Who is Jeff Beatty?
Jeff is a former Army Delta Force Officer (wounded in the first Blackhawk shot down) who earned a Purple Heart and a Combat Infantry Badge helping to rescue hundreds of Americans. He is a former FBI Agent advising the National Hostage Rescue Team and a former CIA Counter-terrorism Officer with service in Europe and the Middle East. Jeff Beatty’s government service is second to none.
After leaving government, Jeff founded TotalSecurity.US an anti-terrorism consulting firm that has helped protect U.S. citizens here in Massachusetts and across our country.
Jeff lives in Harwich, MA with his dog Buddy. Jeff loves dogs and in addition to Jack Russell Buddy, has rescued several dogs – most recently a Belgian Malinois named Major BO. Major BO had been abandoned and was going to receive lethal injection in 72 hours. This situation came to Jeff’s attention and he immediately made the commitment, spent the funds out of pocket, flew to Florida and saved Major BO who is now placed with a great family on Cape Cod..
For relaxation Jeff enjoys motorcycling, fishing from Red River Beach in Harwich, a good Red Sox, Celtics or Patriots game and golf.
Jeff’s Military Honors include the
Meritorious Service Medal (as Delta Force Assault Troop Commander)
Purple Heart (Grenada Rescue)
Combat Infantry Badge (Grenada Rescue)
Army Commendation Medal with “V” (Valor) (Grenada Rescue)
Ranger Tab (Company Commander of Ranger Class)
Parachutist Badge
Army Aviator (Distinguished Honor Graduate – #1 in Flight School)
Army ROTC Rutgers College – Distinguished Military Graduate (top 5% in the country)
Page with some photos from his military service
He has a wonderful website with links to a lot of articles he has written as well as information about his campaign.
Jeff Beatty website
Here is one of the articles he has written:
Now Playing in Massachusetts
Human Events
The thought of Sen. John Kerry and a president named Barack Obama loose on the streets of Washington, D.C. sounds like an idea for a horror movie. But it would just be a sequel to a disaster movie that the people in Massachusetts have already seen — one which stars Kerry and Gov. Deval Patrick.
Here in the Commonwealth, where I am the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, we are fighting to keep this “remake movie” from reaching national screens by prevailing in my election to the U.S. Senate over John Kerry and by giving the Bay State’s 12 electoral votes to John McCain. We have paid the price to see this disaster film once in Massachusetts and will not pay to see it spread across America.
From our view, the only thing sadder than a Barack Obama imperial presidency is the vision of John Kerry bopping from country to country as Obama’s “special envoy.” Recently, their big budget screen test went international — Barack with his long apology about American power before 200,000 at Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate, and Kerry simultaneously chatting away on cable here at home. Kerry’s shilling for Barack cannot mask what we here already know: The combination of Gov. Deval Patrick and Sen. John Kerry has been devastating for the citizens of Massachusetts. Under Kerry and Patrick, Massachusetts now has one of the nation’s highest property tax burdens, is among the highest in per capita debt, and is one of the few states in the country to be losing population. Now, Governor Patrick is flirting with raising income taxes to wipe away the sins of his Democratic buddies. In short, the Patrick/Kerry movie boils down to a series of broken promises and failed leadership.
and some more from the article…………….
To make matters worse, in word and deed, John Kerry has expressed anti-American sentiment throughout his public life — beginning with his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1971. Early last year in Davos, Switzerland, Kerry ingratiated himself with Europeans by again making public comments that revealed his true nature and shocked many people here at home.
Speaking at the World Economic Forum, he openly ridiculed the United States to the delight of many in the audience. “The problem with Americans is they have an unfortunate habit of seeing the world through an American lens,” Kerry said. He also referred to the United States as an “international pariah.” This is the John Kerry who could have written Barack Obama’s America-bashing speech in Berlin.
And here is the ad that Hanoi John Kerry has been running
Here is Kerry USING our soldiers and I don’t care what he pushes that he has done for them it is all an act. He is a liar, a phony and anti-American. The damage he has done to our troops in the Vietnam War and the horrible things he said about our troops serving today, MY GOSH this man is so vile he makes me sick to my stomach! — Wild Thing
Wild Thing’s comment………….
Jeff is also on Facebook if any of you have it let me know and you can get on his friends list there as well. Facebook is awesome because there are updates and tons of political information directly from the person running for office.
Jeff is a REAL hero not a bandaid wanna be hero and traitor to America like John Kerry.
I wish I lived in Mass. so I could vote for him. But at least I can get the word out about a good man , Jeff Beatty unning opposite John Kerry.
God Bless Jeff Beatty and I pray he wins!!!!
Jeff Beatty is a real MINUTEMAN type of PATRIOT in the polluted mainstream of Kennedychusettes!
I always vote for the person, not the party. I only wish I still lived in Mass. so I could vote for this man.
Next to this man, Kerry looks like Baffon the Clown.
He’s a good man but unfortunately the people of Massatwoshits don’t elect good men to Congress. They like to send Masterpieces of Depravity like Kerry, Kennedy, and Franks to Congress.
I echo BobF’s sentiments, neither do I have any faith in the RNC or the NRCC to support anything but the same old shit. It will all have to be a grass roots effort to study, support and elect new and patriotic Americans into the system if the Republican form of government is to survive in the face of overwhelming Communism so bold as to openly endorse the Democrats.
How great it would be for Jeff Beatty to defeat Kerry. Who knows? Maybe by November the public will be fed up with Democrat antics and lies.
But, like Bob and Jack point out, Massachusetts is somewhere to the left of Putin or Mugabe.
Beatty would be a good Cabinet or ambassador pick for McCain.
I don’t know, Kennedy is an icon, in that his family has bought and paid for the state, Kerry is a schmuck, a hanger-on, and his usefulness was used up in ’04, and I think even the ‘tards’ of Massachuwsatts know that. I think Kerry can be beat and this guy seems to be the one to do it.
Darth, yes he really is, I pray he wins.
Steve, CLC Voter, yes me too. LOL I wish I could just go from State to Sate and vote for the ones that are the good guys, there are some out there and I hope and pray people vote for them.
Cheryl, I sure hope so, this is the Republicans chance and the conservatives chance to finally get a really good man.
BobF, that is an excellent way of describing them……”Masterpieces of Depravity”.
Jack, yes your right, I sure hope the people living in Mass. realize this. I can’t do it for them, they have to do it.
What I had to learn and it wasn’t pretty was how much apathy there is in our country. How they want someone else to do the work for them, then they sit back and complain about things and yet they did nothing to try and make things better.
This man is a chance, a good one in a State that does not deserve a man like this he is way too good for them. If he does not win then the hell with the people in Mass and their lazy apathy butts. haha I mean it. I will still love Boston but the hell with the people. They get exaclty what they deserve.
Tom, I hope so, I pray so, because this is finally a chance. I just hope how oever many Republicans there are there that actually do love our country get off their comfy chairs and get out and hustle for this man.
Mark, I sure hope so. It would be so great not to have Kerry around anymore.