What Liberals Dream Of
by David Strom
Conservatives are in a funk—one that threatens to turn into a full-blown retreat from the battlefield of ideas.
Everywhere I turn I encounter conservatives ready to give up for the next few years. After all, many of us rightly feel a bit betrayed by our elected officials given how badly they performed over the past few years. And many conservatives are hoping that two or four years of liberals actually running things will wake America to the dangers they face.
It’s hard to blame people who feel that way, but they couldn’t be more wrong.
Even a mere two or four years of liberal ascendency in Washington policymaking could do immeasurable damage to our economy and our freedoms—damage that could take years or decades to repair, if ever. Once a liberal policy is in place it is almost impossible to reverse it.
Don’t think that a few years of liberals in charge is that dangerous? Just take a moment to consider what liberals dream of doing once they gain absolute power.
There is no aspect of our lives—none—that today’s liberals concede is off limits to the meddling use of government power. In their vision there is no dividing line between the public sphere and the private sphere. Limited government is a concept that makes no sense to them……
Energy policies are just the tip of the iceberg—although control over energy gives government control over pretty much the entire economy already.
In a world run by liberals literally no aspect of our lives will be outside the legitimate regulation of government. That is because anything—even what temperature you like to keep your house—can be turned into a matter of legitimate public concern.
Everything we do, including breathing, eating and of course procreating, can be argued to have an impact on those around us or the great mother earth. And if it affects others, it can and should be regulated by those who know best, at least according to the liberals.
Liberals want to regulate just about everything: where we live, what fuels we use, what car we drive, whether we can drive or be forced to use government mass transit, where we send our kids to school, what doctor we see, and even to what extent we express our approval or disapproval of others’ lifestyles. It’s hard to find something liberals don’t want to regulate.
Is that a world you want to live in?”
Whatever our personal feelings, conservatives simply can’t afford to indulge in the funk many of us have fallen into. The price we pay for handing absolute power over to liberals is just too high.
What’s at stake are the very concepts of personal liberty and limits to government power.
We can’t afford to just walk away from this fight.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is excellent we saw what happened with Carter he gave away fthe Panama Canal do we have it back? No.
We saw what happened when Bill Clinton personally approved the transfer to China of advanced space technology that can be used for nuclear combat. source HERE
The documents show that in 1996 Clinton approved the export of radiation hardened chip sets to China. The specialized chips are necessary for fighting a nuclear war. And all the other things he did against that were against America and help for China.
And of course none of that was able to be reversed either.
Add in to that facter what Clinton did to our military, downsizing it.
….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Unfortunately, history has shown time and time again that it takes a major thrashing to get people to realize how threatened their livelihood is. $4 a gallon of gas ain’t nothing.
1929 brought us to our knees but we got up again. Let’s pray this time it doesn’t get that far and we don’t get anymore “New Deals” which helped to get us here in the first place. This country doesn’t need anymore grand Democrat schemes and we don’t need anymore RINOS. I can’t believe this is the end days of this country. But it’s going to get damn interesting here on out. We must stay ever alert!
Hitler’s “children” are watching with glee…
It is looking scary. Just thinking about what a majority liberal government will do gives me Carteresque malaise.
Pelosi and Reid have given us examples of what the liberals will attempt. As scary as these two are, the pure Marxism of Obama is really frightening. Yes they want to rule, regulate and ration every aspect of our lives. 1984 may begin in 2008.
People can say what they will about Bush! Personally I don’t see him as all that horrible-!
At least he stood up for America when we were attacked- Even tho he could of done it sooner! He is not the greatest President- but he is not the worst!
The Dems in Congress and Senate are the real laughing stock of America– They are ignorant – foolish- greedy- and do not have Americas’ best interest at heart!
They need to take C-span 1 Congress and C-span 2 Senate off TV –they all think they are Movie
Stars now and they just want to be on TV!! Spouting BS!! If they knew – they were not in TV land anymore- maybe they would actually do some constructive work for America- !
Look back at what they have taken from us in just 40 years in direct or indirect legislation. You can no longer smoke in public, next it will be your own home, if the tobacco were so evil why is it still legal to buy–Tax revenue and control. How about those pets we all love, you know, the ones the ‘authorities’ demand you license–Tax revenue and control. Your automobile, it’s licencse fees, your driver license all tax and revenue under the guise of public safety. At one time you could go anywhere on public lands, now they are off limits, restricted to corridors where they can fleece and restrict usage all for a fee. Let’s look at air travel, you are poked, probed, disrobed, insulted and demeaned all in the name of public safety, yet it’s that old granny who has to drop her false teeth in the tray or it is the veteran with the metal pins holding his tired old carcass together who gets harassed while that camel loper in the towel hat gets the red carpet treatment. Furthermore it not just limited to the frigging liberals in power, it’ all of those SOB’s. They forget that they are our representatives as soon as they take the oath to serve themselves. It’s time to hold them all accountable.
I see congress like this:
From each according to his ability-To each according to his needs. Every person should contribute to society to the best of their ability and consume from society in proportion to his need, regardless of how much they have contributed. All this of course is determined by the government.
This is the Philosophy of Karl Marx. This is the Philosophy of the most democrats in congress and sadly some of the RINO’s too.
The end result is the suppression of the free enterprise and spirit. There is no desire to exceed because it doesn’t get any better than what it is.
Because of this deadbeat philosophy Ronald Reagan was able to out-think, out spend and out produce the Soviet Union because Reagan knew because of the Soviet philosophy they could never keep up.
Now we are faced with maybe the most important election of our lifetimes, our freedom and our way of life depend on how we vote this November.
Yankeemom, I think that is what has to happen for people once again to wake up around our country. Your right.
“it takes a major thrashing to get people to realize how threatened their livelihood is”
Tom, yes that seems to be what is happening 1984 to 2008.
It is Reid, Pelosi, and so many on our side too the rino’s. I can’t wait to be able to vote for other Rep. that are not rino’s and get a new Senator and a new Gov. here in Florida.
Cheryl, I am glad we have had Bush and he has only done a few things that ticked me off big time. But in comparison to what we have to look forward to Bush is a light weight in the problem dept. Thank God Bush was President and not Kerry or before that Gore.
We just have to pray that Obama does not win and that we can get more and more conservatives in power again in all the offices.
Jack, exactly!!! I pray so much that people help support the new ones running that are not rino’s and don’t just leave it up to who is on the list when it is time to vote.
Mark, I agree and thanks for all of that. I believe with all my heart this is truly the most important election in my entire lifetime.
David Strom brings up some very good points but there is a big difference between giving up and recognizing the election realities before us. Barack Obama must be stopped but RINO and Gang of 14 instigator John McCain is no bargain. Even if appointed by McCain, just what “conservative” Supreme Court and other federal court judges would a Democrat run and dominated Senate Judiciary Committee approve and allow the full Senate to vote up or down on? Look at how many conservative judges the Dems blocked when they were in the minority.
So, don’t give up, but be prepared for a lot of socialist and liberal hell these next few years.
What different “amnesty” legislation would there be with a President McCain and a Democrat dominated Congress than with a President Obama and the same Democrat dominated Congress? Either way, amnesty for all.
The only hope is for a majority of conservatives, Republicans, Independents, and thinking Democrats to vote for enough conservative candidates, be they Republican or Democrat, to deny the Libs and Socialists an unstoppable majority. Hopefully, these candidates will have strong enough coattails to drag McCain into the White House.
The liberals seem more and more socialistic every day. It’s all about what we can’t do more than what we can do. And they want to tax us to death and have us relying solely on them for our lives. I don’t think so, Scooter!
Les, AMEN to that. I won’t ever give up and the part that just kills me inside is how extreme the rino McCain is and how horrible he will be too. Obama is pure danger for our country in every single way. McCain will awful and I will rant about him as well for each thing he does I do not like.
Like Rush Limbaugh has said several times….”we are so screwed”.
Lynn, yes they sure want to tax the heck out of us. Like just working for our government and not for our own.