Yesterday, on July 4th, President Bush attended the 46th Annual Independence Day Celebration and Naturalization Ceremony at Monticello in Charlottesville, Virginia
President Bush gives a Fourth of July speech at Thomas Jefferson’s home, Monticello, to honor, in part, new citizens — and a protester interrupts, yelling, “F#%@ you, George Bush, F&$@ you!”
A lady in the audience to one of the screaming Pinkos: SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN!
Code Pink interrupted the President just as he began to speak today at Monticello. This disturbance was well-rehearsed: three pinkos jumped to their feet and held up large pink banners, screaming “impeach Bush” as a fourth pinko tried to record as much of the chaos as she could with a camera.
President Bush never loses his cool. He says calmly over the screams: “To my fellow citizens to be, we believe in free speech in the United States of America.”
The pinkos are completely alone in this audience. There are no cheers for them, only boos and looks of annoyance.
The “Shut up and sit down!” comment by an audience member is priceless and ends the clip perfectly.

Desiree Farooz, one of the hatchet-faced whores from Code Pink, is dragged away by the Secret Service after running toward the President carrying a large pink banner.
President Bush:
“And this is a fitting place to celebrate our nation’s independence. Thomas Jefferson once said he’d rather celebrate the Fourth of July than his own birthday.
Today we know history had other plans. After many years of war, the United States won its independence. The principles that Thomas Jefferson enshrined in the Declaration became the guiding principles of the new nation. And at every generation, Americans have rededicated themselves to the belief that all men are created equal, with the God-given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Thomas Jefferson understood that these rights do not belong to Americans alone. They belong to all mankind. And he looked to the day when all people could secure them. On the 50th anniversary of America’s independence, Thomas Jefferson passed away. But before leaving this world, he explained that the principles of the Declaration of Independence were universal. In one of the final letters of his life, he wrote, “May it be to the world, what I believe it will be — to some parts sooner, to others later, but finally to all — the Signal of arousing men to burst the chains, and to assume the blessings and security of self-government.”
We honor Jefferson’s legacy by aiding the rise of liberty in lands that do not know the blessings of freedom. And on this Fourth of July, we pay tribute to the brave men and women who wear the uniform of the United States of America.”
Wild Thing’s comment………
I am so sick of these Code Pink people. They ARE traitors, they HAVE sided with the enemy of our country, the terrorists. I pray one day we bring back the death penalty for traitors like these Code Pink people.
Me too!!! They can’t enjoy anything but being mean, can they? Their lives are so damn miserable that they’re not happy unless everyone else is miserable, too.
We had a wonderful 4th! It was cool in the evening while we were letting off fireworks and it was a fantastic family time.
Bush is right–Thank God for Freedom of Speech. He’s a good man, but he just tried to play both sides of the fence and now he just looks bad.
God Bless this nation!
They all should have been arrested. Just their tone and anger towards the President is a threatening jesture. This constitutes a threat against the President as far as I am concerned it is a crime.
I heard the other day that if obama is elected we should rally behind him as our new leader. I will treat Obama as the bastard president he is. I will treat him with the same respect the left has shown George Bush for eight years.
Agree with Chrissie,
How about this-make it mandatory that every high
school graduate has to pass the us citizen requirement before receiving there deploma!!
(yeh i could use some spellin lessins,but this ole sea dog was at war to long):)
Didn’t it look like some older Veterans stepped in and handled some of that Unpatriotic trash?- They did not look like Secret Service to me- they looked regular citizen x- military- types!? Those Anti-Americans are ignorant people that have never grown up! They should be arrested, certainly there are some Federal Laws that would apply. They are an embarrassment to America! Back in the 60’s they would not of got away without getting their head smashed in first! They should at least pepper spray them-LMAO!! Then they might think about not doing it again!
Part of the price that we pay to live in a civilized society and democracy is that it protects the right of anti-American ass holes to organize, congregate, and protest. Code Pink is a pathetic group of chronic complainers who, like little kids, throw a tantrum to try and get their way. No thinking person takes them seriously. If Code Pink gets their way, among other things the next Congress and President will legislate will be a universal health care plan that, hopefully, will provide them the psychiatric counseling and hospitalization that they need.
Bush’s speech was Bush at what he does best.
Amen Les. They exemplify the worst and they do it before the entire world expecting respect for the country from those who see them. The MSM is their vehicle and that is where the national shame should be placed.
Lynn, I am so glad you had a wonderful 4th and even the weather perfect the whole thing.
Mark, I think so too. The threat is there and Bush should be protected from their running up like that, it is just too dangerous.
Chief, Hi good to see you.
That would be good too!!!
Cheryl, I love that idea, pepper spray. Yes they might be like you said.
Les,yes your right, I just hate that any of what they do gets back to our troops. I feel very protective of our military and hate when people do and say things that might get to their morale in a negative way.
Jack your right if they didn’t have MSM few would hear about them.
Code Pinko Desiree Farooooze would look grrreat in a burka servicing Ali Baba and his 40 Thieves Wild Thing! These commies were at our base and I rolled down my window and said, “Please stand down wind for ya’ll are hygienically challenged and the stench is overwhelming! THANK-YOU!” They have no conscience and these Woodstock mutant offspring actually think that their freedom is free!
Those folks taking the oath to become American Citizens were enjoying the culmination of their efforts in becoming a citizen of this great nation.
THE Code pinko bitch and the moron pole smokers interrupting the ceremony put their needs ahead of all of those that actually WORKED to accomplish something, and that is typical of the LIBERAL mentality.