12 Jul

Contemptuous, Quisling, Insulting, Inadequate B. Hussein Obama

Obama embarrassed of America, Laughs at our society, criticizes religious, gun toting , steel working Americans.
Obama lectures us and tells Americans what to drive, how much to eat and how to live.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Well, lets take score … Michelle Obama is not proud of her country. Now Obama is embarrassed by America. YES, let’s elect them to the White House. NOT!

2bornot2b? says:

I have a good feeling that the Red States of America, and Hillary’s scorned voters, along with Ralph Nader’s Raiders will come through for US on Election Day!

TomR says:

Hope you’re right 2b.
Carly Simon’s song, “You’re So Vain” is perfect for Obama. Luckily, he IS so vain he thinks he can say anything. Some of those anythings are exposing his Marxist thoughts and are beginning to backfire on him.

Cheryl Zee says:

The only language this a-hole speaks is bull shit Yes folks Obamas’ first and second language is BS!!! Americans maybe about ready to wake up– then this POS won’t have a chance in hell of being President!!
My second language is sign language and I have a sign for him – it is the called the finger LOL!!!!

Wild Thing says:

2bornot2b?, I hope so I am really terrified of an Obama win.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, see your so right, the more he talks, the more he thinks nothing can hurt him or touch him the more he will make mistakes.

Wild Thing says:

Cheryl, LOL heh heh big time. Saluting Obama with that sign language.