newspapers,TV and radio. I agree too once that would happen the left media would hate it and blame Bush even if was 2 or 3 years from now.
Les,I sure hope people wake up. It might be impossible to recover as a country.