Remember this when it happened????? Obama and his glare at Hillary then the snubbing her a few minutes later.
Some in Clinton circle ‘outraged’
Evan as Hillary Clinton praised the newly-minted Democratic presidential ticket Saturday, some in her circle are furious Barack Obama did not appear to give the New York Democrat serious consideration for the No. 2 spot, or even ask for her consultation on the matter.
“Set aside that Obama said she’d be on anybody’s short list, set aside anybody’s feelings on whether she was deliberately snubbed and the pros and cons of whether it should be her,” a former Clinton strategist told CNN’s Candy Crowley. “Focus on the politics of it and you have about a quarter of Clinton loyalists still not joining the caravan…for God’s sake, not to even make a show of taking her seriously is flatly stupid.”
A top Clinton advisor also told CNN they were “outraged,” over how the process was conducted.
“You can’t put [Obama VP vetters] Eric Holder and Caroline Kennedy on an hour plane ride to Chappaqua just to check the box? They should have done it just for the optics,” this person said. “Barack never even said to her, ‘Here’s how I envision the job’– not one discussion with her about [the position].”
“They thought her supporters were mad before? They are really mad now,” this person also said. We knew it was never going to happen but you would have thought they might at least make a show of it.”
Former Clinton strategist Paul Begala echoed similar frustrations on CNN Friday night.
“I think there are a lot of Hillary voters who are going to say, ‘Hey, wait a minute, man You said you were going to put her on the short list. You know, you didn’t even vet her. You didn’t call her. You didn’t seek her advice,'” Begala said. “By the way, he didn’t seek President Clinton’s advice either. He’s actually the guy who I think picked the best vice president in American history. You would think maybe you would sort of check in with him.”
Hillary fans come to terms with ticket (Not!)
Hillary Rodham Clinton’s hardy troupe of die-hards hoped against hope until the last minute—and reacted to the announcement Barack Obama had chosen Joe Biden as his running mate with a mixture of anger, resignation and gallows humor.
Hillary supporter Rep. Loretta Sanchez, (D-Calif.) predicted the move would further anger many of the New York senator’s most hardcore supporters.
The Confluence ( a pro Hillary website)
And this from ther same pro Hillary site:
“The DNC has lost its mind. Not only have they perpetrated fraud after fraud on the voters this year but they send me an email seeking my help in promoting this stupid meme that McCain doesn’t know how many houses he has. Tell me they aren’t really this clueless.
It doesn’t matter how many houses McCain has. It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t know about all of them. The point is, men who live in million dollar mansions (that they purchased with help from a convicted felon) have no right to point to the abundance of his opponent’s living arrangements. Neither one of them knows what it’s like to live in a Philly row home or a trailer park or a modest three bedroom townhouse or a California ranch. Pursuing this line of attack is a waste of time and effort.
Oh, what do I care?
Who is running the DNC these days? They are really amatuers. Someone should keep them away from sharp objects. They are a danger to themselves and others.”
And there is this…………….
Some man named John Siegal of WeWillNotBeSilenced has been working on a documentary to expose how the game was rigged and who pays for the damage to the process.
“The information in the film is especially jarring for those who were not in caucus states, but it is information that our party must face. There is a reason why half of all Hillary voters are not currently willing to vote for Obama, and this is a big part of it.As I told my friend Rep. Lois Capps, whose son in law is Obama’s National Communications Director, it would be unfair and unethical to delegates, both pledged and super, to withhold this otherwise untold story prior to their floor votes in Denver. This is, oddly, also an opportunity for unity; if the Obama campaign stated that they played rough in a caucus system that should be abolished, it would heal a lot of wounds.”
Here is an interesting Video called WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED – DOCUMENTARY PREVIEW
Please allow approx. 10 – 20 seconds for video to start buffering.
There are a few places in the video that go black ( dark ) just let it keep gonig and the visual comes right back.
And here is one last link of Hilllary people that are extremely upset and the site has even included McCain’s Ad’s and the information on Ayers and Rezko.
Wild Thing’s comment………..
I believe it is quite a bit more than “some” who are outraged! I would say there are a lot of them upset.
The way their votes were stolen from them and just handed to Obama was disgusting. All to help Obama get elected in the Primary’s.
….Thank you Mark for sending me information on this.
She still has her delegates–she still refers to Obamanation as her “opponent.” She is NOT going to give up her delegates to him. She is planning on stealing the nomination right out from under his dumbo ears. She can, legally, through the convention. She wants this bad. She is so power hungy, she would lie, steal, cheat. I could see her saying, “Thank you and I accept your nomination for President of the United States and with Bill at my side as VP, we are going to be unstoppable.”
Terrifying situation, isn’t it?
I think it is obvious what happened with HILLARY__
my theory– Michelle hates her big time– and told Obama
“NO ” under any terms — NO to HILLary!!!! LOL!!
Yeah NOW should take away Michelles’ card carrying memebership —
Biden is the worst joke but Obama did America a favor by picking him– LMAO!
Funny how when you lie down with dogs, you get fleas.
Reminds me of a few people I used to know who hung around with thieves and the such and were always surprised when they got ripped off. But they never told them to go away. Some folks never learn and most of them seem to be of the Dem persuasion.
If you read these websites they are doing ‘yoemans’ work for McCain. I mean this is just what the doctored ordered. They, the Hillary people have become, god forbid, unintentional republicans, They have talked about Michigan and Florida, have ripped John Kerry, Dowd, and Biden, and Howard Dean they want him Stuffed and Mounted on the wall.
Now depending on how the convention goes next week will determine their actual numbers and how many will cross over to McCain, or I have heard talk about a THIRD Party.
I am trying to restrain, my glee, but this is too good to pass up. There are now two democrat parties, they are hitting obama with the same stuff we use and with more venom.
In the housing question,Where obama asks McCain how many houses do you own ?, for example, they cite Kerry and Dodd having much more money than McCain and are defending McCain saying the homes are his wifes’ name, not his which she brought to the marriage. They then relate the Chicago Black Sox scandal of the 1919 world series, to Obama stealing the nomination.
So at this point we have a… the friend of my enemies friend is our friend… this is wierd.
Battle On Democrats! I can hardly wait the 24 hrs until the Democrat convention/war begins. I wonder if the MSM will cover up the gory details out of loyalty, or will jump on them for ratings.
Maybe McCain will pick Hillary as his running mate? He needs a Conservative on the ticket and Ann Coulter says Hillary is more Conservative than McCain
I guess hillary’s supporters don’t understand that the #1 idiot gets to pick the #2 idiot.
Come tomorrow break out the beer, popcorn and the Ammo, this freakshow is about to kick off. The Uber Communists at Recreate ’68, plus the snubbed Clintonistas, the Jackson-Sharpton disgruntled followers all come together fighting for their version of Marxist rule. Seem that all the factions have conveniently forgotten Dr Deans’s role in splitting the party and stealing their votes. Like Mark pointed out. That old Muzzie axiom “The enemy of my friend is my enemy” with “the friend of my enemies friend is our friend”. I believe I’ve compared them in their defense of radicalism inside their party like a herd of muskoxen defending one of their own. Not too different that the ideals of Islam, is it?
It will be interesting to see how Hillary’s supporters and in TV land are treated and how they feel afterwards. Bill “loose cannon” Clinton isn’t letting the Obama convention people see his speech before he delivers it. The democrats will leave the convention inflated with unity. However, will it last through November or will some Hillary supporters bow out?
Lynn, it is terrifying I agree. She is not to be messed with so even if she has not won or got picked for VP she must have something up her sleeve. The Clinton history is one of lots of bodies that would alarm me.
I saw her walk past Richardson and he was walking up to her to say hi and she snubbed him in the most sly way I have ever seen. Just kind of turned her body enough to let him know not to approach her.
Cheryl, yes he sure did. If Obama had picked Hillary I don’t think McCain would have a chance at all.
Yankeemom, I agree most of them do seem to be Democrats. I bet if they did a survey in jails that most would be democrats. Not that Republicans are angels but in comparing the numbers like you said.
Mark, I agree it is so weird but very much appreciated. This is one of those times were our enemy is our “friend” kind of like countries can be like that too. But it is the first time I have seen it in political parties like this.
I honestly can’t blame the Hitlery people. I would be so outraged if my vote had been treated like they did here in Florida and Michigan. That was so terrible.
And McCain is just enough of a Demcorat ( rinio ) that they can cross over with not too much pain. haha
I am loving this so much and yes the exciting part of it too the action vs. apathy in politics always makes things come alive.
Your so right about the tremendous work they are doing too. Like the houses thing, LOL I sat here and read it and was laughing and happy too how they are doing this. And coming from them means even more then if I as a conservative, were to complain about the left.
Tom, I am wondering that too. Maybe since it will be Hillary’s people the media will go ahead and show their being upset etc.
BobF, gosh I hope not. I always think of the VP as the person that will take over if anything happens to the President.
After the VP it would be Nancy Pelosi so we really have to pray McCain picks a conservative a real one.
I am a fan of Ann Coulter but this is serious stuff so I know she is being sarcasiic to make her point. haha Hillary is a Marxist and dangerous for sure.
GM Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET, hahah good one and true too.
Jack, ” this freakshow is about to kick off”….
I just had an image in my head of that being the headline, of course it would have to be on Fox if they had the nerve. hahahahahhaa
Les, yes it will be, maybe since she is a dem like they are they will cover her stuff in the news, and her supporters as well.