Tyson drops Labor Day holiday for Eid al-Fitr
Times Gazette
Workers at Tyson Foods’ poultry processing plant in Shelbyville will no longer have a paid day off on Labor Day, but will instead take the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr in the fall.
A recent press release from the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) stated that a new contract at the Shelbyville facility “implements a new holiday to accommodate the … Muslim workers at the plant.”
The RWDSU stated that “the five-year contract creates an additional paid holiday, Iidal Fitil, a Muslim holiday that occurs toward the end of Ramadan.”
Eid al-Fitr falls on Oct. 1 this year.
Tyson’s Director of Media Relations, Gary Mickelson, stated that while the new contract does not provide an additional holiday, as the union claimed, “the new contract includes eight paid holidays, which is the same number provided in the old contract.”
“However, the union leadership did request and receive Eid al-Fitr (which is apparently spelled various ways including Id al-Fitr and Eid ul-Fitr) as a paid holiday in place of Labor Day,” Mickelson confirmed in an e-mail to the T-G.
“Since all Team Members will still have eight paid holidays, the change will not affect production,” Mickelson said.
Eid al-Fitr means “Festival of the Breaking of the Fast” in Arabic, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, and marks the end of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of fasting.
The festival “is distinguished by the performance of communal prayer (salat) at daybreak on its first day. It is a time of official receptions and private visits, when friends greet one another, presents are given, new clothes are worn, and the graves of relatives are visited,” the encyclopedia said.
Mickelson said that “Eid al-Fitr is one of eight paid holidays for all Team Members covered by the contract, while Labor Day is not a paid holiday.”
“Based on the contract, the other paid holidays include: The Team Member’s birthday, New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day,” Mickelson said.
“Implementing this holiday was a challenge, since it falls on a different day every year and is declared on fairly short notice,” RWDSU Representative Randy Hadley said in the press release. “But the negotiating committee felt this was extremely crucial, since this holiday is as important to Muslims as Christmas is to Christians.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
What the heck??!!!
Come to America and WE will conform to YOUR ways instead of the other way around. So that is what Tyson is doing. I could care less about Tyson Foods, but it does not matter. This is wrong no matter who or what company it is.
This is an outrage and a slap in the face of every American, especially those that have worked the factories, served their country, and have stood tall for the things that represent what our founding fathers envisioned when this great nation was found and came of age. I am disgusted.
Boycott ‘El-Tyson’ by eating barbque PORK on Labor Day!!! “One nation under Allah…?”
I don’t eat Tyson chicken ever since Somalie workers at their plants have been coming down with Tuberculosis at numerous locations.
This is America not Saudi Arabia. Why in the hell do we have to change our traditions just to accomadate a bunch of dirty, unclean moslems.
As I said before, they can’t win the war outright but they do sense a weakness in our society and are now taking full advantage of that. More and more we are giving up our freedoms, and our way of life to accomodate Mexicans or some other backward thinking culture.
this is complete non-sense.
Labor Day is a FEDERAL holiday, what part of that doesn’t Tyson Management understand?
You HAVE to give it off with pay!
I don’t care how many muslims you offend, that’s too bad.
Just like having to give paid time off for jury duty, military service, religious (if you work in your church, etc.) and other FEDERAL holidays.
No more Tyson in this family. It’s too expensive anyway.
Most industrial firms are owned by the stockholder, they survive because they listen to their masters, the stock owner, directly if not indirectly, they are the ones that control the purse strings.
I’d bet that’s exactly what happened here. Look at who they prefer to hire, look at their marketing strategy then look at who really owns them.
The National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System (Nasdaq ) has allowed the UAE to buy into their system through E*TRADE FINANCIAL Corporation (Nasdaq: ETFC), a leading S&P 500 and NASDAQ Financial 100 company , which has it’s flagship office in the Middle East, located at the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC).
This further legitimized foreign ownership of U.S. interests and eliminates the underground money laundering previously used by them to buy U.S. assets.
How many US firms have stock held by Arab stockholders? Meanwhile the muhammedan assault on our country continues. How about some Halal Chicken?
Tyson was a big buddy and supporter of Bill Clinton. Tyson foods was under numerous federal investigations for finacial, health and hiring practices. Tyson is crooked as hell.
Jack and Bob also make pertinant points. Many American companies have large portions of their stock owned by the arab oil nations. We are losing that part of the war thanks to shoddy leadership in DC. Sharia law will be pushed at those companies and many of their employees will be moslem inmmigrants.
WorldNetDaily has an interesting set of poll questions on this story.
Chickens coming home to roost
What do you think of Tyson replacing the Labor Day holiday with Eid al-Fitr?
My vote and the one currently leading with 39% is:
“It’s very upsetting — this is another misguided step in the Islamification of the U.S.”
Well, this one doesn’t really need too much commentary from me. I will NEVER knowingly buy a piece of Tyson chicken again, or any other product they make.
The *giving in* to Islam that many of us have predicted has begun, what do YOU intend on doing to combat this act? The Islamification of America?
And our children aren’t allowed to pray at school but Tyson builds *prayer rooms* for these people so that they can pray twice a day?
Darth, LOL what a great idea.
BobF, me either, I have not bought it for years. Thanks for the links.
Mark, I iagree, and we might as well just hand these idiots the keys to our cities.
Lynn that is what I don’t understand about this. How do they get around that it is a Fed. holiday.
Jack, wow that is very interesting. Thanks for the information.
Tom, yes and that was when I stopped buying Tyson. Back in the ole commmunist Clinton years. Thanks for posting about that.
Les, thank you for the information and the link to that. Very interesting!
TexasFred, well said and I agree.
This is very upsetting to me, they stop us from being Americans for the sake of the death cult of Islam in doing this Labor Day thing and all you said is absolutely right.
Eat the other white meat: SMOKED CAMEL!
The Ethics Cleanser 08,……