Postal Service Warns Maine Residents of Liquid Explosives In Mailboxes
Incident Report
The United States Postal Service is warning residents of Maine about liquid explosives placed in curbside mailboxes.
Residents received a postcard informing them that postal carriers do not place soda bottles or other plastic containers containing liquid into mailboxes. They are warned to use extreme caution if anything suspicious is found in their mailboxes.
According to the postcard isolated incidents of vandalism involving the mixing of common household materials together have occurred throughout the country, including in Maine. The result can be a powerful explosion, with the potential for serious injury.
Tom Rizzo, public affairs officer for USPS in Maine, said there have been a small number of incidents in Maine towns and the post office is simply being proactive.
“There’s been no pattern,” Rizzo said. “We attribute it to teenage pranks or personal conflicts between neighbors. We have put these (postcards) out statewide so if you get one it doesn’t necessarily mean it happened in your community. We’re just doing the best we can to get our customers’ attention and alert them that there is a small threat, in the hopes that it will prevent an injury from happening.”
Rizzo said the postal service is aware of incidents across the country.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
When I saw this I thought of how different the world is today. When I was growing up we lived in the country but even so my parents would leave the keys in the car and the door to our house unlocked. I doubt there are many places where a person can do that anymore.
This is concerning about the mailbox’s because sometimes when driving some place, I have even seen children around the age of 9 or 10 going out to get the mail for their parents. I would hate for anything to happen to anyone.
The pro-democratic U.S. / CCCP Post Office is HAZARDOUS @ .42 per letter! Too bad WT, eh?
Hey, look at what happened in that Florida supermarket that those precious children set afire. They’ll be molycoddled and treated like poor abused children remanded to CPS for scrutiny and indoctrination once all are apprehended, then turned loose on probation.
Even if caught those bomb placers will escape the proper punishment. Back when I was a kid you went to jail then had to make restitution for criminal activity, today that’s cruel and unusual punishment. Zero accountability for their actions.
I don’t know as fact who and why they did something that prompted this USPS mailbox warning. However, I do know that the raw hatred expressed by liberals and Democrats as well as their disrespect for law and order has set up a climate for random violence by people who have been taught that anti-social behavior is acceptable and glorified in the MSM.
Damn them all.
Darth, your so right and it sure is too bad to see things like this happening.
Jack your right, that sure has gone out the window to hold people accountable for what they do. Murderers we are told had a bad childhood and we are to feel sorry for them. It is all messed up thanks to liberal lawyers, Judges, and courts.
Les, I agree, and about the bottles.
There is a big thing going on right now about liguid chemical companies at risk from terrorism. So I think they are being extra careful getting the word out on this mailbox stuff too. Some people were hurt in Maine because of whoever was doing this stupid harmful thing to mail boxes.
PS: Motion Lotion (cherry, banana and strawberry flavored) are usually labeled?