Supreme Court Gun Ban Ruling Expected
The U.S. Supreme Court yesterday, did not release its long-awaited ruling on whether the District’s handgun ban violates the Second Amendment. That means the potentially landmark decision will almost certainly come today when the court is planning to issue the last of its rulings for the term.
The case, District of Columbia v. Heller, which was argued nearly four months ago, could settle the decades-old debate over whether the Second Amendment grants individuals the right to own firearms.
Mayor Adrain M. Fenty is planning to hold a news conference at the John A. Wilson Building after the decision is announced.
Wild Thing’s comment……….
Citizens are armed; subjects are not. We shall remain armed.
The founding fathers based the bill of rights on thier beleif that we have a right to “…life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness…”
Liberty and the pursuit of happiness are all great, but pretty meaningless if one cannot defend his life. This is what we have come to today.
In my previous correctional officer super max days, the inmates used to say “WE love the 2nd amendment too!” Inmates would avoid concealed heat, houses with dog houses and ADT systems…
Imagine that? Ever see the DC ‘PO’lice on TV? They are NOT Texas Ranger material!
Why are they looking for loopholes in the second amendment? We are given the right to own guns and other weapons because should something come to our shores and our military is off somewhere else fighting, we have to take up the cause and fight. We are the militia, the behind the scenes folks who have to care enough to fight for our lives and those of our neighbors, friends, family, town, county, state, etc. If they succeed in taking away the second, then they will surely find ways to take away the rest and that simply will NOT do.
Today SCOTUS will tell us if we are smart enough to comprehend the Bill of Rights, particularly the 2nd Amendment.
Our next door neighbors are literally former nazis or at least the children of Nazis. Both in their late 70s she is originally from Bavaria and he from the Berlin area and they are devout liberals. They are all for gun control, high taxes, social medicine, open boarders and the list goes on.
So I remember asking my dad forty some years ago why didn’t the German people just stand up to the Nazis back in the thirties–My next door neighbors answer that question for me as they look to the government to provide. As she told me “not everybody is as LUCKY as you are John”.
So now I have to ask Why don;t we just stand up to these politicos here in America?
Fox News just reported that SCOTUS ruled in favor of the Constitution but 4 liberals ruled against the Constitution
Darth, yes imagine that. Thanks Darth.
Lynn, you said it very well this is so true and exactly another reason why this is so important.
“If they succeed in taking away the second, then they will surely find ways to take away the rest and that simply will NOT do. “
BobF,exactly. To think our country has come to this is beyong words.
Sierrahome, thanks for sharing about your neighbors.
Nick’s brother is a socialist, it is like they had two different sets of parents or something. Horrible.
I agree Sierrahome! Many of us do stand up to the politicians, and judges. Sending them letters, Faxes, phone calls. The only problem is there are just not enough Americans that do things like that.
BobF, thank you so much for the information. I appreciate it.