I am so sorry everyone. Starting last night around midnight I lost internet connection in my area. Comcast was having a problem, only in my area and it was down.
All is back now, thank goodness. yipee!
Thank you for your patience, I really appreciate it.
Glad everything is ok now.
A day vwithout Theodores World is like a day without sunshine!
Glad you’re back, I just thought the Cajuns running my ISP had went fishing into the swamp, they do that frequently. Weekends for sure:)
No problem. We had the same problem Saturday and had to reload a bunch of stuff. I know what you’re going through.
I’m glad that was the problem as I was concerned you might not be feeling well.
WT, glad that you are back. I was worried about going into Theodore’s World withdrawal.
Mark, thank you. I was freaking out( panic type thing) , I don’t handle stuff like that too well. haha
Tom, thank you so much.
Jack, haha I guess Comcast has some of their own too.
Lynn, thank you. I am sorry gosh that is a lot of work to have to do that.
BobF, thank you. Yesd I guess I shouldn’t complain, it was just Conmcast down and not my being sick. I have been very fortunate with seldom being sick. ( knock on wood)
Les, thank you, I would have sent out an email but I had no way with no connection from Comcast. hahha