Barack Obama has chosen Delaware Sen. Joe Biden to be his vice-presidential running mate.

‘Just Words’ That Joe Biden Would Like To Forget-The curse of a loose mouth and Nexis
National Review
Biden on McCain:
Biden, on a post-debate appearance on MSNBC, October 30, 2007:
“The only guy on the other side who’s qualified is John McCain.”
Biden appearing on The Daily Show, August 2, 2005:
“John McCain is a personal friend, a great friend, and I would be honored to run with or against John McCain, because I think the country would be better off, be well off no matter who…”
On Meet the Press, November 27, 2005:
“I’ve been calling for more troops for over two years, along with John McCain and others subsequent to my saying that.”
Biden On Obama:
Reacting to an Obama speech on counterterrorism, August 1, 2007:
“‘Look, the truth is the four major things he called for, well, hell that’s what I called for,’ Biden said today on MSNBC’s Hardball, echoing comments he made earlier in the day at an event promoting his book at the National Press Club. Biden added, ‘I’m glad he’s talking about these things.’”
Speaking to the New York Observer:
Biden was equally skeptical — albeit in a slightly more backhanded way — about Mr. Obama. “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

“You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking . . .”
— Senator Joseph Biden (D-Del)
Wild Thing’s comment………..
Dang, midnight. That’s a GREAT time to break the news! They just borke this and it is after midnight. LMAO Does this mean that if Ho-Bama if he wins will be doing his State of the Union Speeches after midnight? hahaha
Bwahhaaaaaa! Biden is a walking and talking gaffe machine! OH wait Obama and Michelle are too.
I bet the Obama fans who signed up for that “first to know” text message feel duped now. Obama can’t even make the VP pick smooth. Just think of all the people waiting all day to get their text message from Obama and the cable news shows are breaking the news first. Obama was too inept to get this out in the afternoon, scheduled the announcement for 10 a.m. this morning.
I just read where Drudge had it linked. From the article – ” The official who spoke did so on condition of anonymity, saying they did not want to pre-empt a text-message announcement the Obama campaign promised for Saturday morning.”
Uhmm…I don’t think that this ‘official’ is too bright. He/she did exactly that by roughly 9 hours or so.
This whole VP selection is just a continuation of the Obama hype machine. All about theater and no substance.
The man of CHANGE ( B.Hussein Obama) picks a man who has been in washington for 35 years .
Isn’t Biden the RAT who said Obama is a clean, articulate black man? This must be Obama’s way of saying thanks for the “clean, articulate” compliment. hahaha
Considering that they’re both plagiarists, they will be some pair. Joe Biden was shamed from his own presidential ambitions because he plagiarized Neil Kinnock’s speeches and LIED about his class rank. He was called on this and was done.
So HO-Bama has choosen someone as arrogant and with a higher opinion of themselves as the Chosen One . LOL
MSNBC Chuck Todd just said- “Republican” Dick Lugar told Obama to pick Biden.
It shows you what a sorry state the DC GOP is in when we have our own senators trying to help RATS .
I just checked the DUmmy board, they are all crying cause they didn’t get their text message! ROFLMAO! WAKE UP DUMMIES, OBAMA LIED TO YOU TOO!
Bye bye bye ….. Barack.
Let the fun begin!
Rush Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Ruish Limbaugh Wants Obama-Biden Ticket
Conservative talk radio titan Rush Limbaugh relished the prospect of an Obama-Biden Democratic presidential ticket on his broadcast Wednesday.
“I really hope it’s Biden,” Limbaugh told his listeners. “You don’t want to say that too loud, but I really do hope that it’s Joe Biden, because we’ve got mountains of archival audio on Joe Biden.”
“Plus, the arrogance factor times two,” Rush added. “Biden and the Messiah would just be delicious.
So the Messiah picks his Judas. Obamanation talks about change, but he picks a stick in the mud, same as it ever was and not gonna change Biden. (I suppose he’s better than Bayh and Kaine). He talks about McPain’s age and he picks a 65 year old prune.
Biden will be Obamanation’s undoing. There are too many out here who hate Biden more than Obama. Biden is as liberal as they come, mostly to the left of left. Very dangerous ticket, here. It also shows Obamanation’s immaturity as a leader. He couldn’t pick someone younger. He had to go with more well seasoned.
Just think, if something happens to him, Biden will be running the show. Scary, scary, scary!!!!
This is the most liberal ticket I have seen in years!
Well whewwwww… thats over. Here I thought Ho-bama would pick a running mate instead he picked a nanny. Joe Biden the dumbest man in the Senate…Good Choice, barry.
But the most interesting part will be next week. The Convention. The Clintons have two whole days. Hillary wasn’t even considered for the spot, not even a token vetting. They completely ‘Dissed Hillary’ big time. This could start World War 3 amongst the democrats. The ploy of letting Hillary be nominated and counting the votes amounts to nothing more than a dog and pony show and everybody knows it.
But in the big picture, what are the clintons going to do. I don’t believe they are done yet. The supporters, the PUMA people(party Unity my ass)the 20 some million people who voted for her, what will they do. The DNC threw a bone to the Michigan and Florida voters by counting some of the votes. I am hopeing for a huge explosion next week in Denver a fractured democrat party as a result of this. To start the election half of their party disenfrachised, and the other half whinning about Ho-bama being blessed by Allah…er god. Should be fun to watch.
JUST GOES TO SHOW WHAT A MORON OBAMA HAS BEEN ALL ALONG!!! LMAO!! The rest of the campaign should be pretty much downhill for the democrats!! OBAMA TRIED AS HARD AS HE COULD TO GET AS MUCH ATTENTION FROM THIS AS HE COULD– DISRESPECTFUL LOSER–!!!!! McAIN ANNOUNCED- WEEKS AGO HE WOULD CHOOSE TODAY AT HIS BIRTHDAY- – I AM SURPRISED OBAMA isn’t still dragging this out- to cut into McCains time- for his announcement!!
A rich middle aged White guy who’s been a part of the Washington establishment for decades.
Oh, this is too good! Stocking up on the popcorn as they say over at Hot Air. Hah!
Biden’s definitely going to put foot in mouth at some point. And the Clintons ~ Hee hee! Passive-aggressive won’t even begin to cover the goings on in Denver.
Obama may be The One but his campaign people are short a few crayons in their box.
Oh, the files and files of audio just sitting there waiting….
Can’t fix stupid.
Obama picked Senator Plagerism. How unexciting. Biden said yesterday he did not want to be be picked but would accept. He will claim it was forced on him. Will Biden even be able to make his acceptance speech without plagerism?
Two smooth talking liars who cannot hold up under scrutiny. Two leftist liberals. I wonder if Biden will appeal at all to the Hillary supporters or will actually widen that divide. This should be interesting.
Joe Biden said it best.
Joe Biden On Barack Obama
And, from the Obama camp itself…
Advisor Says Obama Not Ready to Answer Phone!
And, from the anointed One himself…
Obama concedes he’s not ready to be President
Barack Obama Makes Shocking confession!!
So, the snake oil salesman wants the voters to believe that just running for President makes him qualified for the job and his lack of executive experience or accomplishment means nothing.
ZZZZZZ!!! Zero and Zorro. What a relief!!! Now McCain can take Biden off his short list. Hillary must be sharpening her claws about now, scorned!!!, after all she has done for Barry. There just might be a catfight at the Denver Cathouse come Monday.
Hi Wild Thang. Just wanted to give you some feedback on a problem. Haven’t been able to play your linked videos for several weeks. Also have not been able to copy anything from your site. Using Firefox 3.0 and your site is the only one affected out probably 30 others. Enjoy your stuff, keep up the good work and thank you ever so much for supporting our troops. USAF retired.
Can we now say it. Bided is the token honkie, in an Jo-bama administration. Does this mean Kwease Emfume, Charlie Rangle and Jesse Jackson are on the short for Ambassador to Brooklyn.
I don’t believe this Joe Biden, OMG, this is hilarious, he is talking about change and how long McCain has been in washington, hell Biden was there for the end of World War 2.
Lynn, LOL he sure did, you said it better then I did.
“So the Messiah picks his Judas.”
Mark, LMAO he sure did…..
“Here I thought Ho-bama would pick a running mate instead he picked a nanny”…..
I can hardly wait to hear Rush Limbaugh on Monday. hahahaha
Cheryl, Obama seeks attention more then any other candidate I can remember right now. Your so right.
BobF yes your right, so there goes Obama’s yakity yak about McCain’s age and the old Washington. hahaha
Yankmeemom, Hahahahaha your so right. At least with this pick we can have some laughs with all the stuff we have on Biden. LOL
Tom, yes this is going to be a very interesting Democrat convention.
Les, he sure is a snake oil salesman. Thanks for the links.
Jack, “Denver Cathouse ” starring Hillary. Yes I bet she is seething right now.
Hi Ivor Frazier , I am not sure what is wrong. I am so sorry. I wonder if it has something to do with Firefox settings. I use IE7, if I find out what is wrong I sure will fix it at my end. Just right now I don’t have any idea.
About a year ago someone else on Firefox had installed something not sure what it was but it kept them from seeing things on here too then it cleared up they said when they changed some kind of settings they had.
Thank you Ivor for telling me.
( my fingers are crossed I can figure out what it is)
Mark, LMAO good point. Yes we can!
“Bided is the token honkie, in an Jo-bama administration”