Dictator: Robert Mugabe on his way to be sworn in, accompanied by guards
Mugabe hails his hollow victory with an oath on the Bible … then unleashes his death squads
Daily Mail.online
With pomp, ceremony and a massive dose of defiance, His Excellency Commander Robert Gabriel Mugabe was yesterday sworn in as Zimbabwe’s president.
Inside the oak-panelled rooms of State House, as fighter jets roared overhead, he declared himself winner of an election in which he was the only candidate.
Even before he took the oath, he had set in motion bloody recriminations against those who worked against him.
Secret documents outlining the strategy against the opposition Movement for Democratic Change have been seen by the Mail.
They reveal that, in the runup to the polls, Mugabe had plotted to ‘eliminate MDC agents’ and ensure that the identity numbers of all voters were taken – so they could be found later if they voted for the opposition.
The documents are from Mugabe’s Joint Operational Command, a group of military leaders tasked with ensuring he remained in power.
They state that forces are to ‘kill MDC MPs’ and that ‘postal ballot boxes were to be stuffed in remote areas by death squads (who) have been instructed to abduct and kill whoever gets in his way’.
Mugabe has now issued a chilling warning that more violence is to come.
His election posters have been removed and replaced with signs stating: ‘This is the final battle for total control.’
The dictator, 84, had just as carefully choreographed yesterday’s ceremony.
Mugabe sang the national anthem as his troops fired a volley of shots in a tent erected on the lawn.
Amid unprecedented security for the inauguration, with soldiers patrolling the streets and helicopters hovering overhead, he then took the oath for his sixth term in office.
As he spoke, Chinese-built MIG fighter jets screamed overhead.
In an extraordinary act of brazen cheek, Mugabe invited Mr Tsvangirai, the leader of the MDC, to the swearing-in ceremony.
Mr Tsvangirai pulled out of the elections a week earlier fearing a bloodbath, and has been given refuge in the Dutch embassy in Harare ever since.
He turned down the yesterday’s invitation.
After the ceremony, Mugabe’s official Mercedes swept out of State House, flanked by armoured vehicles with sirens blaring.
The toll of his victory was laid bare at one Zimbabwe hospital yesterday, in wards choked with victims of appalling brutality by the secret police.
Most had shattered limbs after being beaten with iron bars. Burning plastic had been dripped on others.
Some had iron hooks pushed through their faces and arms.
And gangrene is widespread: many victims took days to reach the hospital after being warned they would be killed if they showed anyone their wounds.
Their president was last night heading off for a meeting of African leaders in Egypt.
Wild Thing’s comment………
Jimmy Carter must be soooo happy!!
I don’t understand ‘why’ this man is still alive. He has stolen, violated, abused, murdered, tortured an entire country. He signaled long ago; that as a violater and threat to humanity that he challenges and invites a ‘moral Justice’ of the most determined kind.
Maybe it is because they are already on the UN Human Rights Commission, but unleashing the death squads could very well put them in position to head the commission. The UN likes nothing better than third-world dictatorships, the more brutal the better.
He’s a black Saddam Hussein and Hitler all rolled into one neat little package. The man is certifiably insane. Of course, he’s going to murder anyone who stood against his regime. What a spoiled child. He’s probably the one who threw the toys aside when a game wasn’t going his way, too.
I’m glad we’re pulling sanctions against him, but I would have to say we should embargo him too. No food, medical care, teachers, ministers, nothing. They receive no aid from us-period. Then maybe one of those death squads will take him out.
Which one is Mugabe, they are all dressed alike and it is hard to tell.
or this could be Jan. 20 2009 and obama and his guards, er… death squads.
Mugabe is a legacy of James Earl Carter. Carter wanted to destroy White run Rhodesia and he was very successful. Zimbabwe is worse than a basket case now. It is reverting back to the wild.
South Africa is on a similar decline. I hope that we don’t get involved in Africa at all. I know there is great mineral wealth there and the Chinese are becoming very active in Africa. The Chinese support whtever dictator, war lord or tribal chief that is in power and feed the turmoil. The entire continent is a mess and will never adapt to Western democracy or morals.
I agree with TomR and the fact that Mugabe is a Carter legacy. Strange heroes the democrats pick to elevate to messianic stature, look at their reverance towards Nelson and Winnie Mandela.
Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison for sedition, treason and murder, he did not reveal anything about the complicity of F.W. de Klerk in the violence of the eighties and nineties in the destruction of South Africa nor the role of his ex-wife Winnie Mandela in that bloodshed. More of that Nobel Peace Prize bullshit being awarded to a common criminal. Mugabe is the spawn of their efforts and now they want to bring the same thing to the United States in the body of Hussein Obama.
Francis Rice has another great dissertation about OBama and the Democrat’s legacy. It’s too bad more black and whites in this country can’t think for themselves.
Lynn, yes I hope that happens. If his own people could take him out if would be the best thing.
Mark, good one about Obama!!!!
Mugabe is the little man in the center that is not in uniform.
Tom I agree so much with what you said, and the other day Obama was saying we should get involved. NO NO NO. grrrrrr
Jack yes they really worship Nelson Mandela.
Thanks for the link Jack, she is really good and I posted one of her other writings awhile back.
If Robert Gabriel Mugabe was running for President of the United States as a Democrat, the MSM would refer to him as the true AFRICAN-American and potentially the first 100% black President (sorry Bill Clinton). However, we are stuck with Barack Hussein Obama, an African-American by skin color and only 50% black.
However, these two men do have something in common. They are both dangerous and damaging leaders to their countries.