Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) (R) embraces Jill Biden, the wife of his vice presidential running mate Senator Joe Biden (D-DE), as Biden embraces Obama’s wife Michelle (L) during a campaign event at the Old State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois, August 23, 2008. (John Gress/Reuters)

Wild Thing’s comment……….
YUK! Why does Obama always look like he is trying to kiss men and women. And just one other thing, there is no way Nicholas would go for my kissing another man on the lips. Nope nada. A hug sure, kiss on their check no problem for good friends or family, but smack dab on the lips, no way. And I am glad.
Maybe he has latent “gay” qualities? (Lord, I apologize!).
A hug is fine. A kiss between two men is not, unless it’s your dad and it’s a kiss on the forehead or the cheek and you’re under 15 years old and recovering from surgery or going to bed.
Sheesh. This is one emotional crybaby, isn’t he?
I have seen stories on Obama being a homosexual-he is so limp wristed anyway– I am sure he swings both ways – if not now- in his younger days–! They got stories about him banging gay guys back when he was doing drugs!! Crack head alcoholic homosexual- yes–! not to mention INEXPERIENCED and extremely radical left Socialist LOSER!!! -!!! THIS is what the black people are willing to accept just for the sake of having a black President!!!!– Biden is a friggin joke-BUT I do feel sorry for his wife having to be that close to Obama — YUCK!!!! PUKE!!!! This whole election is a major joke!! I can’t wait for the media to come out of their stupor!!!!! HELLO!!!!!
Oh, that was not good to see first thing in the morning. WT – a warning next time, please. ~!o)
Obiema falls under that disgusting metrosexual label where the female in the duo has the brass you know whats. Biden is a wannabe – too late to the party tho.
Lord, I’m tired of men in touch with their female side….saw enough of the touchy/feelie kind in CA.
Men are men and women are women – thank god for the differences!!
My heroes have always been those who ride horses – and tanks.
Now I know why Obama didn’t pick Hillary. Michelle wouldn’t let him. She didn’t want to be groped, kissed on the lips, or have her dress stained by Bill Clinton.
Remember the Blackfive quotation:
For children, a woman
For pleasure, a boy
For extasy, a goat
You go Moslims!
This posted after some distilled eyebleach!
It seems that in the world of politicians, hugging, backlrubbing, kissing et al are too common. Man to man should not be more than a handshake, maybe a backslap. Unless it is someone you disagree with. Then a punch is all right.
Ugh!!! Over the top WT. They can’t wrap themselves fast enough in the cloak of one big happy family.
A can of worms are that close too but lack political ambition!!!
I won’t apologize for that faggot!!!
“Man to man should not be more than a handshake, maybe a backslap. Unless it is someone you disagree with. Then a punch is all right.” Couldn’t agree more Tom.
Had a leadership discussion about men amongst men with a battlefield chaplain once at Vandergrift CB(LZ Stud) that still rings true. “He said he’d rather have the men love him than like him” The Dems want everyone to like them. Think about it.
Whats next, whips an chains ?
Lash em all to tha mast,an i’ll givem
a good floggin!(runnin short of crab bait!)
Lynn, I guess he is a hugger. I have seen Obama do a lot of hugging of men, and I guess that is his way of saying thank you or something. But all these photos kind of caught me off guard and shocked me at the embraces being so strong. Just too much so I had to post about it.
Cheryl, I was just kind of shocked at the kiss between Jill and Obama. I guess she is grateful Biden was picked for VP but yuk the kiss.
Yankeemom, haha yes I guess I should have lelt it go. But I was just kind of shocked.
Les, good point, yes I would hate that too.
Mikey Lee, I agre about the eyebleach.
Tom, yesss I agree.
“Man to man should not be more than a handshake, maybe a backslap. Unless it is someone you disagree with. Then a punch is all right.”
Jack I know oI am sorry. I just was sort of shocked. I have seen Obama do a lot of hugging of Kennedy, Edwards, Kerry etc. But this was just too much and I had to post about it.
Chief, haha good one.
OMG Chrissie, I didn’t mean it that way, you are
never over the top. When 4 of the most disgusting people on the face of the earth get before the camera to swap spit and or other body fluids I find that disgusting and over the top. All their phoney posturing just to unite their fractured party proves just how far they’ll go to keep up the image of good will. I lost any and all respect for Biden back when Reagan was in office, he and Tom Daschle were two of a kind, it doesn’t matter what is good for the country only what is good for the Democrats to stay in power. Both are obstructionists, who have joined the latest wave of Marxism, it’s my sincere hope they all get burned this election. As they say in real estate it’s all about location, the difference between the Democrats and Hugo Chavez is just that, location. I’m sorry my comment wasn’t
clear and it was misinterpreted.
Keep the heat on this slimepit. 🙂
Queer marxists, just what we need. BTW, where is James Earl Ray when we really need him?
Jack, hahahaha I understand, thank you.
Cuchieddie, LMAO “Queer marxists, just what we need” That’s what it looks like.