Labor Day Reinstated At Tyson Foods!!
Your Calls and Emails Made a Difference!
Chalk up another victory for people power.
When we sent you the email informing you of the Tyson Foods union agreement replacing Labor Day with Eid al-Fitr, so many of you contacted the company that we were told Tyson stopped answering customer service calls, diverting them to voice mail.
Thank you for taking action !!
Now this morning Tyson Foods has announced that it went back to the union and reached a new agreement that reinstates Labor Day. Clearly, the grassroots pressure and negative publicity “encouraged” Tyson Foods to do the right thing. Just as many of you told us you would no longer buy Tyson Foods because of the original agreement, let’s now reward Tyson Foods for taking this action by buying their products.
And remember this – other companies are watching what just happened.
This is just one more example of how informed and organized grassroots action can make a difference. It’s just one more example of why the mission of ACT! for America is absolutely essential to the long-term objective of stopping the spread of radical Islam.
Labor Day Reinstated as Paid Holiday at Shelbyville, TN, Plant
Tyson Foods Requested Change from Union
Springdale, Arkansas – August 8, 2008 – Tyson Foods, Inc. announced today it has reached a new agreement with the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU), an American union, reinstating Labor Day as one of the designated paid holidays under the contract for covered employees in the Shelbyville, Tennessee, plant.
Tyson made this request on behalf of its Shelbyville plant employees, some of whom had expressed concern about the new contract provisions relative to paid holidays. In an effort to be responsive, Tyson asked the union to reopen the contract to address the holiday issue, and the union agreed to do so.
The union membership voted overwhelmingly Thursday to reinstate Labor Day as one of the plant’s paid holidays, while keeping Eid al-Fitr as an additional paid holiday for this year only. This means that in 2008 only, Shelbyville employees will have nine paid holidays.
For the remainder of the five-year contract period, the eight paid holidays will include: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and a Personal Holiday, which could either be the employee’s birthday, Eid al-Fitr or another day requested and approved by their supervisor.
This issue concerns only the plant at Shelbyville, Tennessee. Labor Day has always been celebrated, and continues to be, at the other 118 Tyson plants across the country.
The Shelbyville complex employs approximately 1,200 people. Approximately 1,000 workers are covered by the RWDSU union agreement at that location.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Well they added Labor Day back and will keep the Muzzzzlem holiday too. LOL What can I say. At least they added Labor Day back.
This really does show us once again how fighting back does work almost every time. I hate that it has to be done, that we can’t just have people do the right thing, the best thing for America, but that just is not the case any longer. Now we have to be in the know of what is going on and keep after the left that want to cave in to things that willl destroy our country step by step.
…..Thank you Darth for sending this update.
My father got more paid holidays in the 60s and 70s. I’m still upset that they took Presidents Day and intertwined it with MLK jr Day. And some of the paid holidays are now only half days, especially the religious ones. Management feels that they really don’t “have” to give you that time off, so they’ll give you the half day out of the goodness of the little hearts. Us workers work hard enough for them. You’d think they’d see that, but they don’t.
I’m glad Tyson changed its tune. I saw so many people in the frozen foods section not buying Tyson products. We hit them in their money maker. I just hope they don’t change it next year and all of us forget about this year.
Isn’t this fun? Guess the holiday! Then guess the religion.
It’s time for “tough love” in this country. Time to humiliate companies and anyone else (read: appeasers) who kowtow to those who do not have America’s best interest at heart. Time to make the children in the House and Senate uncomfortable. Time to be the big, bad parent.
If our children were behaving this way, we would ground them for months and take away all their privileges and their cellphones, computers, ipods and TVs and make them dig ditches for days.
That was the first thing I did after I got out of the hospital- I wrote them a scathing e-mail that no doubt blistered the pupils out of their eyeballs!! — That was a hot lil chicken letter I sent- they deserve what they get- screw these moron damn Muslims- they need to go !!
I will still avoid all known Tyson products. It is bad enough when a company hires illegals, but when a company imports it’s workers from a muslim country while we are at war with that religion, that is treason. Damn Tyson.
Yeah I agree with Tom, as long as I can remember Chickens always had two legs, everytime I see a Tyson Chicken it has 3 legs. Maybe these imported muslems are getting a little on the side, hence the three legs.
Sorta like the Hooker with the Glass eye, she always said she’d keep an eye out for me.
Bwahahaha!!! LOL Mark “Sorta like the Hooker with the Glass eye, she always said she’d keep an eye out for me.” Heard that first on the DMZ from some old salt in the 26th Marines, 3rd Mar Div.
How about that??? Labor Day reinstated at Tyson Foods!!! Tyson has their fingers into many pies.
“Tyson Foods is one of largest U.S. marketers of value-added chicken, beef and pork to retail grocers, broad line foodservice distributors and national fast food and full service restaurant chains; fresh beef and pork; frozen and fully-cooked chicken, beef and pork products; case-ready beef and pork; supermarket deli chicken products; meat toppings for the pizza industry and retail frozen pizza; club store chicken, beef and pork; ground beef and flour tortillas. It supplies all Yum! Brands chains that use chicken (including KFC and Taco Bell), as well as McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, Wal-Mart, Kroger, Costco, IGA, Beef O’Brady’s, small restaurant businesses, and prisons.”
Even those three legged chickens running around in congress don’t know the length and breadth of treason.
It also has a merger with ConocoPhillips, forming Dynamic Fuels LLC.
Lynn, yes I hope they don’t have to go through this every year.
Yankeemom, LOL good one…….”Isn’t this fun? Guess the holiday! Then guess the religion”…that is about it!
I agree 100% it IS time for tuff love. I have had it with this baloney and caving in like this kind of thing.
Cheryl, wow that is great.
Tom, me too, we have not bought Tyson since Clinton was President.
Mark, ROTLF so funny.
Jack, “Even those three legged chickens running around in congress don’t know the length and breadth of treason”….good one they ARE three legged chickes.
Eat pork… The other white meat! Thhhhhhhaaaaaat’s Alll Fffffolks!!